The President of the Communist Party of Bangladesh (CPB) Mujahidul Islam Selim and General Secretary Md. Shah Alam strongly condemned the Myanmar army for committing genocide, arson and ruthless torture on Rohingyas in Rakhaine province through a statement to the press on 29thAugust.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Kostas Papadakis - The equation of Communism with Nazism is unacceptable and provocative
By Kostas Papadakis*.
Article first published in the “Efimerida ton Syntakton” newspaper, 22/08/2017, reproduced from
The anticommunist conference-provocation of the Estonian Presidency of the EU is no bolt from the blue. Similar anti-communist events being organized in the framework of the so-called "European day of remembrance for the victims of totalitarian regimes", as the EU with enormous budgets is trying to establish the 23rd of August. This is an orchestrated campaign that aims to slander socialism, rewrite history, and to unacceptably and provocatively equate communism with the monster of fascism. I.e. equating Nazism with the forces that in historical terms smashed it.
A basic goal is to conceal the fact that fascism is a form of capital's power in specific conditions. In Germany, Nazism constituted the ideal form to support capital in the conditions of the military preparations for the conquest of new markets, in the conditions of a very deep capitalist crisis, of the rise of revolutionary ideas, of the increase of the prestige of the KPD and the USSR. It was supported politically and financially by sections of German capital, it identified with monopolies (Krupp, I.G.Farben, Siemens etc.), it collaborated with the colossi of the "democratic" capitalist states (General Motors, General Electric, ITT, Ford, IBM).
EU officially denies compensation to earthquake victims of Kos
The EU denies to provide any kind of compensation to the victims of the 6.6-magnitude earthquake that had strucked the Greek island of Kos last July.
That is the assumption of a response given by the EU Commission to the Communist Party of Greece MEP Kostas Papadakis who had submitted a written question for the issue.
More specifically, Papadakis' question (22/7/2017) to the Commission was the following:
Monday, August 28, 2017
Legendary composer Mikis Theodorakis blasts anti-communists and anti-Stalin slanderers

Theodorakis, 92, begins his letter by blaming "Ta Nea" for the newspaper's anti-communist stance: "I'm terrified by the anti-communist hysteria that overwhelms your newspapers. As a young communist, I had the honor to fight through the lines of EAM for the achievement of freedom. Later, during the Junta period, through the Patriotic Front for the restoration of Democracy".
Among other references regarding Greece's recent political history, Theodorakis writes: "The only thing that counts for you is our defeat in the Civil War and your inconvenience because the Left's ideology continues to exist, act and affect after so many persecutions".
Sunday, August 27, 2017
The October Revolution and Yugoslavia – Past, Present and Perspectives
By Marijan Kubik & Alksandar Banjanac.
The Great October Socialist Revolution that happened one hundred years ago turned a new page in the history of mankind. The Great October Revolution ignited the revolutionary spirit in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people around the world, and infused them with confidence in their fight for a new world.
The October Revolution did not break out suddenly and as something that was generated solely in the Russian reality, it rather resulted from the entire flow of recent world, and in particular European, history. It was the fruit of the socialist aspirations, existence and functioning of the working class with the goal of tearing down the society divided in classes and the creation of classless human society.
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Makis Papadopoulos (KKE) - Real and Fake Enemies of Fascism
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Credit: Petros Zervos. |
Real and Fake Enemies of Fascism.
By Makis Papadopoulos*.
Article originally published in the Greek newspaper "Alithines Eidiseis", republished on / Translation: In Defense of Communism.
The deepest objective of the EU's provocative anticommunist campaign is to persuade the peoples that there is no way out from the current swamp of the capitalist system, exploitation, insecurity, unemployment.
History has irrevocably illuminated that the capitalist system gives birth to fascism stream and uses it multiformally in order to strengthen the dictatorship of the capital.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Anticommunism shall not pass: Joint statement by more than 60 communist & workers parties
The Communist and Workers Parties denounce the anti-communist fiesta being organized by the Estonian Presidency of the EU, in the framework of the so-called “European Day of Remembrance for the victims of totalitarian regimes”- as the EU has been attempting in recent years to establish the 23rd of August. The anti-communist meeting aims to slander socialism and its unprecedented achievements for the workers, to falsify history, to anti-historically and unacceptably equate communism with the monster of fascism and its atrocities. The provocative identification of communism with fascism means exonerating fascism and the womb that gives birth to and nourishes it, the exploitative capitalist system. This is why, when communists are being persecuted and condemned and communist parties are being banned in a number of EU countries, at the same time honours are being bestowed on and pensions provided to the Nazi collaborators and their political descendants.
The workers, the peoples can now draw conclusions about the fact that the escalation of anti-communism signals the intensification of the anti-people measures, the restriction of workers’-people’s rights, the unleashing of new imperialist wars.
VULGAR ANTICOMMUNISM BY THE EU: They equate Marx's "The Capital" with... Hitler's "Mein Kampf"!
The EU and the Estonian Presidency of the European Council have reached the ultimate limits of political vulgarity and anticommunist distortion of History. The- organised by the Estonian EU Presidency- despicable "conference" in Tallinn proved its role as an unhistorical, hideous forum where the participants tried to equate communism with nazism.
Among the many unhistorical references and efforts to distort the historical truth, the most horrible one came from Goran Lindblad of Sweden, President of the so-called "Platform of European Memory and Conscience". In his speech, Lindblad refered to the importance that the condemnation of all the "totalitarian regimes" has, and added that: "communist ideology in itself was bad, not that something had gone wrong when it was implemented. “Both the texts of Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ and Karl Marx include it, the idea to use terror to keep dictatorships in power,” Lindblad, a member of the Swedish Moderate Party, said.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Turkey's Communist Party (TKP) responds to Tayyip Erdogan's provocative statement
Source: soL international.
Turkish President and chair of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made controversial statements on Aug. 22 during a meeting with mukhtars, heads of local districts in Turkey.
Talking about many different issues, President Erdoğan signalled that the ongoing state of emergency, which started upon the aborted coup attempt in the summer of 2016, would continue around the country with the aim of "defeating the terrorist organizations".
KKE: Strong condemnation of the unhistorical anticommunist events of the EU in Estonia
Statement by the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece regarding the anticommunist events of the Estonian EU Presidency in Tallinn on August 23, 2017:
"Tomorrow's unhistorical anticommunist fiestas in Estonia consist a provocation for the millions of victims of nazism, for all the peoples of Europe who, through their struggle, wrote the heroic pages of the Antifascist Victory. They consist a provocation for the millions of communists, the fighters who contributed decisively to the crush of nazism-fascism.
"Tomorrow's unhistorical anticommunist fiestas in Estonia consist a provocation for the millions of victims of nazism, for all the peoples of Europe who, through their struggle, wrote the heroic pages of the Antifascist Victory. They consist a provocation for the millions of communists, the fighters who contributed decisively to the crush of nazism-fascism.
Monday, August 21, 2017
Memorial in honor of the communist guerrilla Democratic Army was unveiled in northern Greece
KKE Gen. Sec. Dimitris Koutsoumbas at the DSE memorial (Source: |
Theotokos, Greece - With the participation of hundreds members, supporters and friends of the Communist Party (KKE) and its youth wing (KNE), as well as numerous locals, the inauguration of the Memorial-museum dedicated to the heroic, communist-backed guerrilla Democratic Army of Greece (1946-1949) took place in the mountain of Gramos, at the northern Greek prefecture of Ioannina.
The General Secretary of the CC of the KKE Dimitris Koutsoumbas unveiled the memorial, while the major speech was delivered by the member of the CC of the Party Dimitris Gontikas. The names of 438 Democratic Army fighters, natives of the Gramos and Smolikas mountainous area, are inscripted in plagues surrounding the memorial.
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Shameful anticommunist event by the Estonian EU presidency to take place in Tallinn
A shameful event will take place in the Estonian capital Tallinn on 23rd of August. Once again, the "International Conference on the European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Communism and Nazism" will be organized by the EU imperialists who continue the effort of history's distortion.
The so-called "European Day of Remembrance" is based on a ludicrous and completely unhistorical resolution adopted by the EU Parliament on April 2009 and which equates Communism with Nazism as "totalitarian ideologies".
Friday, August 18, 2017
Statement of the KKE regarding the deadly attack in Barcelona- Comunicado del KKE sobre el atentado asesino en Barcelona
On the occassion of the recent murderous attack in Barcelona, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece issued the following statement:
"The KKE condemns the deadly murderous attack in Barcelona and expresses its condolences to the families of the victims.
The KKE expresses its solidarity to the spanish people who, like other peoples, can now see that these murderous attacks which are taking place within the frame of the escalation of imperialist competitions, interventions and wars are utilized for the terrorization of the people, the strengthening of the repression measures, xenophobia and intimidation.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
KKE speech in Leningrad Conference: Our future isn't capitalism, it is the new world, socialism
Speech of the Communist Party of Greece at the the International Theoretical Conference of Communist and Workers parties: "100 years after the Great October Socialist Revolution, the lessons and tasks for the contemporary communists." (Leningrad, Russia 11-13/8/2017).
Dear comrades,
On behalf of the CC of the KKE, we thank the RWCP for this initiative and for hosting our Conference Today.
The Central Committee of the KKE honours the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. It honours the climactic world-historic event of the 20th century which demonstrated that capitalism is not invincible, that we can construct a superior organization of society, without the exploitation of man by man.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Turkey: 16 years of Erdogan's AKP Party, full of misery and violence
Since 2001 when it was founded and 2002 when it came to power, the AKP government has never compromised its policies against the working class. Following the political crisis in 2001, AKP was founded as a project of the US, establishing political Islam as an ensured state policy of Turkey.
Communist Parties' statements on the death of Argentine communist leader Patricio Echegaray
A significant figure of the South American communist movement, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Argentina since 1986, Patricio Echegaray, passed away on August 9th, 2017.
Cde. Echegaray was born in San José de Jáchal on 17 October 1946. Between 1980 and 1985 he served as the 26th General Secretary of the Juvenile Communist Federation, while he had also been a member of the Buenos Aires City Legislature from 2000 to 2003. Patricio's leadership has been marked by close internationalist relationships with revolutionary processes around the continent, including in Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, and El Salvador.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Who is to blame for Greece's disastrous wildfires?
Firefighters in Greece battle wildfires northeast of Athens for a third day trying to prevent a blaze that scorched thousands of hectares of pine forest from spreading further. The fire near Athens started in Kalamos, a coastal holiday spot some 45 km (30 miles) northeast of the capital, and spread to three more towns, damaging dozens of homes. A state of emergency was declared in the area.
On Monday 14 August, firefighters battled more than 90 forest fires across Greece, an outbreak fed by dry winds and hot weather that saw blazes burning near Athens, in the Peloponnese, and on the Ionian islands of Zakynthos and Kefalonia.
ΚΚΕ: Both SYRIZA and New Democracy share responsibility for their policies over forest protection, land commercialization, privatization of firefighting services.
Monday, August 14, 2017
Bertolt Brecht- Five Difficulties in Writing the Truth
By Bertolt Brecht.
Nowadays, anyone who wishes to combat lies and ignorance and to write the truth must overcome at
least five difficulties. He must have the courage to write the truth when truth is everywhere opposed; the
keenness to recognize it, although it is everywhere concealed; the skill to manipulate it as a weapon; the
judgment to select those in whose hands it will be effective; and the cunning to spread the truth among
such persons. These are formidable problems for writers living under Fascism, but they exist also for
those writers who have fled or been exiled; they exist even for writers working in countries where civil
liberty prevails.
KKE: Denounces Trump's provocative threats, expresses solidarity with the Venezuelan people
Regarding the provocative threats of U.S. President Donald Trump against Venezuela, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece issued the following statement:
"The KKE denounces the provocative threats of the president of the USA Donald Trump about the capability of a military attack against Venezuela. It (the KKE) expresses its internationalist solidarity to the working class and the popular strata of Venezuela. The developments in this country is a matter of her people, who are the only power that can give solution to the sharpened problems in the country, towards the road of overthrow and abolition of the basis which creates unemployment, poverty, the capitalist exploitation.
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Communist Party of Italy - Contribution to the scientific conference in honor of the 100 years since the October Revolution
Communist Party of Italy.
Leningrad, August 10-13, 2017.
A hundred years ago scientific socialism became reality. Until then, Marxism had only been theorized within the First International and applied to the class struggle in conditions of bourgeois domination; after that, it became reality for a short while, during the Paris Commune, showing that the proletarian revolution was not only possible, but even necessary. With the October Revolution, Marxism is applied to building Socialism, as the first step in the construction of the Communist society.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Party of Communists USA (PCUSA) - The October Revolution: A Beacon for Americans Today
Contribution of the Party of Communists, USA (PCUSA) at the Scientific Conference in honor of the 100 years since the October Revolution.
Leningrad, August 10-13, 2017.
This year we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the socialist revolution in Russia. It was the first time that the working class anywhere in the world was able to seize and hold power. The revolution grew out of the conditions of imperialism and the First World War. Russia had been ruled by a tsar, or emperor, making it one of the most reactionary regimes in Europe.
International conference honoring the centennial of the October Revolution began in Leningrad
The works of the international scientific conference honoring the 100 years since the 1917 October Revolution began on Friday in St.Petersburg (Leningrad), Russia.
The subject of the conference, which is hosted by the Russian Communist Workers Party (RCWP), is "the Centennial of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Lessons and tasks for the contemporary communists", while numerous communist and workers parties from all over the world are participating.
The Communist Party of Greece is represented by the member of its Political Bureau Giorgos Marinos and Elissaios Vagenas, member of the Central Commitee and head of the international relations section of the CC.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
"Our co-workers are executed in cold blood": PAME denounces new occupational murders in Greece
"Our co-workers are executed in cold blood" points out a recent statement issued by the Executive Secretariat of the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) in Greece, regarding the new occupational "accidents" in the country.
It must be noted that on August 1st, two workers were killed and two were severely injured during work inside a biological waste treatment shaft in the town of Skala, in Laconia, Peloponnese. A 51-year old worker was cleaning the shaft when he started having breathing problems and called for help. A 37-year old Greek rushed to his assistance and jumped in the pit but he also felt unwell. Two more men, a 66-year old and a 22-year old who jumped in the pit also suffered from respiratory problems. Furthermore, two firemen and one policeman who participated in the efforts to save the men were also treated for breathing problems.
Corbyn denies to condemn imperialist interference in Venezuela
Once an opportunist, always an opportunist. The leader of Britain's Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn declined to take a firm and clear position about the developments in Venezuela. Instead, he condemned "violence done by all sides", thus calling for dialogue to end civil unrest.
Speaking after an event in Crawley, West Sussex, Corbyn sounded more like the Pope who wishes "the end of violence". “I’m very sad at the lives that have been lost in Venezuela” he said. “The people who have died – either those on the streets or security forces that have been attacked by people on the street – all of those lives are terrible for the loss of them” he said.
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Trump the Warmonger: U.S. imperialists escalate provocations against North Korea
In a move that escalates the dangerous situation in the Korean peninsula, U.S. President Donald Trump added fuel to the fire on Tuesday, cautioning North Korea that they “will be met with fire, fury and frankly power, the likes of which the world has never seen before.”
The tensions between the US and North Korea were exacerbated by the adoption of a new round of sanctions by the UN Security Council last week. Apart from trading verbal punches, both parties are flexing military muscle as well. In response to two test-fires of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) by North Korea last month, the US and South Korea repeatedly fired surface-to-surface missiles into neutral waters close to North Korea.
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
V.I. Lenin writes about Engels: "A great fighter and teacher of the proletariat!"
Written in autumn 1895, First published in 1896 in the miscellany Rabotnik, No. 1-2.
Source: V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, 4th English Edition, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1972 via Marxists Internet Archives.
What a torch of reason ceased to burn,
What a heart has ceased to beat!
On August 5 (new style), 1895, Frederick Engels died in London. After his friend Karl Marx (who died in 1883), Engels was the finest scholar and teacher of the modern proletariat in the whole civilised world. From the time that fate brought Karl Marx and Frederick Engels together, the two friends devoted their life’s work to a common cause. And so to understand what Frederick Engels has done for the proletariat, one must have a clear idea of the significance of Marx’s teaching and work for the development of the contemporary working-class movement.
Monday, August 7, 2017
Z. Zigedy- Ruminations on the JFK Assassination
By Zoltan Zigedy*.
I found four good reasons to revisit the John F. Kennedy assassination.
First, I have finished reading the 2017 Antonio Veciana memoir, Trained to Kill. Gaeton Fonzi, one of the most thorough and honest assassination investigators always maintained that Veciana, a Cuban anti-Fidel CIA asset, and Sylvia Odio, another member of an anti-Communist organization, were the keys to unlocking the CIA, Oswald, assassination nexus.
Sunday, August 6, 2017
KKE: Statement on the 72 years since the imperialist crime in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
On the occasion of the 72 years since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) issued the following statement:
"This year marks the 72nd anniversary since the U.S. imperialist crime in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, an act which did not serve any military need against the- already defeated- Japan, but the intimidation of the people, of the Soviet Union and the then rising socialist system and communist movement. Thousands of people lost their lives from the dropping of the atomic bombs, while thousands continue dying every year as a result of radioactivity's consequences.
Thursday, August 3, 2017
TRUTH AND LIES ABOUT SOCIALISM - Dictatorship of the Proletariat: A Higher form of Democracy
Central Council of the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE).
Published by Synchroni Epochi, 2013.
The leap that takes place during the socialist
construction, i.e. during the transition from
capitalism to communism, is qualitatively
higher than any previous one, since communist
relations, as non-exploitative, cannot be
formed in capitalism. The political revolution
is the precondition for these new relations to
be imposed and dominate, i.e. the conquest
of power by the working class and the establishment
of its own state, the dictatorship of
the proletariat.
This is a basic difference in the transition
to the communist socioeconomic formation
in relation with the previous. In the framework
of the transition from an exploitative
socioeconomic formation to another, the new
relations could be developed and dominate
first in the confines of the previous socioeconomic
formation and then, as the last part
of this process, the class that was the bearer
of the new relations struggled for and took
power. This happened for example in relation
to capitalism.
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
The Reality About Venezuela: Five myths debunked
the last months, the bourgeois mainstream media- as well as various
sources throughout the internet- have circulated numerous lies and
inaccuracies about the situation in Venezuela. Within this framework
of half truths and counteless inaccurcies, someone can read the most
outrageous things about the Latin American country. After all, the
imperialist centers and their collaborators in the mass media are
experts in how to mislead and manipulate public opinion, by sowing
misinformation and distorting reality.
we will refer to five major lies (really blatant ones) about
Venezuela and the turbulent political situation in the country and we
will try to restore the truth.
Anti-communist persecutions in Russia will not pass - Solidarity with Alexander Batov
Anti-Communism is a weapon of the capitalist system – It will not pass!
We, 26 Communist Youth Organizations from all over the world, sign the following resolution:
We condemn the arrest and detention of comrade Alexander Batov, a member of the Secretariat of the CC of the Communist Workers' Party of Russia and representative of the Revolutionary Communist Youth Union (bolsheviks) (also known as RKSMb) at the National Preparatory Committee of Russia for the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students.
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