Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts

Monday, September 30, 2024

Trump Vs Harris: Why Communists Will Not Vote in This Election

On November 5, elections are held for the President of the United States. We have repeatedly heard the proposals of both candidates of the two main bourgeois parties: Donald Trump of the Republicans and Kamala Harris of the Democrats. 

There is no room for deception, they have made their intentions clear and loud, and what they will do if they are victorious. Both Trump and Harris have committed themselves as representatives of the monopolies. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Arch-capitalists Donald Trump and Elon Musk openly threaten workers who go on strike

Two of the world's most prominent capitalists, former U.S President Donald Trump and Tesla CEO Elon Musk, can't hide their deep enmity against the working class. On the contrary, they express it publicly and even share a laugh about it. Shamelessly and Cynically.

Here is an excerpt of their discussion during Trump's interview to X (Twitter) on Monday:

“I look at what you do, you walk in and you just say, ‘You want to quit?’ They go on strike – I won’t mention the name of the company – but they go on strike, and you say, ‘That’s okay, you’re all gone. You’re all gone. Every one of you is gone,” Trump said. Musk could be heard laughing and replying “yeah”.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Inter-bourgeois disputes are sharpening: The case of Trump

Inter-Bourgeois Disputes Are Sharpening: The Case of Trump

Just days before the Republican National Convention in the United States of America, the now Republican presidential candidate, Donald J. Trump, was the victim of an attempted assassination by a 20-year-old young man, identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks, originally from Pennsylvania and a Republican supporter; in addition, there was one fatality and 2 people injured due to a series of missed shots.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Communist Workers Platform USA: On the attempted assassination of Trump

Statement by the Central Committee of the Communist Workers Platform USA (CWPUSA):

On the evening of July 13, a gunman opened fire at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania. The gunman grazed Trump’s ear, leaving him bloodied, with one attendee dead and two others wounded. These individual acts of adventurism have proven throughout history to be a dead-end which can only harm real efforts to gather the movement for the socialist revolution. In the US, many examples exist of failed or successful assassination attempts. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

KKE on Trump assassination attempt

Former U.S President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was the target of an assassination attempt on Saturday 13 July 2024 at a Pennsylvania rally, days before he was to accept the Republican nomination for a third time. A barrage of gunfire set off panic, and a bloodied Trump, who was shot in the ear, was surrounded by Secret Service and hurried to his SUV as he pumped his fist in a show of defiance. 

In a comment issued on Monday, the Press Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) stresses out the following:

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

U.S Presidential Debate: Trump Gains, Biden Falters, Monopolies Win

In the aftermath of the Presidential debate, President Joe Biden is the main loser against Republican candidate Donald Trump, sparking discussions about potentially changing the Democratic candidate for the upcoming November presidential elections. 
The two candidates clashed on issues like abortion, immigration, the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, and economic management while also engaging in personal attacks. Although polls indicate a close race, Trump currently leads in several swing states that often determine the election outcome.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

New Worker: The 2024 US Presidential Campaign Season Begins

On Monday, January 15, the Republican Party began its 2024 primary race with the traditional first caucuses in Iowa. The result was a landslide victory for Donald Trump, indicating his likely nomination as the Republican candidate in the US presidential election this fall. Now, the country freezes over as Americans everywhere prepare themselves for a gruesome political campaigning season, currently set to repeat the contested Trump-Biden matchup of 2020.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Trump’s statements and PSUV’s false anti-imperialism

Recently, the ultra-conservative former president of the United States, Donald Trump, revealed during a pre-election campaign rally the true objective he pursued with the criminal unilateral sanctions against Venezuela during his administration: to collapse the national economy in order to bring about a change of government and thus take control over the country’s oil wealth.

The government leadership and the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and its propaganda machine did not miss the opportunity to use Trump’s confession to feed the narrative with which they seek to absolve President Maduro’s administration from any responsibility for the country’s crisis. 

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Donald Trump says he wants to keep ‘communists’ and ‘Marxists’ out of the US

In a new anti-communist rant, Donald Trump, the white supremacist, far-right billionaire former US President who is making a new bid in 2024, announced a new campaign proposal on United States immigration — barring “communists” and “Marxists” from entering the country.

More specifically, Trump said he would use “Section 212 (f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act” to “order my government to deny entry to all communists and all Marxists.”

Monday, January 11, 2021

It's not just Trump. IT'S CAPITALISM, STUPID!

 By Nikos Mottas.

The images of chaos from Washington DC with the pro-Trump supporters storming the U.S. Capitol are the mirror of a democracy in advanced state of decay. For decades, the facade of the much-celebrated “American Dream” and the artificial prosperity of the most powerful economy in the world was hiding the accumulated rottenness of an entire system.

The history of American Democracy, especially in the 20th century, is full of class exploitation, social and racial violence, imperialist interventions and wars, cultural values based on social Darwinism and the deification of money. Several generations of Americans were raised under the belief that there is no alternative to Capitalism, that Communism is a menace and the U.S. is the “guardian of the free world”.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Trump's fascism shall not pass! America's communist and pro-worker parties react to Washington DC riots

In public statements and posts on social media, Communist and pro-worker parties in the United States strongly condemn the riots caused by Trump supporters in Washington DC, pointing out that the far-right, fascist and nationalist menace must be defeated by the people's struggle. 

In a comment on Twitter, the Party of Communists, USA (PCUSA) pointed out:

"The situation that happened in Capitol Hill today should show the whole country the danger of nationalism and the type of danger that Trump and his base represents. This was a taste of the terror we can expect from this group is nothing is done about it. Join and organize."

Thursday, November 12, 2020

How America's Communist and Workers parties reacted to the outcome of the Presidential election

The workers-people's struggle must continue no matter who is the next President is the common denominator in the reactions of Communist and Workers' parties in the United States, following the November 3rd election.

Below, you can read statements and commentary by major parties and organizations of the U.S. Communist Left on the outcome of the Presidential election, the victory of Joe Biden and the defeat of incumbent President Donald Trump.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

KKE General Secretary on U.S. Presidential election: "Trump has lost but the policy that serves imperialism is here"

Joe Biden is officially the President-elect of the United States after beating incumbent President Donald Trump in the November 3rd elections. 
Commenting on the outcome of the U.S. Presidential Election, the General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Dimitris Koutsoumbas pointed out that those who cultivate false expectations about a positive role of Biden's Presidency will be refuted, he reminded the war record of Democratic U.S. Presidents and called for a stronger opposition against American imperialism. 

More specifically, the statement of Dimitris Koutsoumbas is as follows:

Thursday, October 29, 2020

U.S. Election 2020: Neither Trump nor Biden!

By Nikos Mottas.

On November 3rd, the people of the United States of America will vote for the new President and vice president of the country. The two major contestants, current President Donald Trump and the Democratic nominee Joe Biden, are the two sides of the same coin. It is an undeniable truth that they both express the general strategic interests of the U.S. monopoly capital.  

The differences in the political proposals between Trump and Biden reflect the sharpening of the competition between different sections of the U.S. capital. Indeed, a look at the top donors of the two presidential campaigns is indicative of the fierce rivalry that is taking place in the backstage between large monopoly groups.

Monday, October 12, 2020

U.S. Elections 2020: Trump must be defeated



President Trump is a right-wing reactionary and dangerous fool to boot. He promotes an agenda of racism, inequality and discrimination. He puts kids in cages and then laughs about it. From Palestine to the Philippines he has shown himself to be an enemy of the peoples of the world, including those of us who live in the United States. Trump’s talk about “America First” is chauvinist trash, a banner under which to enrich the wealthy at the expense of everyone else. The trash needs to be taken out, as soon as possible, and this November at the latest. 

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Not Populism, Not Socialism, but Communism Will Get It Done

By Charles Andrews.

The ruling classes of developed countries get a lot of pushback these days from the masses they hold in contempt. The voters whom U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton insulted as “deplorables” went and put Donald Trump in the Oval office in 2016, daring to elect someone who was not a vetted ruler of capitalism. Then his near opposite, self-identified socialist Bernie Sanders, came back stronger than ever for the 2020 presidential primaries. Socialism has become a recognized political stance that cannot be red-baited off the stage. 

Friday, February 21, 2020

Trump not welcome in India: Anti-imperialist, left forces ready to protest during his visit

Indian PM Modi and U.S. President Trump (Archive Photo).
Democratic, peace-loving and anti-imperialist forces in India are ready to protest against U.S. President Donald Trump’s visit in the country on February 24-25. 

During a press conference last week, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), Sitaram Yechury, said that his party will participate in demonstrations during Trump’s visit to the country. 

“May be in Delhi or in Gujarat, the party activists will certainly protest”, Yechury pointed out. 

Friday, January 31, 2020

Israeli Left and Peace groups denounce Trump-Netanyahu "deal of the century"

Israeli left alliance Hadash (Democratic Front for Peace and Equality), alongside peace movements, denounce the recently announced by U.S President Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu "peace plan" for Palestine. Read below a report including statements by Hadash leader Ayman Odeh and peace activists regarding the so-called "Deal of the Century":
Hadash together with Israeli peace movements will be holding a demonstration against US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” in Dizengoff Square in central Tel Aviv on Saturday evening, February 1, at 7 pm.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Communist Party of Greece: Statement about Mitsotakis-Trump meeting in Washington DC

In a statement issued today, the Press Bureau of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) labels yesterday's meeting between Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and U.S. President Donald Trump in the White House an "official and resounding bankruptcy of the policy of the parties of Euro-Atlanticism". 

More specifically, the statement which published on 902 portal, points out the following: 

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Turkish communists respond to Donald Trump: "Loser, liar and a tyrant servant of imperialism"

"As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!)”, U.S. President Donald Trump wrote on Twitter, commenting on a possible military operation of the Turkish army in northern Syria. 

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) has released a statement regarding the tweet of the President of the United States threatening TurkeyThe full statement is as follows: