The European Parliament Group of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) voted against the resolution, stating the following:
The European Parliament Group of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) voted against the resolution, stating the following:
Azov's Neo-Nazis (Archive photo) |
Recently, in a statement addressed to the EU Commission's VP Josep Borrell, the Europarliament Group of the KKE denounces the inclusion of Cuba in the list.
"50 years have passed since the twin imperialist crime of 1974, but its wounds remain open. Cyprus and its people are still divided because of the Turkish occupation and the ongoing NATO crime. The treasonous coup and the Turkish invasion in July 1974 did not come out of the blue.
Specifically for Greece, he noted that “there has been another significant electoral rise of the KKE, starting from the 2019 European elections (5.35%), the 2023 parliamentary elections of May (7.2%) and June (7.7%), and now the European elections (9.25%). This confirms that positive processes are taking place in society,in the struggles and the elections of the mass movement. I would say that a current disputing the dominant policy, i.e. that of the Commission, the EU and the New Democracy government, is being stabilized and strengthened; and, of course, this current is mainly expressed by the increase in the prestige of the KKE and in the rallying of broader forces around it.”
1. The Central Committee of the KKE salutes the thousands of workers, the popular forces, the youth and the women who voted for the KKE and all those who joined forces with it in this important electoral battle. In particular, it extends a warm and comradely greeting to the members and cadres of the KKE and KNE, its supporters and friends, and all its candidates, who waged a hard struggle throughout this period.
Electoral rally of the KKE in Athens, 5 June 2024 |
With 9.30% and more than 350,000 votes, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) marks a very significant electoral rise in June 9 European Elections, thus sending a resounding positive message, not only for the country's working class and popular strata, but also throughout Europe.
While far-right, ultra-conservative and racist political forces gain ground in EU countries (France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, etc), the rise of the KKE's electoral influence is a beacon of hope for Europe's peoples.
“The United States of Europe, under capitalism, is either impossible or reactionary”, Lenin wrote back in 1915.
The course of history repeatedly proved the correctness of his timeless analysis. Since its formation, the European Union – formerly ECC – has been a transnational economic, political and military alliance of imperialist characteristics, aimed at serving the interests of monopoly groups at the expense of the working class.
An important difference in the election campaign, which the KKE is conducting to enlighten the workers, is the one concerning international developments, the involvement of the EU and Greece in the imperialist war in Ukraine, as well as in the massacre of the people of Palestine.
All the bourgeois political parties are silencing the developments on the war fronts and hiding the causes of the conflicts, the responsibilities of the EU, as well as of the USA and NATO.
French monopoly capitalism has a dual character: it is despoiling and rapacious on the international stage, but dependent on American, German, Japanese and Chinese capital in France. France is regularly the champion of foreign direct investment (FDI) received in the EU, as well as the EU champion of French FDI invested worldwide.
"Iran's expected attack on Israel, in retaliation for the Israeli state's criminal attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria, which resulted to dead Iranian officials, constitutes a dangerous escalation of the war in the Middle East that could reach terrifying dimensions in case of an attack by Israel and its allies against Iran.
"With a much stronger KKE much stronger in Greece and abroad, let's trumpet a pan-European counterattack! Let's send the appropriate message to the EU of brutality: A stronger KKE and bigger mass counter-attack struggles for the right of the peoples," he stressed.
"Workers, employees, toiling farmers, self-employed tradesmen, scientists, artists, pensioners, women, young people of working-class families
The KKE calls on you to join it in the struggle for the European elections on 9 June!