Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts

Friday, October 18, 2024

KKE's Secretary Koutsoumbas: Mitsotakis must answer regarding Greece's involvement in Ukraine and Middle East wars

The General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Dimitris Koutsoumbas on Friday criticized the government's stance toward the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East and called for the immediate briefing of the political parties and parliament.

"In the context of US and NATO's dangerous plans, the New Democracy government is involving Greece without any limits or barriers in the two conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, increasing the danger for the Greek people," he said.

Friday, September 20, 2024

KKE rejects EU Parliament's despicable resolution on financial and military support to Ukraine

In a despicable resolution adopted by the European Parliament on 19 September 2024, EU countries are requested to lift current restrictions hindering Ukraine from using Western weapons systems against military targets in Russia. The text, adopted with 425 votes in favor, 131 against and 63 abstentions, states that without lifting current restrictions, Ukraine cannot fully exercise its "right to self-defense " and remains exposed to attacks on its population and infrastructure.

The European Parliament Group of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) voted against the resolution, stating the following:

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

KKE Europarliament Group denounces the tour of Azov Brigade's Neo-Nazis across Europe

Azov's Neo-Nazis (Archive photo)
In a question addressed to the European Commission, the European Parliament Group of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) denounces the recruitment tour performed in Europe by the fascists of the Ukrainian Azov Brigade.

The tour takes place so that the fascists raise funds and recruit “members of volunteers”, both Ukrainians who have fled abroad as well as other nationalities. 

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Ukraine's Zelensky regime continues the despicable policy of dismantling Soviet-era monuments

Another Soviet-era monument, which glorifies the friendship between Ukrainian and Russian people, is being dismantled on orders of the Kyiv city government in the latest stage of derussification (actually decommunization) promoted by the reactionary Zelensky government. 
Kyiv’s Department of Territorial Control announced the beginning of the removal of the Pereyaslav Rada monument on 30 April, stressing its massive size: “The sculptural composition is large, consists of about 20 elements weighing between 6,000kg and 7,000kg each. Due to the complexity of the design, dismantling may take a few days.” 

Friday, March 1, 2024

10 years since the Euromaidan in Ukraine: Revolution or foreign-backed Coup?

By Nikos Mottas

This February marked the tenth anniversary since the so-called “Euromaidan” events in Ukraine and the subsequent coup d' etat which, backed by the US and the EU, led to the overthrow of the then pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych

Apart from the rise of far-right, reactionary forces in Ukraine's political leadership, the 2014 coup became the starting point for the 2022 Russian military invasion and the ongoing imperialist war

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Revolutionary Komsomol: Statement on the second anniversary of the imperialist war in Ukraine

In a statement about the two years since the imperialist war in Ukraine, the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Youth League of Russia (Bolsheviks) stresses out the following:

Two years ago, on February 24, 2022, Russia’s Special Military Operation (SMO) on the territory of Ukraine has begun. 

Since the beginning of the SMO, the RKSM(b) has issued a number of statements devoted to the problems of combat operations on the territory of Ukraine. We list them below:

Monday, February 19, 2024

KKE: Two Years Since the Imperialist War in Ukraine — The Experience and Conclusions of the Communists

The contribution of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) at the European Communist Action's conference held in Istanbul on Saturday 17 February, on the occasion of the 2nd anniversary of the imperialist war in Ukraine, under the  title "Two Years Since the Imperialist War in Ukraine: The Experience and Conclusions of the Communists.

Two years of killing people “for the master’s dish to get filled

Dear comrades,

Friday, October 6, 2023

Canada has welcomed fascists, collaborators and war criminals since 1946

In a statement concerning Canadian Parliament's standing ovation for Waffen SS war criminal Yaroslav Hunka, the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Canada, stresses out:

"While Parliament seeks to wash its hands of the spectacle of its two standing ovations for a Nazi collaborator whose Waffen SS Division murdered hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and Poles from 1943 to 1945, the truth is that thousands of fascist troops were brought to live in Canada, the US, and the UK as part of the Cold War. In Canada, welcoming Nazis, war criminals, and collaborators was Canadian government policy.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Zelensky and Trudeau lead ovation for Waffen SS war criminal in Canada's parliament

Last Friday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky and Canada’s Parliament gave a standing ovation to a Ukrainian former member of Waffen SS.

During Canada parliament's welcome ceremony to Zelensky, House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota introduced an elderly man in the parliamentary gallery whom he described as a “veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians and continues to support the troops today even at his age of 98.”  

Thursday, August 24, 2023

KKE condemns the persecution against Ukrainian communists by the reactionary Zelensky regime

The International Relations Section of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) issued a statement on the persecution of communists in Ukraine, which reads as follows:

“The KKE condemns the ongoing undemocratic persecution against Ukrainian communists by the reactionary Zelenskiy regime, that has outlawed dozens of Ukrainian political parties and is particularly eager to persecute communists.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

KKE on Mitsotakis-Zelensky joint declaration: Their invocation of international law is hypocritical

In a statement concerning the Joint Declaration signed by Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelenskyy in Athens, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) stresses out:

“As much as Mr Mitsotakis hypocritically invokes the “international law”, he can't hide that actual aim of his government, which is the more active and deep involvement of our country in the imperialist war in Ukraine and in NATO plans in the region. Essentially, that is, the ND government feeds those factors that led both to the NATO-Russia conflict in Ukraine, as well as to the aggravation of the problems in the Balkan countries. 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Ireland: Communist Party condemns government's decision to provide weapons training to Ukraine

In a statement the Communist Party of Ireland denounces the Irish government's decision to provide weapons to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

"The Communist Party of Ireland condemns the government’s decision ordering Irish troops to provide weapons training to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. 

This decision dangerously increases Irish involvement in the war and is another calculated attack on Irish neutrality.  We call on the Irish government to immediately rescind this decision and instead to add its voice to the majority of the world's nations that have called for a ceasefire and a negotiated settlement. 

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Reactionary Ukrainian authorities remove sickle and hammer from giant WWII statue in Kiev

In another attempt to re-write history and guided by blind anti-communism, the Ukrainian authorities proceeded to the removal of the hammer and sickle from a gigantic sculptural figure that watches over Kiev, as part of a campaign to remove Soviet-era symbols.

The 62-metre-high steel figure of a woman holding a shield with the hammer and sickle and a sword, was opened in 1981 as a memorial to Soviet victory in World War II.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Solidarity with Kononovich Brothers! Protest of the KKE and KNE at the Ukrainian Embassy in Athens

On 6 July 2023, a delegation of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), headed by MEP Lefteris Nikolaou-Alavanos, and members of KNE protested at the Ukrainian embassy in Athens and posted on its door a statement of protest regarding the constant death threats against the two young communists, Aleksander and Mikhail Kononovich.

The KKE’s statement of protest reads as follows:

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Zelensky regime is planning our assassination: Urgent Appeal from Kononovich Brothers

In an urgent appeal to the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFTY), Communist Youths and anti-fascist organizations, Ukrainian communists Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich, denounce the Zelensky regime for planning their assassination. 

More specifically, the two young communists who were arrested in March 2022 and imprisoned in Ukraine following a "kangaroo-court" trial, point out that according to Kiev government's plans, "there will be two scenarios or prison or our murder". 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Shame on Ukraine: Bust of legendary Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin dismantled

A bust of the legendary Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the first man to travel into space, was dismantled in Kiev, Ukraine's capital, according to a report by the "Decolonization. Ukraine'' ("Dekolonizatsiya. Ukraina") Telegram channel accompanied with an attached photograph showing only the empty pedestal remaining.

The granite bust had been installed in the late 1960s in the courtyard of the Center of Technical Creativity and Career Counseling for School-Aged Youth in the Darnitsa District of the Ukrainian capital.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

U.S-Britain to nominate Zelensky as next NATO's Chief

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is going to be nominated for the position of NATO's General Secretary, succeeding Jens Stoltenberg who is set to step down later this year.

According to the State Department's spokesperson Ned Price, President Joe Biden and British Premier Rishi Sunak have both agreed to support Zelensky's nomination in the North Atlantic Council Summit that is due to take place in Brussels in September 2023. The initiative is also endorsed by French President Emmanuel Macron, while the governments of Germany, Italy and Canada are expected to respond positively. 

Friday, March 31, 2023

Austrian Communists slam Zelensky's appearance at Vienna Parliament

The Party of Labour of Austria (PdA) sharply criticises the propaganda appearance of the Ukrainian president Zelensky in the Vienna parliament. 
The representative of a war party as well as of a reactionary, repressive regime is out of place in the democratic heart of a neutral country. What is needed is a policy of neutrality and peace instead of NATO war propaganda. 

Friday, March 17, 2023

Letter by the Union of Communists of Ukraine — Письмо Союза коммунистов Украины

Letter by the Union of Communists of Ukraine to the SolidNet Parties:

Dear comrades, participants of the annual Meeting of communist and workers' parties,

Bearing in mind the “Statement of the Central Committee of the RWCP, the Communists of Ukraine, Donbass, and the parties of the republics of the Soviet Union” submitted for publication on the website (On military operations in Ukraine following the results of the year of the SMO of the Russian ground forces and the Donbass militia), we inform you that the Union of Communists of Ukraine did not sign and could not have signed this document since it categorically disagrees with its positions. 

Friday, February 24, 2023

One year since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine: The KKE firmly at the forefront of the struggle against the imperialist war

One year since the outbreak of the imperialist war in Ukraine: blood and tears for the peoples - profits for capital

The KKE firmly at the forefront of the struggle against the imperialist war

Twelve days before V. Putin announced the “Special Military Operation”, as he called the Russian military invasion of the Ukrainian territories, Rizospastis commented the statements of the US official Kurt Volker, who claimed that “Russia may annex one-third of Ukraine”, assessing that Ukraine could lose all access to the Sea of Azov and that a land passage could be formed connecting the Russian Federation with Crimea.