Wednesday, June 19, 2024

In Mexico the rich became richer during the first leftist government of MORENA

Business tycoon Carlos Slim with President Obrador
Published in "El Machete", Organ of the CC of the Communist Party of Mexico (PCM), under the title "Los ricos se hacen más ricos en el primer gobierno de izquierda":

June 2018 began with a whirlwind of emotions among the Mexican population. For the first time in our history as a country we would be governed by a left-wing party. Andrés Manuel López Obrador won the elections after more than a decade of campaigning and arrived with the promise of putting the poor first, who aren't few in Mexico. In fact, when AMLO assumed the presidency, there were more than 50 million people in poverty in Mexico. “The poor,” he said, had been forgotten during all the neoliberal governments from Salinas to Peña Nieto.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Statement of the CC of the KKE on the results of the European Elections of 9 June 2024

Statement of the CC of the KKE on the results of the European Elections of 9 June 2024

1. The Central Committee of the KKE salutes the thousands of workers, the popular forces, the youth and the women who voted for the KKE and all those who joined forces with it in this important electoral battle. In particular, it extends a warm and comradely greeting to the members and cadres of the KKE and KNE, its supporters and friends, and all its candidates, who waged a hard struggle throughout this period.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Tudeh Party of Iran: The death of Raisi, chaos in a "homogeneous regime" and the need to organise for maximum pressure on the ruling dictatorship!

Extracts from the Editorial of Nameh Mardom, issue no. 1209, published Monday 3 June 2024:

With the death of Ebrahim Raisi, the criminal servant of the ruling dictatorship, the "homogeneous regime" project favoured by ["Supreme Leader"] Khamenei has suffered another blow. This project, centred around Raisi's administration, had already overseen major failures in both domestic and foreign policy over the past three years. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Dockworkers in Greece refused to load arms shipment destined for Israel, forced cargo ship to change route

The militant mobilization of dockworkers at Greece's major port, Piraeus, on Saturday 15 June led to the cancellation of the arrival of “MSC ALTAIR”, a container ship transporting weaponry and ammunition to Israel.

As “Rizospastis” daily reported, MSC ALTAIR began its itinerary from Valencia, Spain and was due to reach Israel via Piraeus. According to information the cargo ship was carrying ammunition and other war material destined to be used by the IDF against the Palestinians in the slaughterhouse of Gaza. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

PCRF: Macron, Le Pen and the role of the revolutionary Communist Party

Same cause, same effects: capitalism and its bourgeois state, are the culprits!

On the evening of June 9, 2024, a verdict fell, with the results of the European ballot: electoral bankruptcy of the Macron/Attal government, with less than 15% of votes cast for the Macronist list (less than 8% of registered voters, taking into account the still strong abstention); new surge of the Rassemblement national, to over 31% (also to be put into perspective, with 16% of registered voters). You can find a fuller analysis on our website.

Justified popular anger, illusions to be dismantled

Friday, June 14, 2024

Greek Communist Youth's anti-imperialist camp to take place on July 4-7 in Chalkidiki

Under the slogan “No to the wars of the imperialists - Hope lies in the struggles of the peoples”, the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) organizes the 33rd Anti-imperialist Camp on 4-7 July 2024 in Chalkidiki.

With a tradition of many years, the camp will take place in the popular seaside village of Posidi, in the northern peninsula of Chalkidiki, and will include numerous political, cultural and sports events. Posidi is located approximately 105 km away from Greece's second largest city and major port, Thessaloniki. 

Communist Party of the Workers of Spain — PCTE: On the result of the European Elections

Statement of the Political Bureau of the PCTE: After the European Elections

Once the provisional results of the European Elections held on June 9th are known, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Workers of Spain declares the following:

1) The general results at the European level and the particular ones in our country are giving a similar picture. On one side, there is a clear majority of what we call the Europeanist consensus. Although they express different options for capitalist management, all the political forces agreeing with the support to the European Union and the economic and military strategic plans being carried out within it belong to such consensus.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Italy marks 40th death anniversary of Eurocommunist leader Enrico Berlinguer

It was 7 June 1984, when the leader of the infamous "historic compromise", Enrico Berlinguer, who had recently turned 62, suddenly left the podium of a rally in the city of Padua, in the northern region of Veneto, after suffering a brain hemorrhage, and died four days later. 

The 11th June marked the 40th death anniversary of the Eurocommunist leader and Italy's bourgeois leadership praised his merits. Sergio Mattarella, the President of the Republic, pointed out that Berlinguer, who served as General Secretary of the Italian Communist Party (PCI) from 1972 until his death in 1984, “was an esteemed and popular political personality, capable of taking brave decisions".

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Cyprus: The result of the European elections does not satisfy us, says AKEL leader Stefanos Stefanou

In a statement, the General Secretary of AKEL (Progressive Party of Working People) Stefanos Stefanou assessed the result of the 2024 European Elections, pointing out that the outcome of the elections isn't satisfactory for the party. 

AKEL came second after centre-right DISY, gaining 21.67% of the vote but losing one of its two seats in the European Parliament. The big surprise of the EU elections in Cyprus was an unpolitical YouTube prankster, Fidias Panagiotou, who took a whopping 19.4 per cent as an independent candidate. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

European Elections: Significant rise of the KKE sends message of hope throughout Europe

Electoral rally of the KKE in Athens, 5 June 2024
By Nikos Mottas

With 9.30% and more than 350,000 votes, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) marks a very significant electoral rise in June 9 European Elections, thus sending a resounding positive message, not only for the country's working class and popular strata, but also throughout Europe. 

While far-right, ultra-conservative and racist political forces gain ground in EU countries (France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, etc), the rise of the KKE's electoral influence is a beacon of hope for Europe's peoples. 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

The European Elections and the role of Communists

 By Nikos Mottas

“The United States of Europe, under capitalism, is either impossible or reactionary”, Lenin wrote back in 1915. 

The course of history repeatedly proved the correctness of his timeless analysis. Since its formation, the European Union – formerly ECC – has been a transnational economic, political and military alliance of imperialist characteristics, aimed at serving the interests of monopoly groups at the expense of the working class. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

European elections 2024 - Greece: Massive rally by the KKE in Athens sends message of struggle and hope

The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) "will rise even higher," the Party's General Secretary Dimitris Koutsoumbas said during a large pre-election rally held at Syntagma Square on Thursday night. 

Secretary Koutsoumbas stressed the KKE's determination to send a resounding, hopeful message of unwavering struggle, by increasing the party's percentages in the upcoming European elections on Sunday 9 June. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Communist Party of India (Marxist): Election results mark a setback for BJP and Modi

The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement:

The results of the 18th Lok Sabha election are a setback for the BJP. It has lost its majority in the Lok Sabha which it had got in the past two Lok Sabha polls in 2014 and 2019. This is a stinging blow to the image of invincibility built around Narendra Modi, who had boasted about winning 400 seats in this election.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Venezuela: Maduro's social democratic Government steps up machinations against the Communist Party

The electoral card of the PCV is sequestered by the Government of Maduro

The National Electoral Council (CNE) has presented the ballot card for the presidential elections of next July 28. The face of Nicolás Maduro appears on 13 different cards, that is, one third of those admitted by the electoral body during a process plagued with irregularities and violations to the Constitution and electoral laws.  

European elections 2024 — Greece: The vote for the KKE sends an anti-imperialist and anti-war message

European elections in Greece: The vote for the KKE sends an anti-imperialist and anti-war message

An important difference in the election campaign, which the KKE is conducting to enlighten the workers, is the one concerning international developments, the involvement of the EU and Greece in the imperialist war in Ukraine, as well as in the massacre of the people of Palestine.

All the bourgeois political parties are silencing the developments on the war fronts and hiding the causes of the conflicts, the responsibilities of the EU, as well as of the USA and NATO. 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

USSR and the creation of Israel: Remarks by Andrei Gromyko at the UN General Assembly — May 1947

Intervention by Andrei Gromyko, Representative of the Soviet Union at the United Nations, at the UN General Assembly on 14 May 1947, concerning the establishment of a special committee on Palestine (UNSCOP):

Discussion of the report of the First Committee on the establishment of a special committee on Palestine (documents A/307 and A/307/Corr. 1)

Friday, May 31, 2024

European elections 2024 — KKE: The current disputing the dominant policy needs to be expressed

On the 9th of June 2024, the ballot for the European Parliament will be held in Greece to elect the country’s 21 MEPs. The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and 30 other political parties are taking part in the elections. It should be recalled that in the previous European elections in 2019, the KKE received 5.35% and elected 2 MEPs.

KKE rallies are taking place all over Greece. Its cadres are visiting workplaces, working-class and popular neighborhoods, and are calling on the people to vote for the Party in the upcoming elections.

Communist Party of Turkey on the 11th anniversary of the Gezi Park protests

Statement by Central Committee of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) on the 11th anniversary of the Gezi Park protests which turned to a great resistance all over Turkey:

11 years ago, a vast segment of society rose up against the AKP government. The anger and resistance of millions turned into a great mass movement. By putting enlightenment, secularism, freedom, and working class patriotism at the center of the resistance, the people managed to draw the line to the AKP government. And through their fury and courage, people reminded AKP of who really owns this country.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Letter of the KKE: Cuba must be removed from the US State Department’s unacceptable list of "State Sponsors of Terrorism"


Cuba must be removed from the US State Department’s unacceptable list of "State Sponsors of Terrorism"

In a letter to Foreign Minister, Giorgos Gerapetritis, the MPs and the MEPs of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) demand that Cuba be removed from the US Department of State’s unacceptable list of "State Sponsors of Terrorism".

The letter reads as follows:

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

30 years since the death of Erich Honecker

The 29 of May marks the 30th death anniversary of German communist leader, head of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) from 1971 to 1989, Erich Honecker. 

The son of a miner, Honecker was born in Neunkirchen, Germany, in 1912. He joined the German Communist Party and became active in the resistance movement against Adolf Hitler. He was arrested in 1935 and imprisoned until the end of the Second World War.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Dimitris Koutsoumbas: The EU is only getting worse — A strong KKE, no other solution exists

A strong result for KKE in the European Parliament elections on June 9 will "be the best investment for the future, for all that we have to face and the battles we will fight together", underlined Dimitris Koutsoumbas, General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) during a speech in the Athens district of Kolonos on Sunday.

"The people are now well aware that there are no saviours... that no governmental stability, nor any governmental change, is going to change their life as long as there no real blows to the policy that sacrifices their rights for the profits of the few. This is the system and this is the EU of exploitation, wars and injustice," he said.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

British Communist Party announces first candidates for 4 July General Election

The Communist Party of Britain (CPB) has announced its first Westminster parliamentary candidates for the General Election on 4 July 2024. The Party’s Political Committee met on Thursday 23 May and endorsed plans from local CP organisations to fight seats in England, Scotland and Wales, with more candidates to be announced next week.

Candidates so far include former housing and local government worker Lorraine Douglas, who will be challenging ex-Prime Minister Liz Truss in South West Norfolk, and trade union organiser Darren Turner, also an activist in the Toothless in Suffolk campaign. He will be flying the red flag in Bury St Edmunds & Stowmarket.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Communists in Spain and Argentina: Milei and Sanchez are different sides of the same coin

Concerning the recent diplomatic row between the governments of Argentina and Spain, the Argentine Communist Party and the Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) issued the following joint statement:

On the situation of Spanish-Argentine relations 

Using as an argument the statements that Javier Milei made at a political event in Madrid last Sunday, the Government of Pedro Sánchez has decided to withdraw the Spanish ambassador from Buenos Aires. The confrontation between two capitalist management models that represent different sides of the same coin is thus tinged with a diplomatic crisis. 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Multipolaristas’ Dugin maneuvers through BRICS contradiction

By Charles Andrews

Aleksander Dugin, a propagandist for Putin’s great-Russian imperialism, has had to maneuver through one of the contradictions within the BRICS association – the unity and contention between China and Russia.

Supposedly a historian and philosopher, Dugin spews reactionary filth going back to feudal times.

Russian society is very special and needs a ‘father’ type of leader (such as a Tsar) who must also provide security assurances to the whole society.”