Showing posts with label US State Department. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US State Department. Show all posts

Friday, August 2, 2024

KKE Europarliament Group denounces the inclusion of Cuba in the list of "state sponsors of terrorism"

Last May, in a letter addressed to the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the MPs and the MEPs of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) demanded the removal of Cuba from the US Department of State’s unacceptable list of "State Sponsors of Terrorism".

Recently, in a statement addressed to the EU Commission's VP Josep Borrell, the Europarliament Group of the KKE denounces the inclusion of Cuba in the list. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

KKE Europarliament Group: Remove Cuba from the U.S list of "state-sponsors of terrorism"

The European Parliament Group of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) condemns the inclusion of Cuba in the U.S State Department list of "state sponsors of terrorism", which was implemented by the Trump administration in 2021 and is still maintained by the Biden administration. More specifically, the statement of the KKE MEPs (here in Greek) reads:
"This is an unacceptable and provocative decision that aims to reinforce the heavy consequences of the economic blockade of Cuba by the US and its allies, which poses great obstacles to the economic development of Cuba and prevents the satisfaction of the needs of the Cuban people.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Letter of the KKE: Cuba must be removed from the US State Department’s unacceptable list of "State Sponsors of Terrorism"


Cuba must be removed from the US State Department’s unacceptable list of "State Sponsors of Terrorism"

In a letter to Foreign Minister, Giorgos Gerapetritis, the MPs and the MEPs of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) demand that Cuba be removed from the US Department of State’s unacceptable list of "State Sponsors of Terrorism".

The letter reads as follows:

Monday, May 31, 2021

Biden follows Trump's criminal policy against Cuba

Five months after the governmental change in the United States and the Biden administration maintains the genocidal economic, financial and trade blockade against Cuba. Despite all challenges, Cuba has produced five vaccines that will soon be used in a mass vaccination of their people. 

Apart from the blockade, the Biden administration continues the criminal and shameful policy of its predecessor over the so-called "terrorism-sponsor" accusations against Cuba. 

Sunday, January 17, 2021

The United States is the real State Sponsor of Terrorism! Hands off Cuba! — Statement by the Party of Communists, USA

The International Department of the CC of the Party of Communists, USA (PCUSA) issued the following statement concerning U.S. government's decision to include Cuba on the list of "states-sponsors of terrorism". 

On January 11th, 2021 the US State Department unilaterally designated Cuba as a “State Sponsor of Terrorism.” With only 9 days left in the Trump administration’s term in office, the designation reverses President Obama’s removal of Cuba from the list in 2015.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

KKE: Condemns U.S. aggression against Cuba, demands end to "barbaric blockade"

In a unilateral and arbitrary act, the U.S. government has included Cuba in the State Department list of countries which allegedly not cooperating fully against terrorism.

Read here the full statement-response of the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

The groundless argument used by the U.S. government is the presence in Cuban territory of members of the delegation to peace talks of the National Liberation Army (ELN) of Colombia.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

KKE General Secretary comments on the U.S. State Department report for Greece

Commenting on the Prespes Agreement, which has been submitted to the Parliament for ratification, and the disclosure of the U.S. State Department "Integrated Country Strategy" (ICS) for Greece, the General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), Dimitris Koutsoumbas said:

"The recent publication of the "Integrated Report" of the U.S. State Department for Greece, apart from the fact that it brings into mind old dark times, totally confirms the role undertaken by the government of SYRIZA in the promotion of the US-NATO plans. 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Yankees Hands Off Cuba! U.S. government creates Internet Task Force to promote subversion in Cuba

According to Granma international report, the United States government announced yesterday, January 23, the creation of a new Internet Task Force, aimed at subverting Cuba’s internal order.

“The Department of State is convening a Cuba Internet Task Force composed of U.S. government and non-governmental representatives to promote the free and unregulated flow of information in Cuba. The task force will examine the technological challenges and opportunities for expanding internet access and independent media in Cuba,” according to the body’s official website.