Showing posts with label Middle East. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Middle East. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Tudeh Party: The manoeuvres of the theocratic regime in Iran and the changes in the guards to save the dictatorship

In a statement concerning the recent Presidential elections in Iran and the victory of Masoud Pezeshkian, the Tudeh Party stresses out:

"The presidential election show, which the ruling regime of Iran was eagerly hoping to turn into a grand endorsement of the theocratic regime, ended with the majority of the nation boycotting it. Even according to the official statistics, in several major cities, including the capital Tehran, voter turnout barely exceeded 30%. According to ISNA, the head of the election office in Tehran province said: "The number of eligible voters for the fourteenth presidential election was 10,199,742, and in this election, on June 25th, 3,366,264 ballots were used in the capital."

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Communists of Cyprus demand from the government to stop cooperation with Israel: No involvement in the massacre of Gaza

In a televised address on 19 June, the head of Lebanon's Shia Islamist group Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, threatened the Republic of Cyprus accusing it of allowing Israel to use its airports and bases for military exercises.

The Communist Initiative of Cyprus (CIC) issued a statement (here in Greek) calling the government to end every cooperation with Israel and stop facilitating the Netanyahu leadership in the Gaza war. The statement titled "Cyprus is directly involved in the Gaza massacre: Every cooperation with Israel must stop" reads: 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

AKEL: Cyprus' subordination to the US does not make it a pillar of security, quite the opposite

In a televised address on 19 June, the head of Lebanon's Shia Islamist group Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, threatened the Republic of Cyprus accusing it of allowing Israel to use its airports and bases for military exercises. 
A day earlier, in a statement concerning the meeting between the Foreign Ministers of Cyprus and the USA in Washington DC, the Press Office of AKEL (Progressive Party of Working People) was pointing out:

Monday, June 17, 2024

Tudeh Party of Iran: The death of Raisi, chaos in a "homogeneous regime" and the need to organise for maximum pressure on the ruling dictatorship!

Extracts from the Editorial of Nameh Mardom, issue no. 1209, published Monday 3 June 2024:

With the death of Ebrahim Raisi, the criminal servant of the ruling dictatorship, the "homogeneous regime" project favoured by ["Supreme Leader"] Khamenei has suffered another blow. This project, centred around Raisi's administration, had already overseen major failures in both domestic and foreign policy over the past three years. 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Communist Party of Greece demands from government the immediate recognition of a Palestinian state

With a written question addressed to the Greek Foreign Minister G. Gerapetritis, the Parliamentary Group of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) demands the immediate recognition of a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

More specifically, according to portal, the question submitted by the 21 KKE MPs reads:

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Communist Party of Israel-Hadash: Netanyahu's fascist government on verge of causing humanitarian disaster in Rafah

“Israel’s fascist government is on the verge of bringing about a humanitarian disaster in Rafah,” Hadash and Communist Party of Israel (CPI) says in a common statement on Monday, May 6.

Protesting far-right Israeli government plans to “bomb and invade the Rafah area on the Egyptian border, which houses hundreds of thousands of displaced people,” Hadash and the CPI warns of “the mass slaughter and humanitarian disaster involved in the bombing of a very small area containing more than a million displaced people.”

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Tudeh Party of Iran: Threat of war, theocratic regime and “anti-imperialism”

“… to defend the theocratic regime in Iran as a force for anti-imperialism is, at best, naïve - and, at worst, deliberately relegates the brutal repression, crushing poverty, and socioeconomic misery suffered by the absolute majority of the people of Iran as inconsequential or unworthy of consideration…”

The world has well and truly entered a dangerous epoch, with humanity currently facing a series of interconnected existential threats.  

Sunday, April 14, 2024

KKE: Statement on Iran's attack against Israel and the escalation of war in the Middle East

In a statement (here in Greek) concerning the escalation of war in the Middle East, following Iran's missile and drone attack against Israel, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) stresses out:

"Iran's expected attack on Israel, in retaliation for the Israeli state's criminal attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria, which resulted to dead Iranian officials, constitutes a dangerous escalation of the war in the Middle East that could reach terrifying dimensions in case of an attack by Israel and its allies against Iran.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Israeli left-wing MP Ayman Odeh expelled from the Knesset because he condemned the massacre in Gaza!

The chairman of Hadash-Ta'al left alliance and MP, Ayman Odeh, was removed from the Knesset plenum on Wednesday, following statements against the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the devastating humanitarian situation there.

"What the army is doing there is murder, it is a massacre - the starvation of children," Odeh said, adding that "there is blindness of heart and there is blindness of conscience. I appeal to you to be a real opposition against this government and its crimes in Gaza. There is a position regarding October 7, but what the army is doing there is a crime, it is killing, it is murder, it is a massacre". 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Mass rally of the KKE in Athens: No participation of Greece in NATO’s abattoir of war!

The General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, was the main speaker at the mass rally held by the KKE outside the Greek parliament on Monday 11 March.

In his speech, D. Koutsoumbas called on the people to break the omerta that the New Democracy government and all other parties are trying to impose on the involvement of our country in the imperialist wars raging in the region and in all the dangerous plans of the USA and NATO. “The message that the New Democracy government and the warmongering EU will receive in the coming elections, should be much more resounding! The only ballot paper that can carry this anti-war message across Europe is that of the KKE”, he stressed.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Rizospastis: Greek government's participation in EU Red Sea mission serves the interests of Greek capital

Article published in Rizospastis, Organ of the CC of the KKE, on Tuesday 5 March 2024:

"Since last Sunday (3/3), the frigate Hydra has been sailing in the dangerous waters of the Red Sea.

Its participation in the European and Euro-Atlantic naval mission confirms that the bourgeoisie does not hesitate to involve the people in military adventures, even to lead them into war, in order to defend its interests and those of its US-NATO allies.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Tudeh Party of Iran: Statement on the forthcoming "elections" of the Islamic Parliament and the Assembly of the Experts

In a statement concerning the the forthcoming "elections" of the Islamic Parliament and the Assembly of the Experts, the CC of the Tudeh Party of Iran stresses out:

"Dear conscious compatriots, workers, and toilers!

Progressive and freedom-loving forces of Iran!

The twelfth "election" of the Islamic Parliament and the sixth "election" of the Assembly of Experts will take place on 1 March.  According to a report by the Ministry of Interior of the Islamic Republic of Iran, more than 11,000 individuals (52% of registered applicants) were approved by the vetting process [to stand as candidates] and the results [of the vetting] were sent to them via text message by the "National Elections Headquarters" on 5 January.  

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Charlie Biton, Israeli Black Panthers founder and long-time Hadash MP, dies at 76

Charlie Biton, former Hadash member of Knesset for more than 15 years and one of the founders of the Mizrachi protest movement Black Panthers, died on Saturday evening, February 24, aged 76. He was the first Israeli MP who met the historic leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), Yasser Arafat, in 1980. 

Biton founded the Israeli Black Panthers in 1971 in response to class and ethnic discrimination faced by Israelis of Middle Eastern and North African descent.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

McCarthy in the Knesset: Hadash deputy Ofer Cassif expelled from Israeli Parliament

Members of the Knesset committee on Tuesday took a key step toward expelling MP Ofer Cassif (Hadash) over his support for the South African-led International Court of Justice case accusing the Israeli Government of genocide in the Gaza Strip.

The following day, the extreme-right, racist Minister of National Security of Israel, Itamar Ben Gvir, published on his social network a photo of comrade Ayman Odeh (Head of the Hadash-Ta'al coalition) with Khalida Jarrar (Palestinian PFLP parliamentarian), with a comment threatening the revocation of Comrade Todeh's mandate.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Greek Army cadet prosecuted over anti-NATO views

By Nikos Mottas

The spectre of censorship seems to be back in the Greek Armed Forces these days. Konstantinos Kesopoulos, Cadet reserve officer of Infantry in the Hellenic Army, has been summoned for an official apology after expressing himself against Greece's military involvement in the Euro-Atlantic imperialist plans in the Middle East.

The cadet's “crime” was the fact that that he publicly expressed his opposition to the dispatch of a Greek frigate in the Red Sea within NATO and EU's operations against the Houthis. He also demanded the closure of all foreign military bases and the cancellation of the Greek-US joint drills which actually prepare the Hellenic Army for active participation in the imperialist war fronts in Ukraine and the Middle East. 

Monday, January 29, 2024

Ceasefire Now! Thousands protest across Israel calling for release of hostages and Netanyahu’s dismissal

Tens of Thousands protest Saturday night, January 27, in various demonstrations across Israel, demanding the release of hostages, immediate elections, against war in Gaza and the removal of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 

Protests were held this in several locations across the country. Protests demanding elections were held at Habima Square in Tel Aviv, Horev Center in Haifa, Karkur Junction, Jerusalem, Be’er Sheva, Rehovot, Nes Tziona, Kafr Saba and Caesarea. 

Friday, January 12, 2024

KKE condemns US-British air strikes in Yemen

In a statement following the U.S- British air strikes against Houthis in Yemen, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) warns about the risks of a generalized war. More specifically, the statement (here in Greek) reads: 

"The KKE condemns the US and British missile attacks on Yemen which multiply the risks of generalizing the war in the region, with the involvement of other powers, such as Iran.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Israeli army detains Palestinian left political leader, PFLP member, Khalida Jarrar

Israeli occupation army has detained senior Palestinian Left political leader Khalida Jarrar from her home in the West Bank. Witnesses told WAFA that Israeli forces raided the city of Al Bireh, and arrested Jarrar after searching her home.

Jarrar is a prominent figure in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the second largest faction in the Palestine Liberation Organization, and was elected a member of the legislative council in the last parliamentary elections held in 2006.

Friday, December 22, 2023

KKE: The dispatch of a Greek frigate to the Red Sea involves the country even more deeply in the dangerous imperialist plans

In a comment on the dispatch of a Greek frigate to the Red Sea, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) stresses the following:

“The dispatch of a Greek frigate to the Red Sea, under the pretext of the safety of maritime navigation and protection of merchant ships, involves the country even more deeply in the dangerous imperialist plans, which at this stage are directly linked to the support of the murderous policy of the Israeli state.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Antisemitism, Anti-Zionism and Dangerous Conflations

On Antisemitism, Anti-Zionism and Dangerous Conflations: A Jewish Voice for Peace and PARCEO Explainer
What is antisemitism? 

Antisemitism is grave, serious, and totally incompatible with movements for collective liberation, and we stand against it in any form. 

Antisemitism is discrimination, targeting, violence, and dehumanizing stereotypes directed at Jews because they are Jewish.