Showing posts with label Argentina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Argentina. Show all posts

Friday, May 24, 2024

Communists in Spain and Argentina: Milei and Sanchez are different sides of the same coin

Concerning the recent diplomatic row between the governments of Argentina and Spain, the Argentine Communist Party and the Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) issued the following joint statement:

On the situation of Spanish-Argentine relations 

Using as an argument the statements that Javier Milei made at a political event in Madrid last Sunday, the Government of Pedro Sánchez has decided to withdraw the Spanish ambassador from Buenos Aires. The confrontation between two capitalist management models that represent different sides of the same coin is thus tinged with a diplomatic crisis. 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Milei’s chainsaw against the Argentine working class

On March 1, Javier Milei took advantage of his speech at the opening of the Ordinary Sessions of the Argentine Congress to put forward his line of adjustment and surrender, after the great defeat of the «Omnibus Law I», that officially was named Ley Bases y Puntos de Partida para la Libertad de los Argentinos, but was dubbed «Omnibus Law I» due to the numerous areas on which it was intended to legislate.

Following the same line as Sergio Massa, his electoral rival ─but class partner─, Milei proposed a «great national agreement»; a new «social contract» ─as he was dynamiting bridges between possible allies─ whose purpose is to guarantee governability and that the different bourgeois factions unite around their adjustment, surrender and repression projects. 

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Argentine communist leader Víctor Kot passes away

On January 22, 2024, the Communist Party of Argentina (PCA) announced the death of its General Secretary Víctor Kot.

"We regret to report on the passing of the Secretary General of the Communist Party of Argentina, Victor Kot. An important political leader for the history of our workers' movement and a comrade who fought his whole life for socialism", a message of PCA stressed out.

Victor Kot began his militant political activity at an early age, as a student, becoming a leader of the Communist Youth Federation. 

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

WFTU opposes and condemns the neo-fascist policies of Javier Milei government in Argentina

The World Federation of Trade Unions strongly opposes and condemns the neo-fascist policies of the Milei government in Argentina. The government’s antipopular measures, including currency devaluation, unconstitutional protocols, and a massive decree, threaten the working class and social justice.

he WFTU stands with the Argentine workers and the class-oriented trade union movement of the country, denouncing the privatization of state entities, erosion of labor rights, and the overall neoliberal agenda.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Argentina: Not a minute of truce for the ultraliberal and neo-fascist government of Milei!

"Not a minute of truce for the ultraliberal and neo-fascist government of Milei", proclaims the National Secretariat of the Communist Party of Argentina (Partido Comunista de la Argentina) in a statement published on 10 December 2023. The statement by the Communist Party reads:

"The executive led by La Libertad Avanza, with Vice President Villarruel, of the Military Party, and in alliance with Macrismo, among others, does not hide its cards: its links with investment funds, large multinational companies and their local representatives such as Caputo, Bausili or Tillard, their orientation against social protest, with the repressive apparatus in charge of Bullrich and Petri, their alignment with the United States and Israel, and their roadmap marked by the illegitimate and illegal agreement with the IMF, configuring a neocolonial project that comes from the plundering of the natural resources and common goods of our Homeland.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Argentina: "Javier Milei is the worst expression of the Right; The only anti-system alternative is socialism", says Communist Party cadre

Javier Milei is the new president of Argentina. For the first time a far-right candidate comes to power. “We communists have the obligation to put on the table that the only anti-system alternative is socialism,” said Norberto Galiotti, of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Argentina (PCA).  

“What is coming is very hard, but we communists know very well what we are facing,” said Norberto Champa Galiotti, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, after knowing the results of the runoff that highlighted the far-right candidate, Javier Milei, as the new president of the Nation. 

Saturday, January 2, 2021

¡Aborto legal!: Argentinian communists hail Senate's decision to legalize abortion

Argentina’s Senate voted on Wednesday to legalize abortion, a first for a big country in Latin America and a triumph for women’s rights campaigners achieved over the visceral objection of the reactionary Catholic Church.

“It was the first triumph of a battle that began decades ago in our country. Yesterday (Wednesday) the militancy, the collective strength won and today Argentina is more just since the State assumes the responsibility of guaranteeing us the right to health and a full life”, said Guadalupe Viñuela Flores, a member of the National Secretariat of the Federation of Communist Youth (FJC), the youth wing of the Communist Party of Argentina.  

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Justice for María Florencia Gómez — Argentine communist activist murdered in Santa Fe

A young and politically active woman, member of the Communist Party of Argentina and staunch supporter of women's rights, María Florencia Gómez Pouillastrou was murdered last Monday in Santa Fe. The lifeless body of the 35 years-old activist was found on a rural road in the town of San Jorge with signs of head injury caused by a strong blow.

In a statement, the Communist Party of Argentina and the Communist Youth Federation announced the tragic news, expressing their firm conviction that justice will be done and the perpetrators of the crime will be punished.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

PAME denuncia la represión contra a los trabajadores del metro de Buenos Aires

Riot police forces at the Buenos Aires metro.
In a statement the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) denounces the violent repression of the police forces against the workers of the Buenos Aires metro. 

"The Municipality of Buenos Aires and the government of Argentina", writes the PAME statement, "responded to the just demands of the workers by using repression forces. In both Europe and Latin America the governments respond to the just demands of the working people with violence against the trade unionist organisation and activity". 

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Communist Parties' statements on the death of Argentine communist leader Patricio Echegaray

A significant figure of the South American communist movement, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Argentina since 1986, Patricio Echegaray, passed away on August 9th, 2017. 

Cde. Echegaray was born in San José de Jáchal on 17 October 1946. Between 1980 and 1985 he served as the 26th General Secretary of the Juvenile Communist Federation, while he had also been a member of the Buenos Aires City Legislature from 2000 to 2003. Patricio's leadership has been marked by close internationalist relationships with revolutionary processes around the continent, including in Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, and El Salvador.