Showing posts with label Lebanese Communist Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lebanese Communist Party. Show all posts

Saturday, June 29, 2024

The 24th International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties to be held in Beirut in October

Archive Photo / Shutterstock
Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, will host the 24th International Communist and Workers' Parties (IMCWP), which will take place on 25-27 October 2024. 
The decision was taken on Saturday 29 June at the meeting of the Working Group (WG) of IMCWP held in Beirut and attended by 14 Communist and Workers' Parties, including the KKE.

The main theme of the 24th IMCWP, hosted by the Lebanese Communist Party, will be the following:

Friday, July 21, 2023

Communist and Workers' Parties denounce detention and expulsion of Soha Bechara by Greek authorities

On Wednesday 12 July 2023,  Lebanese militant Soha Bechara, who has spent 10 years in Israeli prisons and considered a heroine of the liberation of South Lebanon from the Israeli occupation, was detained by the Greek authorities at Athens' International Airport and denied entry to Greece. She currently holds Lebanese and Swiss nationality.

Thanasis Pafilis, member of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and parliamentary spokesperson, protested to the Ministry of Citizen Protection against the detention of Bechara. 

Friday, August 13, 2021

Lebanese Communist Party denounces attacks against the popular movement in Lebanon

In a letter published in, the Lebanese Communist Party shares information about the latest developments in the country, a year after the huge explosion in Beirut port. The letter reads:

Dear comrades and friends,

We send you this letter to inform you about the latest developments in Lebanon, especially after the brutal attack by the “Lebanese Forces”, a fascist party/militia in Lebanon against the demonstrators during the commemoration of the 1st anniversary of the Beirut port huge explosion on August 4th of 2020.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Hanna Gharib: The socialist ideology has succeeded in the battle against Covid-19, whereas capitalism failed

"The socialist ideology had succeeded in the battle against COVID-19, whereas capitalist-oriented countries had failed. This pandemic had explicitly showed the greedy side of the capitalist system", was the message conveyed by Hanna Gharib, General Secretary of the Lebanese Communist Party, during the online lecture “Socialism and Capitalism in post-COVID-19 era”, organized by the Chinese Communist Party, in partnership with Arab Leftist Parties. 

Hanna Gharib referred on how states like China, Cuba and Vietnam succeeded against the COVID-19 pandemic, in sharp contrast with the failure of most capitalist states to protect their people. (Read here his speech)

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Israel-UAE-Bahrain agreement: Palestinian and Lebanese parties condemn the deal

In a joint statement issued in Beirut on September 14th, the Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) and three political parties from Palestine condemn the recent normalisation deal signed by Israel, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in Washington DC. 

As the statement points out the Lebanese Communist Party, the  Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) and the Palestinian People’s Party (PPP) "condemn the normalization of relationships between the Zionist entity from one side, and UAE and Bahrain from the other side".

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) leader Hanna Gharib comments on government's resignation

Lebanon's government stepped down on Monday night, less than a week after a massive explosion in Beirut killed more than 160 people and sparked days of mass protests. 

In a press statement about the developments the General Secretary of the Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) Hanna Gharib points out the following: 

First, LCP condemns the burning of the Martyrs’ monument that happened in the southern Village of Zraryeh. This incident which occurred at late night of Sunday August 9 reveals bad intentions against the Lebanese National Resistance Front, and against the party who was the backbone of this Front. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Beirut explosion: Solidarity messages by the Communist Parties of Greece, Cyprus, Turkey

At least 100 people were killed and 4,000 were wounded after the massive blast that rocked Beirut on Tuesday. The whole city was shaken by the explosion and a mushroom cloud could be seen spreading over the port area. 

The Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) declared the 5th of August as a day of humanitarian solidarity and requested a prompt investigation for the incident

Statements of condolences and solidarity towards the people of Lebanon were issued by the Communist Parties of Greece (KKE), Cyprus (AKEL) and Turkey (TKP):

Beirut explosion: Lebanese Communist Party requests a prompt investigation

A massive explosion rocked Lebanon's capital city, Beirut, on Tuesday, killing dozens of people, injuring thousands and blowing out windows in buildings across the city. According to reports, the was felt in the neighboring island of Cyprus, around 240 kilometers away.

In a statement, the Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) expresses its condolences to the families of the victims and requests a prompt investigation to reveal the responsibilities. 

The statement reads:

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Lebanese Communist Party: Supports popular uprising, calls for general strike

The Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) stands by the side of the masses who have demonstrated in Beirut and throughout the country during the last few days and calls for an escalation in the confrontation with Saad Hariri's government. 

The LCP called the recent protests as "a national uprising throughout the country from the north to the south, passing through the mountains, Beirut and the Bekaa, bypassing sectarian divisions and sectarian affiliations and upholding its rights and demands". 

Monday, December 17, 2018

Beirut turns red: Large demonstration held by the Lebanese Communist Party

Thousands of Lebanese workers, men and women, took to the streets of Beirut on Sunday to protest against a political stalemate that has prevented the formation of a new government seven months after elections. 

The demonstration was organized by the Lebanese Communist Party and consists the beginning of a series of actions against the ruling class and the pillaging of the country.