Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts

Friday, September 24, 2021

German elections: The workers must strengthen the DKP!

The 2021 German Federal election (Bundestagswahl 2021) is expected to be held on Sunday 26 September to elect members of the 20th Bundestag. On the same day, state elections in Berlin and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are going to be held. 

Although the election process in bourgeois democracy is certainly not an instrument for revolutionary change, the working men and women of Germany have on Sunday an extraordinary opportunity: To strengthen their own voice, by voting the German Communist Party (DKP). 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Sieg für DKP! German Communist Party will participate in September's federal elections

Sieg für DKP! (Victory for DKP)! The German Communist Party will finally participate in the upcoming federal elections which are going to take place on September. The Federal Constitutional Court completely overturned the decision of the Federal Electoral Committee which did not recognize the party as such and subsequently did not allow it to take part in the electoral process.

According to, the decision of the Federal Electoral Committee, which observers referred to as a "cold party ban", was challenged by the DKP on July 12 in Karlsruhe with a so-called non-recognition complaint.   

Monday, July 19, 2021

Europe floods: The tragic results of capitalist development

Europe's death toll from catastrophic flooding rose to at least 199 on Monday with hard-hit west Germany and Belgium reeling from the devastation. Nearly 300 people remain unaccounted for in Germany and Belgium, officials announced. 

There are at least 163 dead in Germany, according to authorities. The hardest-hit areas in Germany are Rhineland-Palatinate, where 117 have been killed in the flooding and in North Rhine-Westphalia, where at least 46 people died and 138 remain unaccounted for, the Koblenz Police and the German Ministry of Interior said.

Die Linke supported the ban of German Communist Party

On 9 July we wrote that the Federal Election Commission announced that the German Communist Party (DKP) will not be allowed to participate in September's Bundestag elections and at the same time will be deprived of its status as a political party. 

The pretext for this shameful decision was the alleged late submission of financial statements. 

Several Communist and Workers' Parties from across the world have strongly condemned the decision of the Commission and expressed its solidarity to the DKP. 

Monday, July 12, 2021

Esther Bejarano, veteran communist and Auschwitz survivor, dies at 96

Veteran German communist and a life-long anti-fascist who survived Auschwitz concentration camp, Esther Bejarano died on Saturday 10 July, aged 96.

Born in 1924 as the daughter of Jewish cantor Rudolf Loewy in French-occupied Saarlouis, the family later moved to Saarbruecken, where Bejarano enjoyed a musical and sheltered upbringing until the Nazis came to power and the city was returned to Germany in 1935.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Democracy in Germany? Communist Party's activity banned

In an urgent message to communist and workers' parties, the German Communist Party (DKP) points out:

To the Communist and Workers’ Parties

Dear Comrades!

In the following, you will find the statement of the chairman of the German Communist Party Patrik Köbele on the notification of the Federal Election Commissioner that the DKP will not be admitted to the Bundestag elections in September, and at the same time will be deprived of its status as a political party. The allegedly late submission of financial statements is used as a pretext.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Turkish communists in Germany: Petition against Erdogan's decision to withdraw Turkey from Istanbul Convention

The Germany branch of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) has launched a petition against the recent decision of Erdogan's AKP government to withdraw Turkey from Istanbul Convention.

In a declaration the TKP Party organization in Germany points out that "AKP does not have the legitimacy to draw the boundaries of womens' right to life and living space in this country", adding that "it should not be forgotten that in Turkey, where feminicide and violence against women are on the rise, all reactionary sects and religious communities, together with the AKP, targeted the Istanbul Convention". 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Rosa Luxemburg's 150th birth anniversary: Greek, Turkish and German communists honored her legacy

Workers, immigrants, members and friends of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) who live and work in Germany honored the 150th birth anniversary of the legendary communist revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg, 902 portal has reported

In Berlin, members and friends of the KKE and its youth wing, KNE, deposited flowers in the place where her lifeless body was thrown by the paramilitaries of social democrat Gustav Noske in January 1919. The event in memory of Rosa Luxembourg was also attended by representatives of the German Communist Party and the Communist Party of Turkey.

Friday, January 15, 2021

German Communist Party: Capitalist economic crisis and the “Coronavirus” crisis

By the German Communist Party (DKP)

What is often referred to by the ruling media as the “coronavirus crisis” is in fact, regardless of the pandemic, the world’s deepest economic crisis for  at least one hundred years.

It is a cyclical crisis of overproduction combined with structural crises in various economic sectors, with the coronavirus pandemic and related government action adding a special feature to this crisis. 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Berlin: Thousands rallied in honor of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht

Despite the pandemic, approximately 3,000 people participated today, Sunday 10 January, in a rally in Berlin dedicated to the commemoration of the murdered communist leaders Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht

Despite the peaceful character of the demonstration, the police tried to disperse the protesters by attacking the crowd and creating a tense situation for several minutes. The rally, with the major slogan being "Fight and Remember: Crisis and Oppression- the answer is Revolution", began from the Frankfurter Tor in Friedrichshain and ended at Friedrichsfelde cemetery where the memorial graves of Luxemburg and Liebknecht are. 

Friday, December 11, 2020

Who will pay for the crisis? Lufthansa receives $10 billion state bailout and cuts 30,000 jobs

On November 14th we were writing that at least 90,000 people will lose their job by the end of December as a result of mass layoffs by major U.S. airline companies. Aviation giants, such as United Airlines and American Airlines laid off 32,000 workers last October in an attempt to blackmail the U.S. government for higher subsidies.

The COVID-19 pandemic had a serious impact on the aviation industry due to travel restrictions and a significant slump in demand among travellers. No travellers means less profits for the big airliners. In order to reduce losses, the monopolies of aviation proceed to a series of anti-labor measures, including pay cuts, furloughs and, of course, layoffs. 

Monday, November 30, 2020

Engels memorial rally in Wuppertal marked by police violence

A public gathering commemorating the 200th birth anniversary of Friedrich Engels in his hometown Wuppertal in Germany, on Sunday 29th November, was marked by police violence. 

The report comes from “Engelsbündnis”, a group that organizes events in honor of the great philosopher and revolutionary since 2015. Taking into account the pandemic the gathering was successful but was marked with local police's "extreme arbitrariness and aggression". 

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Willkommen Lenin! Statue of Vladimir Lenin was unveiled in Germany's Gelsenkirchen

Great news from Germany as the much-awaited statue of Vladimir Lenin was unveiled today, Saturday, during an event held in the city of Gelsenkirchen. 

Practicing physical distancing and wearing masks, hundreds of participants attended today’s event which included speeches and music.  

The initiative for the installation of the 2-meter (6.5-foot) statue, which was originally made in the Soviet Union in the 1930s, belongs to the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD). 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

KKE responds to the fabrications published in "Die Rote Fahne" online newspaper

On June 6, 2020, an article titled "The Migration Issue "divides" the Left" was published online in Greece. The author of the article is a geologist who had studied in Germany and lives in Athens. It refers to an article in the German online newspaper "DIE ROTE FAHNE", which deals with the migration issue in Europe and criticises the ΚΚΕ for ..."deficient analysis". 

The author of the article claims that what we are dealing with is a "not so friendly reaction of the "fraternal" Communist Party of Germany, KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands).

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Vladimir Lenin's statue will be erected in the western German city of Gelsenkirchen

For the first time a statue of Vladimir Iliych Lenin will be installed in a western German city. After a long-standing battle between the local authorities of Gelsenkirchen and the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD), a court decided to permit the erection of the statue.

Gelsenkirchen, a city located in the centre of the Ruhr valley, once the most important coal mining town in Europe, will be the first western German city with a statue of the leader of the 1917 Great October Socialist Revolution and founder of the Soviet Union

Friday, March 6, 2020

German Communist Party's 23rd Congress held in Frankfurt: Köbele re-elected as chairman

Photo: Tom Brenner / Unsere Zeit.
From February 28 to March 1, 2020, the 23rd party conference of the German Communist Party (DKP) took place in Frankfurt/Main. 

Over 200 delegates welcomed more than 20 international guests and embassy representatives from Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam. Robert Griffiths, Chairman of the CP of Britain, Zisis Liberidis of the CP of Greece, and Ramón Ripoll Díaz, Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba, addressed the Congress. From Germany, representatives of the peace movement, the East German board of trustees of associations, and the party “Die Linke” addressed the delegates.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Racist crime in Germany: Turkish communists blast bourgeois hypocrisy towards fascism

Some 10,000 people marched in the town of Hanau, Germany, on Sunday as a show of support for the nine victims of a fascist terror attack. The mourners came together to demonstrate solidarity after a man shot nine people dead in the town on Wednesday before apparently killing his mother and himself. 

The 43-year-old assailant, named Tobias R., left rambling texts and videos in which he advocated racist views, called for genocide and claimed to have been under surveillance since birth. 

Sunday, February 16, 2020

STOP Defender 2020! Protesters marched in Munich against US-NATO-EU imperialists

Demonstrators in the streets of Munich. Photo:
A large anti-imperialist rally took place in the streets of Munich on Saturday where thousands of protesters gave a powerful response to the U.S-NATO-EU imperialist “hawks” participating at the 56th Munich Security Conference.

Under the slogan “Stop the DEFENDER 2020 exercise! Close down NATO bases in Ramstein, Incirlik, Souda and everywhere”, workers and immigrants, members and supporters of the Communist Parties of Greece (KKE) and Turkey (TKP), marched alongside their comrades from the German Communist Party (DKP). 

Saturday, February 15, 2020

German Communist Party (DKP) to hold its 23rd Congress on February 28 to March 1

The city of Frankfurt will host the 23rd Congress of the German Communist Party (DKP), between February 28 and March 1, 2020. 

Under the title “Our battlefields as part of the anti-monopoly strategy”, the DKP leadership has published a draft proposal which consists the framework of the discussion for the 23rd Congress. During the previous months, a series of articles, opinions and views regarding the proposal were published in the weekly newspaper “Unsere Zeit”

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

KKE: The Berlin Conference on Libya is not a process for the benefit of the Libyan people

On the occasion of the International Conference on Libya that is taking place in Berlin and the discussion about Greece's non-participation in it, the Press Bureau of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) issued a statement which was published on 902 portal

The statement of the KKE reads the following: