Sunday, April 4, 2021

Vladimir I. Lenin — Lessons of the Paris Commune

By Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

After the coup d état, which marked the end of the revolution of 1848, France fell under the yoke of the Napoleonic regime for a period of 18 years. This regime brought upon the country not only economic ruin but national humiliation. In rising against the old regime the proletariat under took two tasks—one of them national and the other of a class character—the liberation of France from the German invasion and the socialist emancipation of the workers from capitalism. This union of two tasks forms a unique feature of the Commune.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Turkish communists in Germany: Petition against Erdogan's decision to withdraw Turkey from Istanbul Convention

The Germany branch of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) has launched a petition against the recent decision of Erdogan's AKP government to withdraw Turkey from Istanbul Convention.

In a declaration the TKP Party organization in Germany points out that "AKP does not have the legitimacy to draw the boundaries of womens' right to life and living space in this country", adding that "it should not be forgotten that in Turkey, where feminicide and violence against women are on the rise, all reactionary sects and religious communities, together with the AKP, targeted the Istanbul Convention". 

Greece 2.0 plan will bring more sacrifices for the workers, says the KKE

"The only new things brought by the 'Greece 2.0' plan presented by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis are more sacrifices for workers and the people to help a recovery of the profits of the few," the Press Bureau of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) stated on Wednesday.

The National Recovery Plan constitutes a bridge between the Greece of memorandums and post memorandums commitments and the European 'super memorandum', the EU Recovery Fund. 

Friday, April 2, 2021

EU Commission: An accomplice in Polish government's effort to ban the Communist Party

Once again the European Union provocatively turns a blind eye to anti-communist persecutions that are taking place in its member-states. 
Two months ago, EU Commission's Vice President Vera Jourová, answering a question submitted by the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) MEP Kostas Papadakis, had actually justified the despicable anti-communist legislation of the Slovakian government (read here). 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Lenin's bronze statue to be erected in Manhattan, New York City mayor confirms

A 16 feet tall bronze statue of Vladimir Lenin will be erected in Manhattan's Union Square, NYC mayor Bill de Blasio confirmed in a press release today.

The effigy was made in 1934 in Leningrad and was acquired in 1992 by a Ukrainian American businessman following an auction in Berlin.

"The city of New York is proud and pleased to honor the legendary leader of the 1917 October Revolution and founder of the first workers' state in the world, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin", reads a statement by the mayor's office, adding that "despite the fierce reaction by anti-communist and right-wing organizations and groups, the statue will be unveiled in a ceremony on May 1, 2021". 

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Communist Party of Mexico blasts police repression over the murder of Salvadoran migrant in Quintana Roo

The death of 36 year-old Victoria Esperanza Salazar – a Salvadoran migrant who died in Tulum, Mexico, after a policewoman put her knee on her back for several minutes – continues to evoke outrage on after additional details of her life and how she died surfaced.

In a statement, the party organization of the Communist Party of Mexico (PCM) in Yucatán peninsula points out: 

Myanmar Protests — Communist Parties condemn military regime's violence, express solidarity to the people

The situation in Myanmar is getting worse day by day, with the death toll of military crackdown against anti-coup demonstrators surpassing 500. According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) at least eight civilians were killed in Myanmar's biggest city Yangon on Monday 29 March. 

The military regime, which ousted elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi on February 1, is escalating violence against protesters. 

Communist Parties across the world condemn the violent practices of the dictatorial regime and express their solidarity towards the protesting people of Myanmar.

Swaziland's Communist Party (CPS) to hold its 4th National Congress on 2-4 April

The Communist Party of Swaziland (CPS) will hold its 4th National Congress from Friday 2 April to Sunday 4 April 2021 under the theme Decisive mobilisation for Democracy Now. The CPS will greatly appreciate messages from the International Communist and Workers’ Parties to the CPS 4th National Congress.

The CPS Congress will review the work of the Party since the previous Congress, analyse the current situation in Swaziland, engage in thorough analysis of the Party’s progress thus far as well as the condition of the oppressed people and revolutionary forces in the fight against the tinkhundla system and imperialism. The Party will also elect its national leadership.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Palestinians Land Day: Statement by the WFTU

On the occasion of the 45th Palestinians Land Day, the Secretariat of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) issued the following statement: 
"The World Federation of Trade Unions, representing 105 million workers in 132 countries around the globe, commemorates the Palestinians Land Day and the heroic resistance of the People of Palestine on March 30th 1976 against the Israeli expropriation of Palestinian land. 

Monday, March 29, 2021

Erdogan Vs Women: Turkish communists on the front line of the struggle for women's rights

In the early hours of March 20, Turkey's government issued a decree deciding to pull out of the Istanbul Convention to combat the violence against women. Although the AKP government was giving signs of this decision earlier and peaked the debate in August 2020, by lobbying against the Convention, the decree came as a sudden decision after midnight and sparked tension.

Hundreds of women took to the streets on Saturday afternoon, declaring the decision as an attack of the AKP government against the health and lives of the women in Turkey. Several protests were organized in different cities of the country. While Erdogan's cabinet and pro-AKP circles celebrated the decision, the progressive organizations and opposition groups condemned the decision.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Norway's Communist Party (NKP) faces obstacles on the road to parliamentary elections

The parliamentary election in Norway is scheduled to be held on 13 September 2021. The two major bourgeois parties that will contest for the majority of the 169 seats in the Storting, the country's parliament, are the governing Labour Party (Arbeiderpartiet) and the opposition Conservative Party. 

Among the political forces that aim to participate in the election is the Communist Party of Norway (NKP), a party of marxist-leninist ideological characteristics which is a member of the European Initiative of Communist and Workers' Parties and a participant in the International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties (IMCWP). 

Thursday, March 25, 2021

League of Young Communists USA denounces Biden's warlike policy against the people of Korea

In a statement the International Department of the CC of the League of Young Communists USA denounces Biden administration's warlike policy against the people of Korea. The statement reads:

"The extradition of a DPRK citizen living in Malaysia, Mun Chol Myong, by the United States is a political arrest and kidnapping in broad daylight in defiance of international law and stability. Malaysia, a country which had a fascist military coup within recent years, proves the country’s subservience to the United States.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

KKE slams Greek Premier Mitsotakis' visit to USS Dwight D. Eisenhower

Just two days before the celebration of the 200th anniversary of Greece's Revolution of Independence on March 25, 1821, Greek Premier Kyriakos Mitsotakis decided to pay a visit to a symbol of U.S. imperialism - the United States Navy aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower which is docked at the Souda naval base in the island of Crete. 

For the record, the Prime Minister was received by the Commander of the US Navy in Europe and Africa, Admiral Robert Burke, and Lieutenant Colonel Scott Robertson, commander of the strike team led by “Eisenhower". 

Monday, March 22, 2021

Iranian communist Ali Khavari dies: Statement by the Tudeh Party of Iran

Ali Khavari, a veteran Iranian communist and a long-time leading figure of the Tudeh Party of Iran, died on March 19th at the age of 98. The following is an abridged version of a statement issued by the Tudeh Party:

Mourning the passing of the Party's “voice of righteousness”, tireless militant, and “spiritual asset” of Iran’s working people!

It is with deep sorrow that the Central Committee of the Tudeh Party of Iran announces the passing of Comrade Ali Khavari, the veteran Leader of the Tudeh Party of Iran. 

Sunday, March 21, 2021

90th anniversary of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) — Speech by General Secretary Oscar Figuera

Intervention by Oscar Figuera González, Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV), in the event for the 90th anniversary of the Party held on March 5th, 2021: 

Good morning, comrades. Please receive the fraternal and solidarity greetings of all the membership and leadership of the Communist Party of Venezuela and the communist youth, with all our militant commitment in the anti-imperialist struggle for national liberation and for socialism-communism.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

KKE denounces the persecution of HDP deputy Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu in Turkey

In a statement issued today the Press Bureau of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) denounces the political prosecution against the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party's MP Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu by the Turkish government.

More specifically the statement, which was published on 902 portal, points out:

150 years since the Paris Commune — Abstract from Karl Marx's "The Civil War in France"

Today, 18 March 2021, marks the 150th anniversary of the heroic Paris Commune, the first time in the history of mankind when the state power passed, albeit for a short time, into the hands of the proletariat, the most pioneering and only revolutionary class of capitalist society. 

The Commune founded by the workers of Paris lived for only 72 days. However its historic importance was enormous. Nothing after the Paris Commune would be the same for the working class, nor for the bourgeoisie which, from then on, would be forced to live with the nightmare of a revolution overthrowing its dominance.

On the occasion of the 150 years since the Commune de Paris, we publish two chapters from Karl Marx's work "The Civil War in France" (1871) which refer to the historical events of the then period. 

Greece protests: "Give money for Health and Education, not for repression and terrorism"

With large demonstrations in Athens, Thessaloniki and other major Greek cities on Wednesday evening, thousands of workers, students, pensioners, young men and women sent a militant message of struggle against the escalation of authoritarianism and repression by the conservative New Democracy (ND) government.

Shouting slogans such as “Riot police, violence, authoritarianism, this is capitalism” and “Give money for Health and Education, not for repression and terrorism”, the protesters demanded substantial protection and strengthening of the public health system against the policy that leaves the working people unprotected in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Young Communist League of Britain (YCL): Statement on the murder of Sarah Everard and violence against women

The Young Communist League of Britain (YCL) issued a statement in response to the tragic and reprehensible abduction and murder of 33-year-old Sarah Everard by a police officer. 
The statement reads:

The news this week that Wayne Couzens currently serving as a Metropolitan Police Officer, has been arrested and charged in connection with the murder of Sarah Everard in London, is a horrific demonstration of the persistent levels of gendered violence against women and girls in Britain and the seismic shifts that must be fought for and won to achieve women’s liberation and equality.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Interview of the General Secretary of the KKE Dimitris Koutsoumbas in "Kontra News" newspaper

Dimitris Koutsoumbas, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), gave an interview in the Sunday edition (14 March 2021) of "Kontra News" newspaper. 

The communist leader refers to the current political situation in Greece, the policy of New Democracy (ND) government during the Pandemic, Greece's Left political forces and the stance of the KKE. 

 Below, you can read a translated version of the interview:

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Philippine Communist Party (PKP-1930) condemns killings of non-combatant activists by police forces

In a statement about the killing of nine people by security forces, during raids against suspected rebels in four provinces, the Philippine Communist Party (PKP-1930) stresses out:

News reports about the killing last Sunday (March 7) of 9 unarmed local leaders of mass organizations in 4 provinces south of Metropolitan Manila, have again placed the Philippines among the top concerns of the Office of the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights. That the victims represented organizations identified by government as supporters of the maoist insurgency, does not detract from the fact that they were not combatants themselves, and that the search warrants issued by distant Manila courts and served through dawn raids by police-military composite teams have not resulted in the seizure of reported guns and grenades in the places where the victims were killed.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Portuguese Communist Party celebrated 100th anniversary — Full speech by General Secretary Jerónimo de Sousa

The Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) celebrated its 100th anniversary on Saturday with a message of struggle and devotion to the continued fight for freedom, justice and socialism.  
Addressing hundreds of Communist Party members and supporters, who were carrying party flags and carnations - the symbol of the 1974 Revolution - General Secretary Jerónimo de Sousa honored the "generations of communists who are an example of selfless devotion to the just cause they embraced".  

Monday, March 8, 2021

Greek Police brutally beat passer-by in Athens: KKE, PAME condemn government's policy of repression

Just two weeks after the brutal crackdown of a student's protest in Thessaloniki's Aristotle University, Greek Police is once again making headlines for its repressive and violent activity. 
Despite the effort of the conservative New Democracy government and Minister of Citizen Protection Chrysochoidis to attribute this activity to “isolated incidents”, it is evident that police aggression is part of the governmental policy and goes hand by hand with the implementation of the anti-worker, anti-people agenda. 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Rosa Luxemburg's 150th birth anniversary: Greek, Turkish and German communists honored her legacy

Workers, immigrants, members and friends of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) who live and work in Germany honored the 150th birth anniversary of the legendary communist revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg, 902 portal has reported

In Berlin, members and friends of the KKE and its youth wing, KNE, deposited flowers in the place where her lifeless body was thrown by the paramilitaries of social democrat Gustav Noske in January 1919. The event in memory of Rosa Luxembourg was also attended by representatives of the German Communist Party and the Communist Party of Turkey.