Showing posts with label PAME. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PAME. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

NATO stands for Wars and Dictatorships: Statements by WFTU and PAME on NATO Washington Summit

Statements by the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) and Greece's All Militant Workers' Front (PAME) on the occasion of NATO's Summit in Washington DC held between 9-11 July 2024. 

World Federation of Trade Unions

The World Federation of Trade Unions, representing more than 105 million workers who work live, and struggle in 133 countries all over the world, strongly condemns the continuation of military interventions and wars, the accelerated militarization of international relations and confrontational rhetoric, the soaring of the military expenditures, as well as the NATO plans amid the escalating intra-imperialist confrontation.  

Monday, April 22, 2024

Serbian and Greek unionists meet in Belgrade to mark the 25 years since NATO bombing

At the emblematic bridge of Novi Sad, a symbol of both the NATO atrocity and the heroic resistance of the Serbian people against the imperialist intervention of 1999, a massive delegation of PAME demonstrated.

The hundreds of union representatives opened a giant banner spreading it on the bridge and sending the message “75 years NATO has been targeting the peoples of the whole world-The only power is the people”.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Mass demonstration in support of Palestine in Athens — مظاهرة ضخمة مؤيدة لفلسطين في أثينا

On Sunday 29/10, a mass demonstration in support of Palestine took place in Athens, following a call by the All Workers’ Militant Front (PAME). 
Thousands of demonstrators gathered outside the US embassy and then marched to the Israeli embassy.

Addressing the rally, the trade union representatives demanded an end to the massacre of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and to the Israeli occupation. 

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

PAME: Solidarity with the workers of France against trade union persecutions

The All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) denounces the new attempt of the French Government to intimidate workers and criminalise workers’ struggles, by calling the General Secretary of the CGT Energy Federation, Sébastien Menesplier to give statement to the police for the militant initiatives developed by the trade unions in the past months against Macron’s pension reform.

The great months-long struggle of French workers has succeeded, through the huge mobilisations of millions of workers, in showing that the French people have rejected the French government’s anti-workers’ reforms. 

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Workers' May Day 2023 in Greece: The struggles of the workers of the whole world will win!

Tens of thousands of people participated in the mass strike rallies that were held all over Greece, militantly commemorating the bloody uprising in Chicago and the heroic struggles of the labour movement under the slogan “All over the world workers’ struggles will win!”.

“The working class can abolish capitalist slavery and build a new society without the exploiters and their parasitic nature”, stressed Giorgos Perros, member of the Secretariat of the All Workers’ Militant Front (PAME).

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

PAME: Long Live the Struggle of the Workers of France

PAME, expresses its solidarity with the working class of France and the new General Strike on March 23 and the big daily mobilisations of the workers.

The working class, the youth and the people of France, with the militant trade unions in the front line, flood the streets of all French cities every day and carry out massive, militant strikes and multiform actions to prevent the imposition of the anti-workers pension reform of the Macron government. They clearly state that they do not accept to work til death.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Greece on the streets — “Our dead, their profits” — Massive strike rallies for the train crash crime

Thousands of workers, school pupils and students, young men and women, participated on Wednesday in massive nationwide strike demonstrations across Greece, demanding no cover-up of the governmental responsibilities for the fatal train crash that took place in Larissa on February 28th. 
The strike came as a continuation of the March 5th huge rally held in Athens' Syntagma Square during the 48-hour strike of railway workers. Read here the call by the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME).

Thursday, March 2, 2023


In a statement about the fatal train crash in Tempe, near the city of Larissa in central Greece, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party (KKE) issued the following statement:

"The KKE expresses its sorrow for the unprecedented fatal train accident in Tempe and its sincere condolences to the families of the victims. It calls upon its members and friends to participate in the blood donations held in the towns where the injured are being hospitalized.

We demand that there be a full investigation into the causes of this tragedy, that nothing be covered up!

Monday, February 6, 2023

Greece's PAME calls for material aid to earthquake-hit people of Turkey and Syria: "You are not alone"

In a statement following the devastating earthquake that hit regions of South Eastern Turkey and Syria, the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) expresses its full proletarian solidarity and calls for the collection of material aid for the earthquake-hit people:

"PAME stands by our brothers and sisters, the workers and the peoples of Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and all the neighboring countries affected by the massive earthquake in the morning of Monday, 6 February. We are shocked to see the images, especially from the region at the epicentre of the earthquake, where once again natural phenomena have victimised the poor people.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

France: Workers protest against government's pension reform in the largest mobilizations of the last 20 years

Huge crowds marched across France on Tuesday to say "non" to President Emmanuel Macron's plan to make people work longer before retirement. 

According to the estimations of Trade Unions, yesterday's mobilization in Paris is the largest since 2000. 

The French Interior ministry said that a total of 1.272 million people took part in the protests nationwide, up slightly from the first nationwide demonstration on Jan 19. In Paris, a total of 87,000 people marched, compared to 80,000 on Jan. 19, it added.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Trade unionist leader Muhammad Shaban Azouz dies

Muhammad Shaban Azouz, prominent trade unionist leader from Syria and former President of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), died on Monday in Damascus, aged 70. 

Azouz, a native of Aleppo, was a long-time member of the central leadership of Al-Baath Arab Socialist Party.

In a statement, the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) stresses out:

"With great sorrow, the WFTU informs about the passing away of comrade Mohammad Shaban Azouz who served as president of the WFTU.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

PAME: Sell-out “Trade Unions” in the service of the monopolies and the Governments

 By Nikolas Theodorakis.

Workers’ struggles have nothing to do with the filth of the ITUC- ETUC, just as these organisations have nothing to do with the working class.

The recent arrest of the General Secretary of the ITUC, International Trade Union Confederation, and until hours before the arrest also the General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation – ETUC, has come to bring to the fore again the multifarious interference of the monopolies and the imperialists in order to control the trade union movement.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

November 29 – International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

The Section of International Relations of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) issued a statement on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on 29 November 2022, stressing the following:

“On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the KKE expresses its full support for the just struggle of the Palestinians, which is an inspiration for the just popular struggle of the workers all over the world. 

Friday, November 25, 2022

PAME on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Statement by the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME), Greece's trade union powerhouse, on the occasion of the
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women:
"On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, PAME expresses once again its solidarity to every woman who experiences violence and insecurity at work and in everyday life.

We especially denounce the horrific incidents of sexual abuse and exploitation of children.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Greece: People's solidarity stops seizure of pensioner’s home by the banks

Protest in Athens in support of pensioner Ioanna Kolovou (Right)
On Monday, November 21, at 5.30 in the morning a bailiff with police forces broke into the house of an elderly woman, a low pensioner in Athens, Greece, in order to evict her and her home to be given to a fund that had bought her debt.

The elderly woman, Ioanna Kolovou, mother of a person with special needs, had a debt from credit cards of 15.000€, which, when she lost her husband, she could not afford its payment and asked for a settlement of the debt. While the bank was delaying the procedures the interests were growing and doubled the debt with the Bank going forward to auctioning her home to a Fund (called "vultures" for taking people’s homes).

Friday, November 11, 2022

PAME exposes the dirty role and lies of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)

PAME: The dirty role and lies of the ETUC-CES revealed again

On November 9 a General Strike took place in Greece. A strike that was decided, was prepared and succeeded thanks to the action of the militant trade unions of Greece. It was one of the most massive and successful strikes of recent years. In this strike the class unions of Greece had the massive support and solidarity of militant unions from all over the world and at the central Strike Rally of PAME in Athens attended the entire Secretariat of the World Federation of Trade Unions-WFTU/FSM, expressing its solidarity in practice.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Greek workers on the streets: Massive participation in nationwide strike rallies

With a massive strike rally in the center of Athens and numerous demonstrations over 60 cities across the country, Greece's organized labor movement sent today, November 9, a militant and powerful message of struggle against the anti-people’s policy that generates poverty, hunger, exploitation and wars, that leaves the people freezing so as to warm the profits of the business groups. 

The Unions have declared Wednesday 9 November a 24-hour nationwide strike demanding, among others, substantial increases in wages and pensions, for collective agreements that guarantee stable work with rights, for electricity and basic goods cheap for the people (read PAME statement).

Monday, November 7, 2022

Nationwide strike in Greece on November 9: No one frozen! No one hungry! No one alone!

The preparations and the call for the National General Strike of November 9 continue and escalate. November 9 Strike rallies have been announced so far in 61 Cities all over Greece.

Send your messages, photos, videos of solidarity to PAME at Email:, Twitter @PAME_Greece, #GreeceGeneralStrike #GeneralStrikeNov9.

PAME Statement & Platform of Demands

Friday, October 21, 2022

PAME’s greeting at the 58th Congress of the UD CGT13 in Marseilles: "Our future is not to become slaves of the 21st century"

A delegation of the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) Secretariat and the Union of Piraeus' Port Dockers of COSCO arrived in France to participate in the Congress of UD CGT 13 and express solidarity with the strike actions of the working class of France. The following greeting speech was delivered by George Perros, member of the Secretariat of PAME:


Workers of UD CGT13 Bouches duRhones, of the historic Marseille.

Monday, October 17, 2022

PAME stands by the side of the working class of Turkey: On the employers’ crime in Amasra

In a statement about the employers' crime in Bartin, Turkey, which led to the deaths of 41 miners, Greece's All Workers-Militant Front (PAME) points out:

"PAME expresses its deep sorrow and condolences to the families and colleagues of the 41 miners murdered in the Amasra mines in Bartin, Turkey.

41 of our brothers, our colleagues did not return to their families because of the employers’ unending pursuit of profit. After the dead of Soma, whose families are still waiting for justice, comes another massacre of workers.