Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Comment of the KKE on the termination of the activity of the European Communist Initiative

Comment of the International Relations Section of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) on the termination of the activity of the European Communist Initiative:


The inevitable course towards the termination of the activity of the European Communist Initiative (ECI) has caused confusion among some of the forces participating in it.

Monday, September 18, 2023

KKE: Strike call against Mitsotakis government's new anti-labour steamroller

On Friday 15/09/23, the workers and the youth demonstrated in a mass protest in Syntagma square, determined not to allow their working and living conditions to be crushed under the iron heel of the laws of profit and exploitation.

The protest, organized by trade unions and mass organizations, turned into a call for a strike against the government’s anti-labour steamroller and into a condemnation of the recent crime against the people of Thessaly.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

On the termination of the activity of the European Communist Initiative and the role of opportunism

By Nikos Mottas.

The erosive and undermining role of opportunism in the international communist movement has made its appearance again, this time by leading to the termination of the activity of the European Communist Initiative (INITIATIVE).

According to a statement by the Secretariat of the INITIATIVE, the “important ideological and political differences that have arisen over time and which have been aggravated since the outbreak of the war being waged between the USA-NATO-EU and capitalist Russia” were assessed during a last teleconference held on September 9.

KKE: The EU is an accomplice for the crime in Thessaly

In its statement of 12/9/23, on the occasion of the meeting between the Greek Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in Strasbourg, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) stressed the responsibility of the EU for the floods, since the latter has systematically rejected the expenditure on flood protection projects as ineligible.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

European Communist Initiative ends its activity

A teleconference of the Full Plenum of the parties of the European Communist Initiative (ECI) was held on 9/9/2023 to discuss the problematic situation that has recently developed in the ECI after the outbreak of the imperialist war in Ukraine.

During the teleconference, many contributions positively evaluated the activity of the ECI for the period 2013–2022, its contribution to the coordination of the communist parties in Europe and the joint study and elaboration of European and important international issues aimed at strengthening the struggle against the capitalist system, the EU, the bourgeois classes and their governments.

Monday, September 11, 2023

KKE: Οn the 50th anniversary of the Pinochet coup in Chile and the assassination of Salvador Allende

Statement of the International Relations Section of the CC of the KKE on the 50th anniversary of the Pinochet coup in Chile and the assassination of Salvador Allende:

On 11 September 1973, a military coup d’état took place in Chile, led by General Pinochet, who, with the support of the USA, overthrew the Popular Unity government.

The Chilean experience tragically confirmed the basic lesson drawn from the experience of the Paris Commune, which Marx and Engels also stressed in the Communist Manifesto, that “the working class cannot simply lay hold of ready-made state machinery and wield for its own purposes”. It must, as Lenin stressed, “smash the ‘ready-made state machinery’ and not confine itself merely to laying hold of it”.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Cuba arrests 17 for trafficking men to fight for Russia in Ukraine: "Cuba is not part of the military conflict"

Cuban authorities informed on Thursday about the arrest of 17 people involved in a human trafficking network that operated to incorporate Cuban citizens into war operations in Ukraine
Specialists from the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation at the Ministry of the Interior said on national television that the persons involved in this criminal network in Cuba are being investigated.

They added that three persons belonged to the recruitment scheme within Cuba, directed from abroad. The remaining 14 persons confessed that they had joined the operation by their individual and voluntary decision in exchange for residence in Russia and substantial monetary compensation.

Egyptian Communist Party mourns Munir Hamarneh, Jordanian communist leader and thinker

Dr. Munir Hamarneh
In a statement addressed to the Jordanian Communist Party, the Secretary General of the Egyptian Communist Party Salah Adly points out:

"We received with great sadness the news of the death of the thinker, leader, fighter, human being and teacher, Comrade Munir Hamarneh, historical leader of the Jordanian Communist Party, who led all the battles of the brotherly Jordanian people for freedom, independence, and the trend towards socialism... and the end of dependence on capitalism... and contributed to the building of the Jordanian Communist Party and devoted himself to the cause of unity of Communists In Jordan... It has always been at the heart of the battle against the Zionist enemy, supporting and supporting the Palestinian people to obtain their legitimate rights.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Flooding in Greece — KKE: Unprotected cities and defenseless people against a rotten and hostile state

The Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) issued the following statement on the problems caused by storm "Daniel" throughout the country:

“Unprotected cities and defenseless people against a rotten and hostile state, which is unwilling and unable to take even basic measures of protection against natural phenomena. 
This is the conclusion that can be drawn from this bad weather, which has so far left two dead and four missing, destroyed infrastructure, flooded houses, shops, crops, cars etc.

PCV: Maduro Government negotiates with US while the people bear the burden of sanctions

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) denounced on Monday that the government of President Nicolás Maduro negotiates with the US administration while the Venezuelan people bear the burden of unilateral coercive measures.

The statement was made regarding the most recent declarations by PSUV lawmaker José Gregorio Vielma Mora, who assured that the government leadership "suffers" for not being able to increase salaries. 

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Cyprus: AKEL strongly condemns racist attacks against immigrants in Limassol

AKEL, the Progressive Party of Working People, strongly condemned Friday's racial violence against immigrants and refugees in Limassol, Cyprus.

On the night of Friday 1 September, far-right groups turned the city center into chaos, by smashing shops, throwing Molotov cocktail and chasing migrants. 

In a statement, AKEL called the incidents a "racist pogrom that consists a shame for the country", stressing out that the President and his government were responsible for the scale of the violence,

Friday, September 1, 2023

Finland's far-right governing coalition to criminalize communist symbols?

Finland's ultra-conservative government has decided to implement a policy that would “combat racism”, following multiple racism and neo-Nazi scandals that have rocked the administration in its early months.

The governing coalition’s parties agreed on the content of a statement submitted to Finnish parliament that calls for “non-discrimination in Finnish society,” according to a press release, and for new legislation to work toward that goal.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Nikos Sofianos, the KKE's candidate for Athens mayor

"People's Rally" campaign poster.
The member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, Nikos Sofianos, is the candidate of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) for the mayorship of the Greek capital in October 8th regional and municipal elections.

An experienced KKE cadre, with a long political and social activity, Sofianos has been a member of the Athens Municipal Council since 2010 under the banner of the KKE-supported "Athens People's Rally". 

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Chilean communist leader Guillermo Teillier dies at 79

Guillermo Teillier, President of the Communist Party of Chile since 2005, has died at 79.

Teillier was born in Santa Bárbara, Biobío Region, on October 29, 1943.

He joined the Communist Youth in 1958, serving as regional secretary in the cities of Temuco and Valdivia. He then became regional secretary in Valdivia, where he was caught in the 1973 Chilean coup d'état. In 1974, he held the same post in Concepción and Lota. 

Chile: Victor Jara's murderers are going to jail — Justice served 50 years later

A Chilean court has confirmed jail terms for seven elderly retired soldiers for the 1973 murder of beloved folk singer and Communist Party member Victor Jara in the aftermath of the coup d’etat that installed dictator Augusto Pinochet.

The soldiers, aged between 73 and 85 and free men until the ruling, will now have to report to prison to serve sentences of between eight and 25 years. The defendants had approached the Criminal Chamber of the Chilean Supreme Court to review their conviction in 2018.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

PAME: Solidarity with the workers of France against trade union persecutions

The All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) denounces the new attempt of the French Government to intimidate workers and criminalise workers’ struggles, by calling the General Secretary of the CGT Energy Federation, Sébastien Menesplier to give statement to the police for the militant initiatives developed by the trade unions in the past months against Macron’s pension reform.

The great months-long struggle of French workers has succeeded, through the huge mobilisations of millions of workers, in showing that the French people have rejected the French government’s anti-workers’ reforms. 

Sunday, August 27, 2023

CPUSA Again Shows True Colors, Sides with PSUV Against Revolutionary PCV

In recent months, the governing party of Venezuela – the PSUV – under the leadership of Nicolas Maduro has brought the hammer down on the revolutionary Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV). 
The PCV has taken the principled communist stance of opposing the bourgeois regime of PSUV and exposing the irrefutably capitalist nature of the Venezuelan state and the PSUV’s role in perpetuating the continued economic crises in the country.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Vladimir Podgorbunsky: The bandit who became a Hero of the Soviet Union

The trials and tribulations that befall people during the war can change their lives forever. War brings tragedy and tears, but it can also be a turning point that inspires courage and heroism. A striking example of such a transformation is the amazing story of Vladimir Podgorbunsky, a former criminal from Chita.

Born in the Irkutsk region, Vladimir Podgorbunsky lost his father soon after his birth, and then tragically lost his mother, leaving him in the care of an orphanage . To survive, he became a thief and quickly became a leader among the inmates of the orphanage. He was sent to a juvenile colony at the age of 18, from where he repeatedly escaped, continuing to lead a life of crime.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

KKE condemns the persecution against Ukrainian communists by the reactionary Zelensky regime

The International Relations Section of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) issued a statement on the persecution of communists in Ukraine, which reads as follows:

“The KKE condemns the ongoing undemocratic persecution against Ukrainian communists by the reactionary Zelenskiy regime, that has outlawed dozens of Ukrainian political parties and is particularly eager to persecute communists.

Is there justice in Venezuela? TSJ denies the right to defense to the Communist Party

The President of the Communist Party of Venezuela, Perfecto Abreu, qualified as unlawful and illegal the ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) that last August 11 declared the intervention of the PCV with an ad hoc board constituted by citizens from outside the organization.

"The magistrate did not give the right to defense to the Communist Party of Venezuela", denounced Abreu in a press statement, after explaining that the Constitutional Chamber "admitted and decided immediately, using the procedure of mere law, without taking into account that among the plaintiffs there is not a single militant of the Communist Party of Venezuela". 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

KKE on Mitsotakis-Zelensky joint declaration: Their invocation of international law is hypocritical

In a statement concerning the Joint Declaration signed by Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelenskyy in Athens, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) stresses out:

“As much as Mr Mitsotakis hypocritically invokes the “international law”, he can't hide that actual aim of his government, which is the more active and deep involvement of our country in the imperialist war in Ukraine and in NATO plans in the region. Essentially, that is, the ND government feeds those factors that led both to the NATO-Russia conflict in Ukraine, as well as to the aggravation of the problems in the Balkan countries. 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Ireland: Communist Party condemns government's decision to provide weapons training to Ukraine

In a statement the Communist Party of Ireland denounces the Irish government's decision to provide weapons to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

"The Communist Party of Ireland condemns the government’s decision ordering Irish troops to provide weapons training to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. 

This decision dangerously increases Irish involvement in the war and is another calculated attack on Irish neutrality.  We call on the Irish government to immediately rescind this decision and instead to add its voice to the majority of the world's nations that have called for a ceasefire and a negotiated settlement. 

Sunday, August 20, 2023

KKE and AKEL condemn attack on UN peacekeeping forces in Cyprus' buffer zone

KKE: The decision of the occupation authorities on Cyprus aims at the creation of fait accompli

The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) in an announcement on Saturday underlined that the occupation authorities in north Cyprus arbitrary decision to carry out unauthorised construction works for the opening of a road that would link the occupied village Arsos with Pyla (inhabited by Turkish-Cypriots and Greek-Cypriots) along with the attack against UN peacekeeping forces aims to the creation of fait accompli and triggers a dangerous tension in the area.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Pakistan's Communist Party condemns the recent attacks on the Christian Community and Churches

The Communist Party of Pakistan and Comrade Imdad Qazi, the Secretary General of the Communist Party of Pakistan and Convenor of the Popular Left Alliance (Left Parties Alliance), have strongly condemned the attacks on churches, homes, and properties of the Christian community in Jaranwala, District Faisalabad, Punjab following rumours of Quran desecration. 

The Christian community makes up around 2% of the total population and occupies one of the lowest rungs in Pakistani society. They are frequently targeted with spurious blasphemy allegations. In the current incident, at least four churches were burnt down and ransacked, along with shops and homes belonging to Christians.