Showing posts with label Workers Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Workers Day. Show all posts

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Israel: Jewish and Arab workers honored May Day, sent message of proletarian solidarity amid war

Thousands gathered on Saturday, April 27, for the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and Hadash May Day parade in Nazareth, this after the police confiscated last Friday equipment and flags from the Hadash and CPI branch in the city ahead of the march.

At Paulus Street in Nazareth, between the red flags and flags of Palestine, banners were carried against the deadly war in Gaza, occupation of the Palestinian territories, US imperialism, capitalism and in favor of the dignity of the working class. Young Communist League orchestras filled the air with the sound of drums.

Monday, April 29, 2024

European Communist Action: Long live the 1st of May — Long live socialism!

ECA Statement on the 1st of May

For the workers’ and communist parties, the 1st of May represents a day of struggle, in remembrance of those who came before us and in honor of those who will continue the struggle.

The working people, not only in the countries of Europe, but in the entire world, have in the past years stood face to face with the inhumanity and brutality of the capitalist system, which has put the entire burden of the increasing prices on the shoulders of the working people. By simultaneously keeping wages down, the situation for the workers and other exploited strata has worsened in every country.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Workers' May Day 2023 in Greece: The struggles of the workers of the whole world will win!

Tens of thousands of people participated in the mass strike rallies that were held all over Greece, militantly commemorating the bloody uprising in Chicago and the heroic struggles of the labour movement under the slogan “All over the world workers’ struggles will win!”.

“The working class can abolish capitalist slavery and build a new society without the exploiters and their parasitic nature”, stressed Giorgos Perros, member of the Secretariat of the All Workers’ Militant Front (PAME).

Sunday, April 30, 2023

May Day 2023: Statement by the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)

The World Federation of Trade Unions, the militant, class-oriented voice, representing 105 million workers who live, work, and struggle in 133 countries of the 5 continents, honors the 137th anniversary of the struggle of workers in Chicago in 1886 that constituted a lasting milestone of the working class and a bright beacon for the struggles of today and tomorrow for stable work with rights, social security, free public, and universal health and education, dignified life.

Nowadays the crisis of capitalism is deepening in the length and breadth of the globe, resulting in the open violation of democratic and trade union rights, the deterioration of working and living conditions, and the dramatic widening of social inequalities, poverty, and exploitation. 

Monday, May 2, 2022

May Day 2022 in Greece: "The working class does not bow its head" (VIDEO)

“The working class will not bow its head” was the message sent by thousands of demonstrators on May 1st in Athens' Syntagma Square, on the occasion of the International Workers' Day. With a militant rally, trade unions that participate in the ranks of the All-Workers' Militant Front (PAME) raised their voice against the rise of prices and Greece's involvement in the imperialist war in Ukraine.

136 years since the uprising in Chicago, in the shadow of another imperialist war that is taking place for the profits of the capitalists, in the face of the escalating attack of governments against the workers' rights, the message of the May 1st protests throughout Greece is a beacon of hope. 

Sunday, May 1, 2022

European Communist Initiative: Statement on the 1st of May, the International Workers' Day

In a statement for the 2022 International Workers' Day, the European Communist Initiative points out the following:

"This year, we highlight the 1st of May in difficult conditions, amidst the severe sharpening of the contradictions within the imperialist system.

The constant escalation between the imperialist blocs of the world has as its inevitable outcome the sharpening of competition; as every monopoly needs to expand it will eventually encounter other monopolies seeking to do the same. The constant struggle for profits drive the policies of the bourgeoisie and its governments, and forces upon the people militarisation and an increase in exploitation. The fault is in the capitalist system itself.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

May Day 2022: Statement by the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)

On the occasion of the International Workers' Day 2022, the Secretariat of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) points out:

"Long live the 18th World Trade Union Congress!

The World Trade Union Federation, on the occasion of May Day 2022, salutes workers on all continents – all those whose work continues to drive the gears of life even in difficult conditions and who continue to produce all essential goods.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Workers’ May Day 2021 in Greece: Militant rallies in Athens, Thessaloniki and other cities

With large, militant rallies in Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras, Piraeus and other cities, the working class of Greece honored today, May 6th, the International Worker's Day

The class unions organized multi-faceted strike events throughout the country in spite of the ND government decision to move May Day on Tuesday. Thousands of people, workers, young men and women gathered today in Syntagma Square, Athens, in a demonstration organized by dozens of unions that participate in the ranks of the All-Workers’ Militant Front (PAME), thus sending a powerful message against the anti-labour policies of the government. 

Sunday, May 2, 2021

May Day 2021: KKE and KNE in rallies across Europe

Brussels (
Thousands of workers, men and women, took to the streets across Europe on Saturday May 1st in order to honor the International Workers' Day, amid varying levels of Coronavirus restrictions.

Members and friends of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and the Communist Youth (KNE), who live in France, Germany, Britain, Belgium, Sweden and other countries participated actively in the May Day rallies, 902 portal reports. 

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Long live International Workers’ Day! Long live socialism: Statement by the European Communist Initiative

Statement by the Initiative of the Communist and Workers' Parties for the 2021 May Day, the International Worker's Day:

The Parties of the European Communist Initiative send a warm militant salute to the workers of our Continent, to the working class of the world. 

We are inspired by the flame of the workers of Chicago, we honor the men and women of our class who fell on the battlefields of the class struggle.

Friday, May 1, 2020

"The deadliest virus is capitalism": Great May Day rally by PAME in Athens

In a rally with great symbolism, workers and labour unions honored the International Workers’ Day in Athens’ Syntagma Square, thus sending a powerful message of proletarian solidarity. 

Organized by the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME), the rally took place with all the necessary measures of protection due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with the protestors keeping distance from each other, wearing masks and gloves. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

#MayDay: From Havana to Istanbul, millions of workers honored the 1st of May (Photos)

Millions of working class people, from Cuba to Turkey and from Japan to the United States, gathered in the streets to honor the 1st of May, the International Workers' Day, 132 years since the slaughter of the workers in Chicago:

Havana, Cuba

Following a tradition of the last decades, the largest and most impressive May Day rally is organized in the Cuban capital, with millions of people participating in the march across Havana, gathering at the city's Plaza de la Revolucion. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

May Day 2017: Mass participation in PAME's militant rallies in Athens and Thessaloniki (Photos & Videos)

Info from / Translation: In Defense of Communism.

With a massive gathering at Syntagma square and a march towards the U.S. Embassy, thousands of people participated in PAME's May Day rally in Athens. Under the slogan "With the Workers of all Countries for a World without exploitation, wars, refugees", the protesters expressed their commitment to continue the class struggle against the new antipeople measures of the SYRIZA coalition government and the EU. 

The 1st of May rallies by PAME consist a step towards the escalation of struggle against the policy of government-EU-capital which will be expressed with a nationwide strike on May 17th.

Monday, April 17, 2017

PAME calls Greek and foreign workers to honour the International Workers' Day in Athens

On the occasion of the 2017 International Workers' Day, the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) issued the following statement, calling Greek and immigrant workers to attend the May Day rally in Athens on May 1st.
Together With The Workers Of All Countries For A World.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Workers' Day celebrated in Cuba: Thousands of people marched in Havana (VIDEO)

    Source: Granma.

In the presence of Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba and president of the Councils of State and Ministers, May Day celebrations began in Havana’s Plaza de la Revolución José Martí.
Also participating in the march were members of the Party Political Bureau, Party Central Committee and Secretariat, as well as the Councils of State and Ministers, participants in the attacks on the Moncada Garrison; Granma expeditionaries; decorated Heroes and Heroines of the Republic of Cuba; outstanding workers; and family members of the victims of the Barbados attack, among other guests.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Cuba: 495,000 educators will lead May Day marches around the country

Source: Granma.
This year, marking the 55th anniversary of the Revolution’s Literacy Campaign and the declaration of the country as free of illiteracy, May Day marches across the country will be led by educators.
“This constitutes recognition by the trade union movement of the sector closest to this great feat,” said Ismael Drullet Pérez, secretary general of the National Union of Educational, Scientific and Sports Workers (SNTECD), speaking with Granma.
He continued, “The Literacy Campaign came from the people, with the participation of homemakers, workers… so it is not only the legacy of the education sector. Cuba became a great school and all its children became teachers.”

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Long Live Workers’ May Day! / Да здравствует Рабочий Первомай! / ¡ Viva el Día de los Trabajadores!

Joint Statement of Communist and Workers Parties
(English/Русский/Español), Source: Solidnet.

We, the communist and workers parties that sign this joint statement on the eve of Workers’ May Day 2016 want to stress our solidarity to all workers who are struggling against capitalist barbarity through strikes, demonstrations and other forms of resistance. It is obvious that under the conditions of deepening capitalist crisis the political and organizational strength of international proletariat will be one of the key factors in reshaping the world in the near future. With full belief in the success of the struggle of the working class, as communist and workers parties, we salute Workers’ May Day.