Showing posts with label ISIS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ISIS. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Communist Party of Turkey: Ahmed Al-Shara is an ISIS remnant and a war criminal

Al-Shara with Erdogan in Ankara, 4/2/2025
In a statement issued on Tuesday 4 February, the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) refers to the visit of former ISIS member and current leader of Syria Ahmed Al-Shara in Ankara, where he met with President Rejep Tayyip Erdogan: 

"Al-Shara, who was put in charge of Syria after it was destroyed by an international operation, with the collaboration of the US, UK and Israel, is visiting Turkey. This jihadist, remnant of ISIS, is meeting with Erdoğan today. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Iranian communists strongly condemn the terrorist attack in Ahvaz

In a statement the Central Committee of the Tudeh Party of Iran condemns the terrorist attack on the military parade in the city of Ahvaz. The text of the statement is the following:

According to the media reports, the “Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahvaz” (Habib Nebgan faction) - which is supported by Saudi Arabia and Bahrain - perpetrated this attack. Also, the criminal organisation ISIS (DAESH) released a statement on its website “Al-A’amaagh” and claimed that its infiltrated covert forces, infiltrated to the province of Khuzestan, took part in this terrorist attack.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Communist Youth of Turkey (TKG): "NATO is the biggest terrorist organisation"

The Communist Youth of Turkey (TKG) protested the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in a statement titled “NATO is the murderer of peoples”, released on April 4, on the 69th anniversary of the establishment of NATO, as news portal soL international reports. 

Reminding that NATO was established in 1949 against anti-imperialist popular movements under the influence of the Soviet Union, as well as communism, which is the biggest enemy of the capitalist world, the TKG states that, since the day it was established, NATO have exported occupation, terror, and destruction to the non-NATO countries. “As for the allied countries, it attempts to lead the oppression of the working class in these countries through the coups it organised and the counterinsurgency gangs it established.”

Sunday, June 11, 2017

"Hırsız, katil Erdoğan": Turkish protesters sentenced to imprisonment for... defaming President Erdogan!

According to soL international10 protestors- including 3 members of the Turkish Communist Party (TKP)- were sentenced to imprisonment on June 9th for having held a press statement to protest the Islamic State's bomb attack on October 10, 2015 outside Ankara central railway station.

More specifically, some protestors, including members of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP), made a press statement in October 2015 in Turkey’s western city of Manisa to protest the Islamic State's bomb attack that killed more than 100 people and wounded many hundreds during the mass rally of political parties and trade unions with the title of “Labor, Peace and Democracy”. The attack became the deadliest terror attack in modern Turkish history. 

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Statement of the CC of the KKE regarding the latest dangerous developments in the Middle East

Source: / Translation: In Defense of Communism.

In a statement regarding the latest developments in the Middle East, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) stresses the following:

"Yesterday's US bombings against forces of the Syrian army, combined with the diplomatic crisis in Qatar and today's attack in Iran's Parliament, consist a dangerous escalation of the imperialist interventions and competitions in the region of Eastern Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Persian Gulf.

Precisely these interventions of the USA-NATO-EU, in their antagonism with other powers in the broader region, such as Russia, are the ones which led to the dismemberment and destabilization of countries, the support of jihadist groups like ISIS, aiming at the control of the natural resources and energy routes of the region.

Friday, April 7, 2017

KKE: Close down the Souda U.S. Naval Base; Greece out of the imperialist plans and wars

In a statement regarding the recent air strikes of the USA in Syria, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) points out the following:

"The KKE denounces the attack of the USA against Syria with the use of missiles from american warships in the Mediterranean and expresses its solidarity to the much afflicted Syrian people.

The people know that the USA and their allies, which created criminal organisations like "Al Qaeda" and the "Islamic State", highlight and utilize pretenses in order to justify the interventions and the imperialist wars in Syria, Iraq, in the broader region of the Middle East and Northern Africa, which consists field of fierce antagonisms, with the people being the victims. They did the same in the past too.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Capitalists and Jihadists: French-Swiss multinational admits indirect financing of ISIS

In our previous article "ISIS: A tool in the hands of Imperialism" we were writing among other things: "...the savage murderers of ISIS became part of an imperialist equation in Syria which serves the interests of the monopolies of the states involved in the war". The revelation of the numerous direct and indirect relations between large corporations and the jihadists was a matter of time. 

Such an interesting revelation came recently from London's "Financial Times" which expose the indirect financing of the Islamic State from LafargeHolcim, the French-Swiss multinational manufacturer of building materials.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Obama's Legacy of War and Imperialist Crimes

When Barack Obama was elected in 2008, he had been presented by various media as a "peace pigeon", as a man whose "humanitarian spirit" would- supposedly- give an end to the bloody imperialist wars waged by the Bush administration. However, the presidency of Barack Obama proved, once more, the undoubted fact that the U.S. foreign policy isn't based on persons, but on the interests of the plutocracy, the monopoly interests of the United States. 

In his farewell speech in Chicago yesterday, President Obama praised the "values" of the United States which, as he said, "become more powerful when democracy works" and "when ordinary people participate in this". During his presidency, Barack Obama proved what kind of "values" he represents- these "values" are very well known to the people in the Middle East, in northern Africa and Ukraine where his government was involved.

A brief account of- Nobel Prize winner-Obama's foreign policy record is the following:

Friday, January 6, 2017

"Islamic State" (ISIS): A tool in the hands of Imperialism

Photo source: Bē
The history of exploitative societies has shown that religious and ethnic differences and contradictions, either existed or fomented, were always been utilized to promote the interests of the ruling classes many times they consisted the formation through which substantial class contradictions were manifested

In the history of capitalism and the imperialist system, the emerging bourgeoisies often wore the cloak of religion and many other imperialist powers have used religious conflicts in order to impose their designs against their competitors. The region of the Middle East is full of examples. 

From the late 19th century until today, we have seen many cases of religious movements which have been utilized by bourgeois forces for the creation of reactionary murderous organizations, from the “Taliban” and the “Mujahideen” in Afghanistan to the recent case of ISIS (also known as ISIL or Daesh). Of course, to some extend, in the process, these organizations may become autonomous from their creators or continue to operate in coordination with them. However, what is important is that without the support from imperialist mechanisms, without access to state mechanisms, their activity could not have such large dimensions and impact.

The notorious murderers of the “Islamic State” (ISIS/Daesh) do not consist a new phenomenon. The relation of such “organizations” and “movements” with european and american monopolies is a very old one. If we go back to 1928, we will see that the french company (Suez Canal) had supported the strengthening of the newly-founded “Muslim Brotherhood” in Egypt. 

Nonetheless, the best known case of mercenaries who used Islam as a cover for terrorist activities towards the promotion of US monopolies, can be found in Afghanistan in the beginning of 1980s. Zbigniew Brezinski, National Security advisor of President Carter from 1977 to 1981, was one of the masterminds behind the recruitment and training of Afghanistan's Mujahideen (predecessors of Taliban and Al-Qaeda) against the Soviet Union. Among these anti-Soviet “warriors” recruited by the United States was Osama Bin Laden. In the name of anti-communism, the US imperialism with the support of its NATO allies, created the monster which later was transformed into Al-Qaeda.

After the attacks of September 11th 2001, the “war against islamic terrorism” became the pretext for imperialist invasions in Afghanistan and Iraq. The foundations for the creation of ISIS can be found in the destruction of Iraq after the 2003 imperialist invasion. The US-led war in Iraq which was followed by the total destruction of the Iraqi state and the complete dissolution of Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath Party created the seed for the rise of ISIS jihadists.

The leader of the Islamic State (formerly Islamic State of Iraq), the Iraqi sunni muslim Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, had been arrested by US Forces-Iraq on 2 February 2004 near Fallujah and detained at the Abu Ghraib and Camp Bucca detention centers under his name Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badry as a "civilian internee" until December 2004, when he was recommended for release by a Combined Review and Release Board, while in December 2004, he was released as a "low level prisoner". Right after al-Baghdadi was freed, the Islamic State emerged out of nowhere and rapidly took over important swaths of Iraq and Syria.

US Senator John McCain meeting with members of the Syrian opposition.
Who is the man in the red circle?
There is strong evidence that al-Baghdadi was recruited, trained and financed by mechanisms of the U.S. secret services and Arab governments. His participation in meetings with US Senator- and US Presidential candidate John McCain- has been captured in published photographs. What seems to be closer to reality is that al-Baghdadi was used in the beginning as a supposedly “moderate” sunni of political Islam. The rise of al-Baghdadi and ISIS came as the result of a combination of developments in the broader region of the Middle East, including the imperialist war in Libya, the events of the so-called “Arab Spring” and the US-NATO imperialist intervention in Syria.

The 2011 imperialist intervention in Syria wasn't proved as easy as the U.S government and its regional allies (Turkey, Saudi Arabia) hoped it would be. The plans for the overthrow of Bashar Al-Assad's government were proved unsuccessful. The Assad government proved much stronger than the respective authorities of Mubarak in Egypt and Qaddafi in Libya. Nonetheless, the so-called “Arab Spring” had already paved the way for the rise of reactionary forces-tools in the hands of the imperialists, like ISIS.

From 2011 onward, the US and their European and regional allies (Saudi Arabia, Turkey etc), started to supply extremists and terrorists fighting the government of Syria with billions in cash, weapons, equipment, and even vehicles. Multiple publications in the western press had admitted this. Behind the “moderate Syrian opposition” it was the ISIS and other extremist forces, trained, equipped and financed by the secret services of the US, EU member-states, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Qatar. In a few words, the savage murderers of ISIS became part of an imperialist equation in Syria which serves the interests of the monopolies of the states involved in the war.

The Independent, 6 December 1993: Osama Bin Laden, the Anti-Soviet warrior.
The multiple terrorist attacks claimed by ISIS (e.g. Paris, Nice, Istanbul, Berlin, Brussels etc) in Europe, Turkey and elsewhere have added fuel to the fire of repression and intensification of security policies. The “monster of ISIS” has been exploited by bourgeois governments in order to spread fear in societies and strengthen the repressive state mechanisms against the people and the labour movement, to foster xenophobia and racism and to escalate more imperialist interventions. Of course, nobody can reject the possibility that groups within ISIS may operate independently from their imperialist patrons; however, this does not change the nature of the jihadists as a tool of imperialist mechanisms.

The future of ISIS depends on several factors: The developments in the inter-imperialist contradictions and rivalries in the broader region (e.g. US/EU vs Russia) as well as the political and social developments in regional powers (e.g. Turkey, Iran). The people of the region, the working class in the countries affected by the imperialist wars, must organize their struggle against the jihadists and their patrons, the imperialists. For that, it is essential for the masses to understand that the source of this situation is the power of the monopolies and the exploitative system which creates poverty, despair and wars.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Internationalist solidarity by the WFTU and PAME to the Workers and the People of Turkey

On the occasion of the recent deadly attack in Istanbul, the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) issued the following statement of solidarity to the working class of Turkey:
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the WFTU which represents 92 million members in 126 countries of the world, we convey our condolences to the families of the victims in Reina Club in Istanbul.
We express our internationalist solidarity and our support to the militant trade union movement in Turkey and to the Turkish workers. The murder of the 39 people reveals the responsibility of the principals that are killing civilians, innocent and ordinary people. For this situation in Turkey and in Middle East abettors also exist; these are the governments which take advantage of the fundamentalism in order to put in action their plans and their anti-labor policies.

Friday, September 23, 2016

The real face of Dalai Lama

Archive Photo: The 14th Dalai Lama with U.S.
President- "butcher"- George W. Bush. 
By Wu Qiang / Source: Xinhua.

BEIJING -- The Dalai Lama' s recent terrorist-sympathizing remarks have again shocked the world, and provided for those in the West who used to exchange backing him for selfish political gains a chance to see the monk's true colors.

The fugitive Tibetan religious leader is now in France for a six-day visit "to promote Tibetan culture, language and ecological protection," as he has claimed.

While traveling in the European country, he urged talks with the Islamic State extremists, saying talks are "the only way" to end bloodshed in Syria and Iraq without explaining how that is possible.