Showing posts with label Anticommunism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anticommunism. Show all posts

Friday, October 9, 2020

Turkey: Reactionary attacks against communists will not reach their goals — TKP will continue its struggle!

In a letter addressed to fraternal Communist and Workers' Parties, the International Relations Section of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) refers to a recent malicious attack by reactionary elements against Party members in Istanbul and the role of the governing AKP party. The text is the following:

Dear comrades, 

We are writing this note to inform you about some recent developments and an attack against our party by the reactionary forces.

Monday, October 5, 2020

McCarthyism is back: Communist Party members from any country are ineligible to immigrate to the U.S.

Senator Joseph McCarthy died in 1957 but the specter of anti-communism has always been alive in U.S. politics. Communist Party members, from any foreign country, are ineligible to immigrate to the United States since the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act. 

In a policy alert announcement issued on October 2nd, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) updated the guidance under which members of a Communist Party are ineligible to immigrate to the country. 

The guidance reads: 

Friday, September 11, 2020

Google, Facebook reject communism-related ads: The case of KNE Festival

It is more than obvious that multinational tech monopolies, such as Google and Facebook, aren’t friendly towards communist ideas. There have been plenty of cases where social media giant Facebook has blocked posts and pages that feature the sickle and hammer symbol or propagandize anti-imperialist policies.

According to an article published today in portal, Google and Facebook have recently rejected advertisements promoting the Festival of the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE), in what seems to be another incident of anti-communist discrimination. 

Sunday, August 23, 2020

EU and 'Black Ribbon Day': The anti-communist falsification of history shall not pass!

Once again the European Union resorts to hideous anti-communism on the occasion of the so-called “European Day of Remembrance for victims of Stalinism and Nazism” (known as "Black Ribbon Day" which is observed annually on August 23rd. 

In a joint statement, the vice-president of the EU Commission Vera Jourova and the EU Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders reproduce the same old anti-communist slanders about the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Without any respect for history, the EU officials reproduce the blatant lie about the supposed “alliance between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany”. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Belarus’ white and red flag: A symbol of Nazi collaborationists and counterrevolution

A characteristic of the recent Belarus protests is the use by the demonstrators of the white-red flag. Shortly after the announcement of the elections’ result on August 9th, the streets of Minsk flooded with opposition-backed protestors waving white-red flags. 

But what is the actual meaning of the Belarusian white-red flag and what’s the history behind it?

It was used for the first time by the short-lived anti-Bolshevik Belarusian National Republic (BNR) between March 1918 and February 1919. During the interwar period, it was occasionally used by political and non-political organizations, including the conservative Belarusian Christian Democracy (1927). 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Scandal in Serbia: Authorities block Communist Party's participation in June 21 general election!

A political scandal which arises questions about the quality of democracy in the country has erupted in Serbia

In a statement issued on Monday, the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (NKPJ) accusses the Republic Electoral Commission of Serbia (RIK) for  political discrimination after the rejection of the Party's registration for the upcoming parliamentary elections which are scheduled to take place on June 21st. 

Monday, May 25, 2020

Chile's Right on the footsteps of Pinochet: The anti-democratic persecution of Hugo Gutiérrez

Chile's right-wing President Sebastian Piñera (left) and 
Communist Party MP Hugo Gutiérrez.
Fascist dictator Pinochet may be gone, but his political descendants of the Chilean right are following his footsteps. 

After the extreme repression and violent crackdown against the popular protests in October 2019, the reactionary government of Sebastian Piñera and its political allies intesify anti-communism and attacks on the people’s democratic rights. 

The target of these attacks is the Communist Party of Chile (Partido Comunista de Chile) and its activity. More specifically, during the last months, the bourgeois state mechanisms are trying to dismiss Communist Party deputy Hugo Gutiérrez. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Who saved Europe from the Nazis? The Soviet Union's triumph and the falsification of history

“Anyone who loves freedom, owes such a debt to the Red Army that it can never be repaid”. This phrase of Ernest Hemingway encompasses the whole symbolism of the 9th May 1945; the day of the Great Antifascist Victory of the people. 

The day when the red flag with the sickle and hammer raised over Reichstag, in Berlin, thus marking the triumph of the Red Army and the Soviet Union over the monster of Nazism.

Monday, May 11, 2020

SYRIZA’s hypocrisy has no limits

On the right side, the front page of SYRIZA's newspaper "Avgi".
What happens when hypocrisy and opportunism meet anti-communism

SYRIZA, Greece’s major social democratic party which governed the country between 2015 and 2019, provides us the best answer to the question. 

Last Saturday, 9th of May, the front page of SYRIZA’s party newspaper “Avgi” (Dawn) was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Antifascist Victory, depicting the iconic photo of the Soviet soldier waving the red flag in Berlin. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Greece: PAME’s impressive May 1st rally caused nightmares to anti-communists

The impressive May Day rally in Athens / Photo: Reuters.
The great, eye-catching demonstration  organized by the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) on May 1st in Athens' Syntagma Square caused nightmares to anti-communists and various apologists of capitalist barbarity. 

The enemies of the working class from all over the bourgeois political spectrum, from Golden Dawn's neo-Nazi criminals to conservative New Democracy MPs and from far-right charlatans to SYRIZA's social democrats, expressed their deep discomfort for the celebration of the International Workers’ Day.

Monday, April 20, 2020

VOC’s Schizophrenic Anti-Communism

Amidst COVID-19 pandemic, the lackeys of monopoly capital and imperialism are imitating Goebbel's tactics.

More specifically, the so-called “Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation” (VOC) – the infamous propagandistic tool of U.S. imperialism – strikes again, by officially adding global coronavirus deaths to its tally of… historical victims of communism! 

In a ridiculous, totally unfounded and slanderous announcement, VOC unleashed an attack against China, claiming that the deaths caused by COVID-19 must be included in the... “global count of 100 million deaths at the hands of Communism”. 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Hands Off the Communists of Georgia – On the persecution of Temur Pipia

Temur Pipia, Chairman of the CC of the Unified Communist Party of Georgia, was arrested in the Georgian borders on 28-29 March, upon his arrival from Russia. 

The reason for his detention was that among his personal belongings there were commemorative medals donated by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) for the 75th anniversary of the Great Anti-fascist People’s Victory.

The persecution is based on Georgia’s despicable anti-communist legislation which prohibits communist symbols, equating them with the ones of the nazis! 

Friday, April 10, 2020

Communists, Anti-Fascists denounce Czech authorities over the removal of Konev's statue

Members of the Communist Party (KSCM) protest the
removal of the statue in Prague.
As we wrote on April 3, the local authorities of Prague 6 municipality proceeded to the removal of the statue of Soviet Army commander and WW2 hero Ivan Konev. In a statement, the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSČM) strongly protested the decision, pointing out that the "ruling elites of Prague" have no respect for the city's history and those who liberated the country from the nazis. 

The Party calls the removal of Konev's statue a "brutal and amoral act" and urges the people of the country to express their disagreement with this decision. KSČM demands from the Czech government to restore the statue immediately, while members of the Party organized a protest in the square where the statue of Konev was located.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Prague authorities show ingratitude towards Ivan Konev: Soviet hero's statue removed

Showing complete disrespect towards the city’s history, the municipal authorities of Prague 6 district proceeded today to the removal of the statue of Second World War hero and Red Army commander Ivan Spepanovic Konev. 

For a long time, under the tolerance of local authorities, the statue had been a target of vandalisms. Last August, unknown thugs had desecrated the monument with spray paint writing anti-soviet slogans. The attack took place on the eve of the 51st anniversary of the Soviet intervention against the counterrevolutionary uprising of 1968

Monday, March 30, 2020

Capitalism Fails: 75% of Russians say Soviet era was the 'greatest time' in country’s history

Three out of four Russians (75%) think that the Soviet period was the best time in their country’s history, according to a survey published by the independent Levada Center pollster on Tuesday 24 March.

Thirty years since the counter-revolution in the Soviet Union and East Europe and despite the continuous anti-communist, anti-soviet propaganda by the bourgeois mechanisms, Russians express increasingly positive opinions about the USSR and Joseph Stalin. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Hands Off the Communists of Poland: Protests across the world against persecutions in Poland

Protest at the Embassy of Poland in Athens. Source:
With a protest at the Embassy of Poland in Athens, members of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and its youth wing KNE expressed their solidarity to the persecuted cadres of the Communist Party of Poland (KPP) and the editors of “Brzask” newspaper. 

With a banner reading “Hands Off The Communists Of Poland”, the KKE-KNE members gathered outside the Embassy, demanding the ending of the persecutions that the Polish authorities have unleashed against the country’s communists. KKE MEP Lefteris Nikolaou-Alavanos and Paschalis Kagiannis, member of the CC of KNE, met with the Embassy’s minister councillor Jolanta Wójcik-Niedzielska handing over to her a note of protest. 

Monday, February 24, 2020

KKE campaign to honor the 75th anniversary of the Anti-Fascist Victory of the People

On the occasion of the 75 years since the Anti-Fascist People’s Victory, the Party Organisations Abroad of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) organize a series of events that include visits in 75 anti-fascist memorials across Europe. The campaign is titled “1945-2020, 75 years of the Anti-Fascist Victory, 75 Anti-Fascist Memorials, Tribute to the People”.

As 902 portal reports “these events will give us the opportunity to honor the male and female fighters who sacrificed their lives throughout Europe, who were tortured, imprisoned and went into exile. To honor the decisive contribution of the USSR in the Anti-Fascist Victory as well as the undisputed superiority of socialism against capitalism”. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Poland's right-wing government continues the repression against the Communist Party

The persecution against the Communist Party of Poland continues. The trial against the members of the editorial board of the party's newspaper "Brzask" is scheduled to restart. The first court session will be held on the 3rd of March. 

The trial continues for over 4 years despite the acquittal verdict of the court issued last year. The appeal of the prosecutor was a basis for restarting the trial. For the last 4 years, the prosecutors' office is directly subordinated to the government. This trial is a part of a campaign made by the state authorities to illegalize the Communist Party of Poland. 

Thursday, January 30, 2020

KKE in EU Parliament: On the 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz by the Red Army

On the occasion of the event in the European Parliament regarding the Holocaust and the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp, the Europarliament Group of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) issued a statement that was published on 902 portal

The statement reads:

"The memory of the Holocaust, one of the most atrocious crimes of Nazism, is an eternal tribute to its victims, to all those who alongside Jews suffered in Nazi crematoriums: the thousands of communists, anti-fascists who fought nazism in occupied Europe and in Germany herself, such as the murdered by the Nazis heroic Secretary of the German Communist Party, Ernst Thälmann. The Nazi hell of Auschwitz is a reminder of the criminal nature of fascism, of the barbarity of the capitalist system that creates it, just as the german, european and american business groups funded Hitler. 

Monday, January 20, 2020

Communist MEP Lefteris Nikolaou blasts the EU for attempting to re-write History

"The EU will not succeed to re-write people's history, no matter how much anti-communist ink will spill" was the message delivered by the MEP of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Lefteris Nikolaou-Alavanos in his intervention during EU Parliament's plenary in Strasbourg. 

The debate's subject was "Distortion of European history and remembrance of the Second World War". In his intervention, the KKE MEP pointed out the following (translation from the Greek text):