Thursday, May 16, 2024

Communist Party of Ireland: On the 50th anniversary of the 1974 Dublin-Monaghan terrorist attack

Statement: 50th anniversary of British state terrorism attack upon the Irish people in 1974.

The Communist Party of Ireland/Páirtí Cumannach na hÉireann once again expresses to solidarity with families of the victims of the Dublin-Monaghan bombings in 1974 on this the 50th anniversary of those bombing that murdered 33 and injured 300 of our fellow citizens, leaving many families and individuals scarred for life both emotional and physically. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Contribution of the KKE: "Historical conclusions from the tactics of the anti-fascist fronts. The contemporary struggle of communists against fascism"

Contribution of the KKE at the ECA meeting, Madrid May 11, 2024

“Historical conclusions from the tactics of the anti-fascist fronts. The contemporary struggle of communists against fascism”

Dear comrades, 

In the past few months, the European bourgeois media have been stirring up a debate, estimating that the electoral performance of nationalist and even fascist forces will skyrocket in the upcoming elections. 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Communist Party of Greece demands from government the immediate recognition of a Palestinian state

With a written question addressed to the Greek Foreign Minister G. Gerapetritis, the Parliamentary Group of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) demands the immediate recognition of a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

More specifically, according to portal, the question submitted by the 21 KKE MPs reads:

Sunday, May 12, 2024

KKE: On the remarks of the President-elect of North Macedonia Gordana Siljanovska

During Sunday's swearing-in ceremony in Parliament, and in spite of the fact that the official text of the oath that was read out to her referred to the country as “North Macedonia,” the new President of North Macedonia, Gordana Siljanovska, chose to call her country “ Macedonia.”

Concerning the above, the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), which had opposed the 2018 Prespes Agreement issued the following comment (here in Greek): 

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Lenin on Antisemitism

Speech of Vladimir I. Lenin recorded on gramophone in March 1919 as a response to the 1919 Anti-Jewish Progroms, Included in Lenin’s Collected Works, 4th English Edition, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1972 Volume 29, pages 252-253:

"Anti-Semitism means spreading enmity towards the Jews. When the accursed tsarist monarchy was living its last days it tried to incite ignorant workers and peasants against the Jews. The tsarist police, in alliance with the landowners and the capitalists, organised pogroms against the Jews. The landowners and capitalists tried to divert the hatred of the workers and peasants who were tortured by want against the Jews. 

Friday, May 10, 2024

Victory Day Parade: Lenin's Mausoleum... magically disappeared from the Red Square

Well, not so magically... 
While they attempt to appropriate the history of the Soviet Union and the Red Army, presenting themselves as the heirs of the People's Great Anti-fascist Victory, the authorities of capitalist Russia managed to... cover Lenin's Mausoleum during Thursday's Victory Day parade in Red Square.

Photos and videos from yesterday's impressive parade in Moscow shows the entrance of the Mausoleum being hidden behind giant scaffolding with banners. 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

KKE MEPs denounce European Parliament's shameful equation of communism with fascism

The MEPs of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) denounce the new anti-communist vileness of the European Parliament with the distribution of a pre-election advertisement for participation in the European elections of June 9, noting:

"In the short film, the EU propaganda mechanisms have managed to create an unhistorical mess by putting together in the same bag statements of people who lived through the Nazi atrocity with so-called 'testimonies' from the countries of socialism, reproducing the unhistorical equation of the fascist monster with communism. Indeed, this time the EU has even managed to outdo itself, since the spot is a monument to anti-communism with a touch of anti-fascism thrown in for good measure.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

European Communist Action: Statement on the 79 years of the Great Anti-fascist Victory of the Peoples

Statement of the European Communist Action on the 79 years of the Great Anti-fascist Victory of the Peoples
Today we commemorate 79 years of the Day of the Great Anti-fascist Victory of the Peoples on the 9th of May 1945. We remember and express our gratitude to the heroic Red Army, the Soviet people and the resistance movements who fought and sacrificed themselves against fascism, against the most barbaric form of capitalism. Against the organized operation by the monopolies, by the bourgeois class to attack the power of the working class and the communists.

What does Berlin fear? Soviet flag banned once again on the occasion of 9 May anniversary

For a third consecutive year, on the occasion of the anniversary of the People's Great Anti-Fascist Victory on 9 May, Berlin's local authorities banned the Soviet flag and communist symbols in an effort to limit celebrations at the three Red Army monuments in the city, Treptower Park, Tiergarten and Pankow.

The shameful decision was taken under the pretext of “safety” and “avoidance of violent incidents” and was confirmed by the German capital’s top administrative court confirmed on Monday.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Communist Party of Israel-Hadash: Netanyahu's fascist government on verge of causing humanitarian disaster in Rafah

“Israel’s fascist government is on the verge of bringing about a humanitarian disaster in Rafah,” Hadash and Communist Party of Israel (CPI) says in a common statement on Monday, May 6.

Protesting far-right Israeli government plans to “bomb and invade the Rafah area on the Egyptian border, which houses hundreds of thousands of displaced people,” Hadash and the CPI warns of “the mass slaughter and humanitarian disaster involved in the bombing of a very small area containing more than a million displaced people.”

Monday, May 6, 2024

KKE General Secretary Koutsoumbas to visit Germany — KKE-Generalsekretär besucht Deutschland

The General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), Dimitris Koutsoumbas, will visit Germany on 9-11 May, according to a report published on portal.  
Being the head of a Party delegation, the KKE General Secretary will visit Dachau, Munich, Dusseldorf and Wuppertal. 
More specifically:

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Ukraine's Zelensky regime continues the despicable policy of dismantling Soviet-era monuments

Another Soviet-era monument, which glorifies the friendship between Ukrainian and Russian people, is being dismantled on orders of the Kyiv city government in the latest stage of derussification (actually decommunization) promoted by the reactionary Zelensky government. 
Kyiv’s Department of Territorial Control announced the beginning of the removal of the Pereyaslav Rada monument on 30 April, stressing its massive size: “The sculptural composition is large, consists of about 20 elements weighing between 6,000kg and 7,000kg each. Due to the complexity of the design, dismantling may take a few days.” 

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Israel: Jewish and Arab workers honored May Day, sent message of proletarian solidarity amid war

Thousands gathered on Saturday, April 27, for the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and Hadash May Day parade in Nazareth, this after the police confiscated last Friday equipment and flags from the Hadash and CPI branch in the city ahead of the march.

At Paulus Street in Nazareth, between the red flags and flags of Palestine, banners were carried against the deadly war in Gaza, occupation of the Palestinian territories, US imperialism, capitalism and in favor of the dignity of the working class. Young Communist League orchestras filled the air with the sound of drums.

Communist Party of Venezuela: We must vote to defeat the anti-worker and authoritarian Maduro government

The King is naked: It is necessary to vote to defeat the anti-worker and authoritarian government

The process to elect the new male president of the Republic (there are only men in the race) has vertiginously accelerated the increasingly authoritarian and abusive trend that violates the social and political rights of the Venezuelan people; a feature that ─more so than a tailor-made suit─ has become a second skin of the Government of Nicolás Maduro and the leadership of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Napoleon Soukatzidis and the 200 heroic Communists of Kaisariani

Still from the film "The Last Note" (2017)
 By Nikos Mottas

It was in the early hours of 1 May 1944 in occupied Athens when one of the most heroic pages of the Greek resistance was written. In retaliation for the killing of a German General, the Nazis proceeded to the mass execution of 200 communists at the eastern district of the Kaisariani. All of them were former political prisoners and exiles, members and sympathizers of the Communist Party (KKE).

A few days ago, on 27 April 1944, partisans of the Greek People's Liberation Army (ELAS) had ambushed and killed German General Franz Krech and three Nazi officers in Laconia, Peloponnese. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Communists to run in Karl Marx hometown's election

Trier, Germany's oldest city, is famous for its ancient art treasures and monuments but, most of all, is the birthplace of the greatest philosopher of modern history; Karl Marx

More than 200 years since the birth of the father of scientific socialism, candidates from the German Communist Party (DKP) are going to participate in the local city council elections that are due to take place in June 9, 2024. 

Last week, the city's electoral committee confirmed that the DKP Trier had met all the requirements for running for election.

Palestinian Communist Party's leader Mahmoud Hassan Al-Aqqad dies at 84

In a communique the Palestinian Communist Party states:

It is with great sadness that the Secretary-General of the struggling Palestinian Communist Party and one of the party’s historical leaders mourns comrade Mahmoud Hassan Al-Aqqad, who passed away on Sunday, April 29, 2024, at the age of 84. 

The comrade was from the first generation of the Communist Party and was detained for more than 12 years in the regime’s prisons. Al-Arni and then in the Israeli occupation detention centers. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

European Communist Action: Long live the 1st of May — Long live socialism!

ECA Statement on the 1st of May

For the workers’ and communist parties, the 1st of May represents a day of struggle, in remembrance of those who came before us and in honor of those who will continue the struggle.

The working people, not only in the countries of Europe, but in the entire world, have in the past years stood face to face with the inhumanity and brutality of the capitalist system, which has put the entire burden of the increasing prices on the shoulders of the working people. By simultaneously keeping wages down, the situation for the workers and other exploited strata has worsened in every country.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

KKE General Secretary Koutsoumbas visited New York

Dimitris Koutsoumbas with ALU President Chris Smalls
Dimitris Koutsoumbas, the General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), was the keynote speaker of a political and cultural event organized by the Party's Friends Club in New York on Saturday 27 April. The event, attended by dozens of members of the Greek Diaspora who live and work in the U.S, was held at the Kefalos Society of America in Astoria.

The opening speech was made by Kostas Lourdas on behalf of the KKE Friends Club in New York, while interventions were also made by KKE candidates for European Parliament, Lefteris Nikolaou Alavanos and Kostas Gouliamos, who accompanied Koutsoumbas in his North American trip. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Israel: Hands Off the Communist Party and Hadash!

Police Raided Hadash Nazareth Branch on the Eve of the May Day Demonstration
Heavily armed police force raided Friday evening, April 26, the Hadash branch in Nazareth and arrested two activists who were setting up displays and flags for the May Day rally.

Activists from Hadash, the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and the Young Communist League were involved in the planning and preparations for the central May Day demonstration being organized by Hadash and the CPI who will be held, as every year, in Nazareth, today at 10:30, with a mass march along Tawfiq Zyad street in the center of the city.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Russian university students launch petition against new research center named after fascist Ivan Ilyin

Ivan Ilyin Higher Political School? No, thanks! Students and academic staff at Moscow's Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) have launched a petition against the naming of the institution’s Higher Political School after 20th century fascist philosopher Ivan Ilyin. 

The "Ivan Ilyin Higher Political School" at RGGU was created in July 2023. Earlier this month, Russian media reported that extreme-right philosopher and ideologue Alexander Dugin, who has served as a consultant to President Putin in recent years, was placed in charge of the school.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Portuguese Communist Party: On the 50th anniversary of the 1974 Carnation Revolution

Resolution of the Central Committee of the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) titled "50.º Aniversário do 25 de Abril «Abril é mais futuro»" (50th Anniversary of April 25 «April is more future»), adopted in December 2022:

The April Revolution is a major milestone in the history of Portugal, a realization of the people's will, an affirmation of freedom, social emancipation, sovereignty and national independence.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Communist Revolutionary Party of France: "We must combat the neo-Kautskyist viewpoint of the PCF"

The contribution of the Communist Revolutionary Party of France (Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire de France - PCRF) in the meeting of the European Communist Action, on 12 April 2024 in Athens, under the subject “On the situation of workers' rights in Europe and the experiences of the communists’ struggle”:

French monopoly capitalism has a dual character: it is despoiling and rapacious on the international stage, but dependent on American, German, Japanese and Chinese capital in France. France is regularly the champion of foreign direct investment (FDI) received in the EU, as well as the EU champion of French FDI invested worldwide. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Tudeh Party of Iran: Threat of war, theocratic regime and “anti-imperialism”

“… to defend the theocratic regime in Iran as a force for anti-imperialism is, at best, naïve - and, at worst, deliberately relegates the brutal repression, crushing poverty, and socioeconomic misery suffered by the absolute majority of the people of Iran as inconsequential or unworthy of consideration…”

The world has well and truly entered a dangerous epoch, with humanity currently facing a series of interconnected existential threats.