Showing posts with label Communist Workers’ Platform USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Communist Workers’ Platform USA. Show all posts

Friday, February 7, 2025

Communist Workers’ Platform USA: The Class Struggle in America and the Communist Strategy

Below you can read an interesting contribution of the Communist Workers’ Platform USA to the discussion of the communist parties and organizations of the Americas on December 22, 2024:

Section 1: Brief Overview of the Labor Movement in the Americas

The class-oriented trade movement in the Americas is largely fractured and disjointed. In the main, there is a very weak true class-based and revolutionary trade unionism, and the lack of their independence as fighting organizations of the working class. 

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Thirty years since the reorganization of the Communist Party of Mexico (PCM)

In a statement, the Communist Workers’ Platform USA expresses its congratulations to the Communist Party of Mexico (PCM) on the occasion of the Party's 30th reorganization anniversary:

Little more than thirty years have passed since the counterrevolutionary overthrow of workers’ power in the USSR. This historic tragedy confirmed the warning of J.V. Stalin: that it would result in “the blackest and most savage reaction in all capitalist countries”, a condition which we face today with the looming threat of nuclear confrontation and a generalized conflict between the two major imperialist blocs. The world communist movement facing the counterrevolution 1989-1991 was thus confronted with the ideological and political dominance of the counterrevolution—a crisis which continues to this day. To make matters worse, the Communist Party of Mexico had been dissolved a decade prior in 1981. 

Monday, September 30, 2024

Trump Vs Harris: Why Communists Will Not Vote in This Election

On November 5, elections are held for the President of the United States. We have repeatedly heard the proposals of both candidates of the two main bourgeois parties: Donald Trump of the Republicans and Kamala Harris of the Democrats. 

There is no room for deception, they have made their intentions clear and loud, and what they will do if they are victorious. Both Trump and Harris have committed themselves as representatives of the monopolies. 

Monday, July 29, 2024

Communist Workers’ Platform USA: Regarding the so-called “American Communist Party”

 Regarding the so-called “American Communist Party”

On July 21, 2024, several “communist” internet personalities gathered in Chicago to form the “American Communist Party.” Among the founding members are Eddie “Liger” Smith, Carlos Garrido, Noah Khrachvik, and Kyle Pettis (former member of Maoist Collective – Red Guards and American Party of Labor) of Midwestern Marx; Adam “Haz Al-Din” Tahir, Henry Ahmad, and Grayson Preutz of the Infrared Collective; Jackson Hinkle (prominent MAGA communist) of The Dive With Jackson Hinkle; Christopher Helali of the Party of Communists USA; and Rev Laskaris of RTSG. Together, these ten individuals constitute the ACP Plenary Committee.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Communist Workers Platform USA: On the attempted assassination of Trump

Statement by the Central Committee of the Communist Workers Platform USA (CWPUSA):

On the evening of July 13, a gunman opened fire at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania. The gunman grazed Trump’s ear, leaving him bloodied, with one attendee dead and two others wounded. These individual acts of adventurism have proven throughout history to be a dead-end which can only harm real efforts to gather the movement for the socialist revolution. In the US, many examples exist of failed or successful assassination attempts. 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

New Worker: The 2024 US Presidential Campaign Season Begins

On Monday, January 15, the Republican Party began its 2024 primary race with the traditional first caucuses in Iowa. The result was a landslide victory for Donald Trump, indicating his likely nomination as the Republican candidate in the US presidential election this fall. Now, the country freezes over as Americans everywhere prepare themselves for a gruesome political campaigning season, currently set to repeat the contested Trump-Biden matchup of 2020.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

CPUSA Again Shows True Colors, Sides with PSUV Against Revolutionary PCV

In recent months, the governing party of Venezuela – the PSUV – under the leadership of Nicolas Maduro has brought the hammer down on the revolutionary Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV). 
The PCV has taken the principled communist stance of opposing the bourgeois regime of PSUV and exposing the irrefutably capitalist nature of the Venezuelan state and the PSUV’s role in perpetuating the continued economic crises in the country.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

On the Alliance of the CPI and PCUSA: Opportunism Under the Mask of “Anti-imperialism”

By the Interim Executive Committee of the Communist Workers’ Platform USA

Following our split from the Party of Communists USA (PCUSA), we analyzed the events leading to the fracture. This analysis was undertaken to further our understanding of opportunism in the US, and shed light on its manifestations in one of the so-called leading “communist” parties, particularly in matters of organization. Here we further our work and aim to set the table for ideological confrontation with the strange political groupings taking place in the US communist movement. One such grouping is that of the PCUSA, led by Angelo D’Angelo, and the Center for Political Innovation (CPI), led by Caleb Maupin. Such alliances take place within the context of the drawing together of these forces within the orbit of the “World Anti-Imperialist Platform” (WAP).