Showing posts with label students. Show all posts
Showing posts with label students. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Communist Youth of Greece expresses solidarity with the protesting students of Bangladesh

In a statement concerning the student protests in Bangladesh and the state repression that has claimed the lives of hundreds of young people, the International Relations Committee of the Central Council of the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) states:

"The Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) expresses its solidarity with the Bangladesh Students' Union and all Bangladeshi students and youth who have been on the streets for weeks against the Hasina government's decision to restore the unfair system of recruitment in the public sector, demanding merit-based recruitment procedures.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

KKE-backed Panspoudastiki KS triumphs for third year in a row in Greece's university student elections!

For a third consecutive year, "Panspoudastiki KS" (All Student Cooperation Movement), backed by KNE - the young wing of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) - emerges first in the nationwide student elections held on Wednesday 22 May 2024 throughout the country's universities and technological institutes. 

The imminent victory of Panspoudastiki KS comes just 18 days before the European Parliament Elections that are due to take place on June 9. 

Friday, November 17, 2023

50 years since the 1973 Athens Polytechnic uprising against the Greek Junta

This Friday, 17th November 2023, marks the 50th anniversary of the Polytechnic uprising which subsequently led to the fall of the military dictatorial regime in Greece. 

The events at the Athens Polytechnic in 1973 consist one of the most significant moment of class struggle in Greece during the second half of the 20th century. But what was the historical background and the socio-political developments that led to the uprising of the Greek youth?

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Communist-backed Panspoudastiki KS triumphs again in Greece's university student elections!

Another back-to-back electoral triumph for the Communist-backed "Panspoudastiki KS" (All Student Cooperation Movement), which emerged first in the nationwide student elections held on Wednesday 10 May throughout the country's universities and technological institutes. 
The victory of Panspoudastiki KS comes just 10 days before the Parliamentary Elections that are due to take place on May 21.

For another year, thousands of students supported the lists of Panspoudastiki thus giving a significant boost for the regroupment of the students movement, especially during a period when the conservative New Democracy (ND) government tries to implement reactionary reforms in Education. 

Friday, March 3, 2023

Italy: Workers, students rally against the imperialist war and the transportation of weapons to Ukraine

Under the slogan “Put down the weapons, raise the wages”, thousands of dockworkers and students protested last week in Genoa and other cities in Italy against the imperialist war and the transportation of weapons to Ukraine.

A strike was declared and organized by USB (Unione Sindacale di Base) trade union, while multiple protests were also held in other cities, including Rome, Milan, Turin and Bologna. 

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Greece: The KKE at the side of workers and students

On 8/9, a delegation of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) was once again at the side of the striking workers of “Malamatina”, a large wine production company in Thessaloniki, who continue their multi-day struggle. The delegation of the KKE conveyed the message that the KKE will continue to support their just struggle with all its might.

The strikers demand the revocation of 15 dismissals and the signing of a Collective Labour Agreement.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Communist-backed Panspoudastiki triumphs in Greek university student elections

Celebration for the electoral victory in Athens.
In what can be characterized as an electoral triumph “Panspoudastiki KS” (All Student Cooperation Movement), supported by the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE), emerged first in the nationwide student elections held on Wednesday 18 May throughout the country's universities and technological institutes.

Thousands of students supported the lists of Panspoudastiki thus giving a significant boost for the regroupment of the students movement, especially during a period when the conservative New Democracy (ND) government tries to implement reactionary reforms in Education. 

Monday, February 21, 2022

Italy: 200,000 students in the streets declared "No to the school of capitalists!"

"No to the school of capitalists", reads the banner.
On Friday 18th of February, under the slogan "No to the school of capitalists", approximately 200,000 school pupils held massive protests in more than 40 cities across Italy, demanding the government to end the obligatory work placements in the last three years of school.

The demonstrations, in which the Front of Communist Youth (Fronte dela Gioventú Comunista) has a leading role, were triggered after a student, 16-year-old Giuseppe Lenoci, died in a road accident on Monday while he was on board a truck for a school-work internship. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Swaziland: Solidarity with the students — Down with Mswati

"The military and police in Swaziland (Eswatini) have been deployed all over the country as students’ protests continued on Tuesday. During the Monday protests, the security forces shot, arrested and tortured students who defended their right to education", reads a statement by the Communist Party of Swaziland (CPS). 

Over 80 schools across Swaziland have been indefinitely shut down since the protests intensified in the last three weeks.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Greece: Fascists, neo-Nazis attack students outside school

A mob of fascists and neo-Nazis wearing hoods and crash helmets attacked an anti-fascist rally of students in a high school in the Greek city of Thessaloniki on Tuesday morning. The event took place outside the EPAL vocational school in the suburb of Stavroupolis, when a group of approximately 30 fascists came out of the school premises and attacked the rally with bats and knives leading to at least two injuries. 

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Turkey's communists filed complaint against Erdogan for the torture of protesters at Bogazici University

The Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) filed complaints against President Erdogan, the minister of interior Süleyman Soylu and his spokesperson, fascist party leader Bahçeli, and the police that tortured the protesters during Bogazici resistance.

Turkish police detained 159 students on the 1st of February, trying to prevent the protests against the newly appointed pro-AKP president of the Bogazici University. The protests at Bogazici University started right after Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan appointed the new rector on January 2 and continued with the participation of students, university staff, and citizens. Protests spread nationwide and further reactions from the right-wing politicians continue to come.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Greek Police violently attacks university students' protest

Once again Greek riot police used excessive violence against protesters, attacking a peaceful student's demonstration at Thessaloniki's Aristotle University. 

The students were protesting for their right to free education and against the new law which aims to permit police presence in university campuses. 

On the orders of Aristotle University's rector, riot police forces intervened by using chemicals and other crowd dispersal methods, while more than 30 students were arrested. In a video published on YouTube, police officers appear violently dragging a student with his head being on the pavement. 

Friday, January 8, 2021

Solidarity with the students in Istanbul's Bogazici University — Statement by the Communist Youth of Turkey

Once again, the reactionary regime of Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey has shown its repressive and authoritarian face. This time, the target of police violence are the students of Boğaziçi University who protest against the appointment of Melih Bulu, known for his close ties to the ruling party AKP, as the new rector of the institution. 

Melih Bulu has held various managerial positions within the AKP since 2002. He was a mayoral candidate in 2009 as well as a candidate for parliamentary deputy position from the AKP in the 2015 elections. 

Friday, December 6, 2019

Greece: Mobilizations by pupils and students in memory of slain teenager Alexis Grigoropoulos

Hundreds of pupils, students, young men and women marched today in downtown Athens, commemorating the 11th anniversary of 15-year old Alexis Grigoropoulos' murder. 

The rally was also attended by workers, teachers, professors and people of every age who expressed their strong condemnation for police repression. 

The protesters shouted slogans against the violation of the academic sanctuary by the right-wing ND government, opposing the invasion of university faculties by riot police forces. 

Friday, November 15, 2019

Greeks pay tribute to the heroic 1973 Athens Polytechnic Uprising (PHOTOS)

A toddler lays flowers to the Polytechnic monument.
Photo source:
Thousands of people of every age gathered today at the Athens Polytechnic in order to honour the heroic uprising of 1973 against the military dictatorship. 

The commemoration events which began on Friday will culminate on Sunday 17 November with the annual large anti-imperialist rally towards the U.S. embassy in downtown Athens. 

On the occasion of the Polytechnic uprsing anniversary, a statement by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) points out that "the slogans of the Polytechnic remain timely in the struggle aganst the policy that leads the people to poverty, unemployment, insecurity, against the implication of Greece in the imperialist plans of NATO-USA-EU, against repression and authoritarianism". 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Communist 'Panspoudastiki' gains 2nd place in Greek university student elections

Once again "Panspoudastiki KS" (supported by the Communist Youth of Greece-KNE) emerges as the second force in Greece's universities (AEI) and third in technological institutes (TEI), after yesterday's nationwide students' elections. 

Thousands of students supported the lists of "Panspoudastiki" thus strengthening the effort for the regroupment of the student's movement. In many university departments, as well as in large institutes (e.g. University of Ioannina) "Panspoudastiki" has gained the first place. 

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Italy's communist youth FGC leads students' mobilizations against cuts in education

While the coalition government of the “Five Star Movement” and the far-right “Lega Nord” intensifies the anti-people policies, reducing social spending in education (4 billion euros) and allocating 200 million euros to install security cameras (!) in schools, the Italian youth has no other option but to resist and organize its struggle. 

Last week, more than 100,000 students took to the streets in more than 50 cities across Italy, in order to demonstrate against the governmental policy on Education.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Communist Youth of Greece (KNE): "NATO out of the Balkans - Fascists out of schools"

Students demonstrate in Athens demanding better Public
Education and schools (archive photo).
Regarding the effort of various fascist groups, including the neo-Nazi, criminal Golden Dawn party, to sow the poison of nationalism and racism in the country's schools, the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) issued a statement. 

The statement points out: "Towards the dangerous developments in our region and the effort of various fascists to sow their fascist-racist poison, the students must continue isolating these forces, as they decisively have done in hundreds of schools throughout the country these days."

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

50 years since May 1968: The crucial role of the working class

On the occasion of the 50 years since the events of May 1968 in France, the Organ of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) "Rizospastis" (26-27 May 2018) republished abstracts of an interview with Mitsos Katsianakos (1942-2003), member of the CC of the KKE, who as a young worker had participated actively in the events of 1968. The interview had been published on 17 May 1998. 

Chronicling the facts, Mitsos Katsianakos said to "Rizospastis": "The May of 1968 wasn't just a student uprising and nothing else. We certainly had a student uprising, which began before May, towards the end of April and early May of 1968. Until then we had chases and skirmishes between students and the police in Quarter Latin, at the large university outside of Sorbonne. We had night street fights, until the 10th of May. By that time-and it should be clear to all of us-no one was worried. No one could see that this May would be red, that this May would give a new dimension to the social and political life of France itself.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Greece: Communist-backed 'Panspoudastiki' retains 2nd position in student elections

PANSPOUDASTIKI is once again the second force in the universities (AEI) with 21,43 %and 9.516 votes and a powerful force in the Technological Educational Institutions (TEI) with 19,52 % and 2.800 votes.

The forces of PANSPOUDASTIKI, with new forces in the student unions, with thousands of votes nationwide and with determination, will continue to be in the frontline of the efforts to regroup the student movement, the day after the student elections, which took place in the majority of student unions on 16th of May 2018.

This year as well the student grouping that is supported by SYRIZA , "BLOKO", received a very low vote, 424 votes, 0.95% in the universities (AEI) and 142 votes 0,99% in the Technological Educational Institutions (TEI).