Showing posts with label Cyprus Issue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cyprus Issue. Show all posts

Saturday, July 20, 2024

KKE on the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion and occupation of Cyprus

In a declaration "on the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion and occupation of Cyprus", the Political Bureau of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) points out that "For 50 years, since the Turkish invasion took place, which led to thousands of dead, missing and displaced , as well as the occupation of 37% of Cyprus to date, the KKE insists firmly on condemning it, highlighting the international character of the Cyprus problem, expressing international solidarity with the working class, the popular strata of Cyprus, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, Armenians, Maronites or Latins". 

Friday, July 19, 2024

WFTU: On the 50th anniversary of the double crime of the coup d’etat and the Turkish invasion in Cyprus

WFTU Solidarity Message with the people and the workers of Cyprus on the occasion of the 50th dark anniversary of the double crime of the coup d’état and the Turkish invasion

On the occasion of the 50th dark anniversary of the double crime of the coup d’état and the Turkish invasion, the World Federation of Trade Unions expresses once again its unwavering solidarity for the struggle of the people and the working class of Cyprus towards the solution of the Cyprus problem and the liberation and reunification of the island.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Communist Initiative of Cyprus: 50 years since the twin imperialist crime of 1974

Statement (here in Greek) by the Communist Initiative of Cyprus (CIC) on the occasion of the 50th anniversary since the July 1974 coup d'etat, organized by the Athens' Junta, against the Cypriot government and the subsequent bloody Turkish military invasion which led to the partition of the island:

"50 years have passed since the twin imperialist crime of 1974, but its wounds remain open. Cyprus and its people are still divided because of the Turkish occupation and the ongoing NATO crime. The treasonous coup and the Turkish invasion in July 1974 did not come out of the blue. 

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Dimitris Koutsoumbas: With a stronger KKE in Greece and abroad, for a great pan-European counterattack

Speaking in Nicosia, Cyprus on Sunday, the General Secretary of the CE of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), Dimitris Koutsoumbas, called for strengthening of the Party in the upcoming European Parliament elections.

"With a much stronger KKE much stronger in Greece and abroad, let's trumpet a pan-European counterattack! Let's send the appropriate message to the EU of brutality: A stronger KKE and bigger mass counter-attack struggles for the right of the peoples," he stressed. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Greek-Turkish relations and the geopolitical competitions — Remarks by Eliseos Vagenas

The Sectoral Organization of Universities and Research of the Party Organization of Attica of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and the Regional Students Organization of Athens of the Communist Youth (KNE), in the afternoon of Tuesday the 28th of January, held an event on “The dangerous developments in the Greek-Turkish relations, in the throes of the geopolitical antagonisms and the anti-popular interests” at Panteion University.

Friday, September 27, 2019

AKEL responds to Erdogan's remarks at the UN General Assembly

Responding to the remarks made by the President of Turkey Rejep Tayyip Erdogan at the 74th U.N. General Assembly in New York, the Press Office of the CC of the Progressive Party of the Working People (AKEL) issued the following statement:

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has reiterated from the podium of the UN General Assembly Turkey's well-known positions on the Cyprus problem and its claims in the Eastern Mediterranean. The leader of the occupyingpower has even provocatively claimed that the Greek Cypriots are the reason why the Cyprus problem has not been resolved for 50 years.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Statement by the KKE on the visit of Turkish President Erdogan in Greece: "People in both countries must be vigilant"

On the occasion of the official visit of the President of Turkey Rejep Tayyip Erdogan in Greece (7-8 December), the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece issued the following statement:

"The visit of the President of Turkey T.Erdogan in our country did not confirm whatsoever the environment that the SYRIZA-ANEL government was uncourteously cultivating during the previous days by naming the visit as "historical". After all, it wouldn't be different, when only within 2017 the violations of the Greek airspace and maritime waters are thousands, while just before his visit, during an interview, the President of Turkey restored all the new provocations and assertions against the country, with the peak being the demand for the revise of the Treaty of Lausanne. 

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Statement by the KKE on the 43 years since the 1974 Turkish invasion in Cyprus

On the occassion of the 43 years since the invasion of the Turkish military forces in Cyprus (20 July 1974), the Press Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) issued the following statement:

Source: / Translation: In Defense of Communism.

43 years have been passed since the Turkish invasion and the continuous occupation of the 37% of Cyprus, since the crime against the Cypriot people which took place within the framework of NATO, with the support of the American and British imperialism.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Cyprus Issue: The KKE warns about the dangerous partition "solution" that is being promoted


On July 11, 2017 a discussion of the leaders of the political parties was held in the Greek parliament regarding the developments in the Cyprus issue and the outcome of the negotiations in Geneva.

During the discussion, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, GS of the CC of KKE, underlined that the Cyprus issue is an international problem of invasion and occupation of the northern part of Cyprus by Turkey. It is a problem that bears the stamp of NATO intervention, of the general imperialist plans for the region.

Monday, February 20, 2017

KKE: People’s struggle for a united Cyprus without guarantors and protectors


The Party Organization of the KKE in Cyprus held on Saturday the 11th of February a meeting in Lefkosia (Nicosia), Cyprus with as its theme the positions of the KKE on the Cyprus issue. Giorgos Marinos, member of the PB of the CC of the KKE, spoke at the meeting.

His speech was as follows:

“The KKE is preparing for the 20th Congress which will be held between 30th of March and 2nd of April and there is an ongoing creative dialogue- on the basis of the theses of the CC- in which members and friends are participating, a large number of working people.

The major objective of the Theses of the CC and the final decisions of the Congress is the all-round ideological-political-organizational steeling of the KKE and its Youth, as a Party of revolutionary overthrow. This steeling is a necessary precondition in order to carry out the complex tasks of the labour movement's recasting, the struggle against imperialist war, the building of social alliance towards an anticapitalist, antimonopoly direction aimed at workers' power.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Statement of the GS of the KKE Dimitris Koutsoumbas on the developments regarding the Cyprus Issue

On Monday 9th of December, within the framework of informational meetings of Greece's Prime Minister with the Parties' leaders regarding the Cyprus negotations, the General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Dimitris Koutsoumbas met with Alexis Tsipras. After the meeting, the General Secretary made the following statement:
"The Cyprus Issue is an problem of invasion and occupation.
If we want to talk about a negotiation which will lead to a solution, that means first of all the immediate withdrawal of all the occupational forces. That means the abolition of the state of guarantor powers.
Solution means one state and not two states. A single, viable state, with one sovereignty, one nationality, one international personality, a common homeland of Greek-Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriots, without foreign bases, guarantors and protectors.
Today, the negotiation is actually undermined first and foremost by the Turkish leadership, as well by the Turkish-Cypriot one, with the involvement of other powers and big interests, such as the USA, as long as it is a negotiation that in fact takes place under the terms of a dichotomous solution. 
What is needed today is the biggest possible vigilance from the people of Greece and Cyprus".
Source: / Translation: In Defense of Communism.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Elisseos Vagenas (KKE): The struggle for a united Cyprus must continue

The ongoing developments regarding the Cyprus Issue were the major subject of an interview given by Elisseos Vagenas, member of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and responsible for the Party's International Relations department, on the Voice of Greece radio.

As Vagenas pointed out, the bazaars for the "solution" plan move towards the creation of a new Annan Plan, which conditions the creation of two constituent states and, in fact, consists a dichotomοus solution, with occupational forces, foreign bases and guarantor powers remaining in the island.

He underlined that the actual basis of the bazaars is the dangerous developments in south eastern Mediterranean and in the Middle East and that the promoted solution in Cyprus could become the "pattern" for the occupation of other lands in Syria or Iraq.

Friday, December 2, 2016

KKE: The people must be ready and vigilant - Statement about foreign policy and the Cyprus Issue

The GS of the CC of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, noted the following on 28/11/2016 in his statements on Foreign Policy and the Cyprus Issue:

“The KKE follows with concern the latest developments regarding both Greek-Turkish relations as well as the Cyprus Issue. The KKE expresses its opinion with responsibility and calls on the Greek people to be in a state of readiness and vigilance.

The major everyday problems which afflict our people are expected to worsen in the coming period, as a result of the second “evaluation” and the government's new agreements with its partners in the EU and IMF.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

OBAMA IN GREECE: Intensification of antipeople measures, deeper Greek involvement in NATO-EU imperialist plans

Comment on U.S. President Barack Obama's visit in Greece.

The bourgeois Greek media already celebrate the visit of Barack Obama in Greece, dedicating hymns to how- supposedly- valuable (for Greece) this visit was. The reality is different. The visit of Obama in Greece, during his last foreign trip as U.S. president, has two major conclusions: The first has to do about the continuation of the antipeople, antiworkers measures which the Greek government will continue imposing and the second is connected to Greece's deeper involvement in the dangerous US-NATO-EU warmongering plans in Eastern Mediterranean.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Decision of the CC of the KKE on the developments around the Cyprus Issue and the position of the KKE

Decision of the CC of the KKE on the developments around the Cyprus Issue and the position of the KKE / Source:

The CC of the KKE met and examined the overall developments on the Cyprus issue through the prism of the new facts. It came to the following decision:
The Communist Party of Greece follows, studies and takes a responsible position on the Cyprus problem. It has made a significant contribution to the denunciation of the Turkish invasion-occupation, to highlighting the international character of the problem, to expressing internationalist solidarity with the working class and popular strata of Cyprus, the Greek-Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriots, Armenians, Maronites and Latins.
The KKE fights against the negative, for the peoples, plans that are unfolding in the framework of the antagonisms of the bourgeois classes of Greece, Turkey and Cyprus, as well as the in the context of the negative and dangerous role played historically and still being played today by the USA, Britain, NATO and the EU as regards the resolution of the Cyprus problem.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Interview with the member of the CC of KKE Thanasis Pafilis: The Cyprus Issue, AKEL and the positions of KKE

Interview of Thanasis Pafilis, member of the CC of the KKE, and parliamentary representative of the party to the MEGAONE news outlet in Cyprus- "Cyprus, united, independent, with its people sovereign".

1. Is the KKE not concerned about the fact that its decision could negatively affect AKEL, with which it has special relations, and indeed in a period where the process of the resolution of the Cyprus Issue, which is also supported by AKEL, is being called into issue by various sides?

The stance of the KKE is rooted in its deep internationalist solidarity with the working class and popular strata of Cyprus, the Greek-Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriots, Armenians,  Maronites and Latins, and is opposed to the monopoly interests that are promoting a new dichotomous plan so that they can gain control of the natural resources without any impediments. The leadership of AKEL has made its choices and its agreement with the framework of the government and President, a framework supported by the USA and the EU and especially Britain, is mistaken, without prospects and is leading the Cypriot people into great hazards.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

KKE General Secretary Dimitris Koutsoumbas' remarks after the meeting with President Prokopis Pavlopoulos

Dimitris Koutsoumbas: The Greek people must be vigilant about developments in the region.

Today, Wednesday 2 November, the General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Dimitris Koutsoumbas met with the President of the Hellenic Republic Prokopis Pavlopoulos, regarding the developments on the Cyprus Issue, as well as about the positions of KKE on the developments in the broader region.

After the meeting, Dimitris Koutsoumbas made the following statement to journalists:

"I informed Mr.President of the Republic about the developments in the region and the positions of the KKE. The sharpening of the contradictions, the antagonisms, the military conflicts and the accumulation of military weapons and forces throughout the region, from central and eastern Europe, the Black Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Middle East do not bode positive steps and issues for the people and especially for the Greek people.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Cyprus Issue: The developments require the intensification of peoples' intervention

The developments require the intensification of peoples' intervention.
By Giorgos Marinos* / Source:

The Cyprus Issue, under its present form, was caused by the Turkish invasion and occupation in July and August (Attila II) of 1974 and remains unsolved for 42 years.

During this historical period, many means of negotiations were used, multifaceted UN interventions, joint statements and many meetings between representatives of the Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot communities etc, but the problem still remains.

The Turkish insistence on the continuation of the occupation found supporters in powerful imperialist powers which, among other things, bare responsibility for the creation and perpetuation of the Cyprus Issue, such as the US, NATO, Britain and the EU in general.