Showing posts with label Cyprus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cyprus. Show all posts

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Cypriot communists: Cyprus must stop facilitating the murderous plans of the Israeli Government

In a recent statement (here in Greek), the Communist Initiative of Cyprus (Κομμουνιστική Πρωτοβουλία Κύπρου - Kıbrıs Komünist İnisiyatifi) denounces the facilitation provided by the government to the Israeli state and warns about the grave dangers that the island's deepening involvement in the Gaza massacre poses for the Cypriot people:

Israel's former ambassador to Cyprus, Mr Harari, stated recently that “Cyprus is being dragged into the regional conflict” due to the strategic relations it has developed with Israel. The Medium which hosted the former ambassador's interview reveals that, among other things, special forces of the Israeli army perform drills in Cypriot territory. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

A new Communist Party to be launched in Cyprus

A new Communist Party, with marxist-leninist ideological characteristics, is due to be launched in Cyprus. According to Christos Kourtellaris, Executive Secretary of the Communist Initiative of Cyprus (CIC), the new party with the honored hammer and sickle as its emblem aims to participate in the 2026 parliamentary elections. 

In an interview to "Kathimerini" (4 August 2024), Kourtellaris stressed that we are fighting for the goal of a society of socialism-communism in which the working class will have the power. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Communists of Cyprus warn against any facilitation of US-Israeli imperialist plans in the region

In a statement (here in Greek) issued on 3/8/2024, the Communist Initiative of Cyprus warns about the dangerous escalation of the situation in the region and the involvement of the Cypriot Government in the warmongering plans of Israel and NATO.

“Following the recent developments in our region where the state of Israel has dangerously escalated the situation and with the ongoing genocidal bloodshed on the Palestinian people in Gaza, there is an intense mobilization in all ports and airports of the Republic of Cyprus. Evacuation of tourists from Cyprus and the broader Middle East, military and spy plans and ships coming and going, as well as 200 U.S marine soldiers landing and settling on the island”, the CIC statement points out.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

KKE on the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion and occupation of Cyprus

In a declaration "on the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion and occupation of Cyprus", the Political Bureau of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) points out that "For 50 years, since the Turkish invasion took place, which led to thousands of dead, missing and displaced , as well as the occupation of 37% of Cyprus to date, the KKE insists firmly on condemning it, highlighting the international character of the Cyprus problem, expressing international solidarity with the working class, the popular strata of Cyprus, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, Armenians, Maronites or Latins". 

Friday, July 19, 2024

WFTU: On the 50th anniversary of the double crime of the coup d’etat and the Turkish invasion in Cyprus

WFTU Solidarity Message with the people and the workers of Cyprus on the occasion of the 50th dark anniversary of the double crime of the coup d’état and the Turkish invasion

On the occasion of the 50th dark anniversary of the double crime of the coup d’état and the Turkish invasion, the World Federation of Trade Unions expresses once again its unwavering solidarity for the struggle of the people and the working class of Cyprus towards the solution of the Cyprus problem and the liberation and reunification of the island.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Communist Initiative of Cyprus: 50 years since the twin imperialist crime of 1974

Statement (here in Greek) by the Communist Initiative of Cyprus (CIC) on the occasion of the 50th anniversary since the July 1974 coup d'etat, organized by the Athens' Junta, against the Cypriot government and the subsequent bloody Turkish military invasion which led to the partition of the island:

"50 years have passed since the twin imperialist crime of 1974, but its wounds remain open. Cyprus and its people are still divided because of the Turkish occupation and the ongoing NATO crime. The treasonous coup and the Turkish invasion in July 1974 did not come out of the blue. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Communists of Cyprus demand from the government to stop cooperation with Israel: No involvement in the massacre of Gaza

In a televised address on 19 June, the head of Lebanon's Shia Islamist group Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, threatened the Republic of Cyprus accusing it of allowing Israel to use its airports and bases for military exercises.

The Communist Initiative of Cyprus (CIC) issued a statement (here in Greek) calling the government to end every cooperation with Israel and stop facilitating the Netanyahu leadership in the Gaza war. The statement titled "Cyprus is directly involved in the Gaza massacre: Every cooperation with Israel must stop" reads: 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

AKEL: Cyprus' subordination to the US does not make it a pillar of security, quite the opposite

In a televised address on 19 June, the head of Lebanon's Shia Islamist group Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, threatened the Republic of Cyprus accusing it of allowing Israel to use its airports and bases for military exercises. 
A day earlier, in a statement concerning the meeting between the Foreign Ministers of Cyprus and the USA in Washington DC, the Press Office of AKEL (Progressive Party of Working People) was pointing out:

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Cyprus: The result of the European elections does not satisfy us, says AKEL leader Stefanos Stefanou

In a statement, the General Secretary of AKEL (Progressive Party of Working People) Stefanos Stefanou assessed the result of the 2024 European Elections, pointing out that the outcome of the elections isn't satisfactory for the party. 

AKEL came second after centre-right DISY, gaining 21.67% of the vote but losing one of its two seats in the European Parliament. The big surprise of the EU elections in Cyprus was an unpolitical YouTube prankster, Fidias Panagiotou, who took a whopping 19.4 per cent as an independent candidate. 

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Dimitris Koutsoumbas: With a stronger KKE in Greece and abroad, for a great pan-European counterattack

Speaking in Nicosia, Cyprus on Sunday, the General Secretary of the CE of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), Dimitris Koutsoumbas, called for strengthening of the Party in the upcoming European Parliament elections.

"With a much stronger KKE much stronger in Greece and abroad, let's trumpet a pan-European counterattack! Let's send the appropriate message to the EU of brutality: A stronger KKE and bigger mass counter-attack struggles for the right of the peoples," he stressed. 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Cypriot communists protested against foreign military bases and NATO in Nicosia

With slogans like "No to the bases of death and all foreign armies", members and friends of the Cyprus Communist Initiative (CCI) organized on Saturday a demonstration at the United Kingdom High Commission in Nicosia.

The protesters denounced Israel's genocidal crimes against the Palestinian people and the bloodshed in Yemen, also highlighting the involvement of Cyprus through the British bases thus condemning the complicity of yet another Cypriot government. The Communist Initiative also denounced Cyprus' participation in the EU's imperialist military operation in the Red Sea.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Cyprus Communist Initiative launched, aims "to rebuild the workers’ and people’s movement"

With the sickle and hammer as its symbol, the Cyprus Communist Initiative has been formalised into an official body, was announced on Saturday.

Under the full name "Cyprus Communist Initiative, for the rebuilding of the workers’ and people’s movement", the new group “aspires to fill the political vacuum that has existed for years in Cypriot society, and to become a rallying force for the struggles of the working class and the broader popular strata.”

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Cyprus: AKEL strongly condemns racist attacks against immigrants in Limassol

AKEL, the Progressive Party of Working People, strongly condemned Friday's racial violence against immigrants and refugees in Limassol, Cyprus.

On the night of Friday 1 September, far-right groups turned the city center into chaos, by smashing shops, throwing Molotov cocktail and chasing migrants. 

In a statement, AKEL called the incidents a "racist pogrom that consists a shame for the country", stressing out that the President and his government were responsible for the scale of the violence,

Sunday, August 20, 2023

KKE and AKEL condemn attack on UN peacekeeping forces in Cyprus' buffer zone

KKE: The decision of the occupation authorities on Cyprus aims at the creation of fait accompli

The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) in an announcement on Saturday underlined that the occupation authorities in north Cyprus arbitrary decision to carry out unauthorised construction works for the opening of a road that would link the occupied village Arsos with Pyla (inhabited by Turkish-Cypriots and Greek-Cypriots) along with the attack against UN peacekeeping forces aims to the creation of fait accompli and triggers a dangerous tension in the area.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Estonia's "Institute of Historical Memory" shamefully falsifies WW2 history, promotes anti-communism

In an effort to re-write history, the so-called “Estonian Institute of Historical Memory” (Eesti Mälu Instituut/ EIHM), an anti-communist institution, in collaboration with the German Embassy in Tallinn, has launched since 2018 a “Summer School” focusing on “the history of crimes against humanity and human rights violations during and after the Second World War.

Promoting anti-communism and the distortion of history, EIHM tries to equate the Soviet Union – the major liberation force in WW2 – with Nazi Germany!!! More specifically, in the website of EIHM's “Summer School” someone can read the following:

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Cyprus: Far-right military leader Georgios Grivas to be honored with a museum

"Not a single euro for Grivas Museum", reads AKEL banner.
General Georgios Grivas (1897-1974), the notorious ultra-nationalist, fiercely anti-communist military leader whose name became synonymous with terrorism and treason, will be once again honored by the Cypriot government. Recently, with the votes of the governmental centre-right Democratic Rally (DISY), the Democratic Party DIKO and the social democratic EDEK, the Parliamentary Finance Committee agreed to release the fund for the so-called “Grivas Museum”.

In a statement issued on November 1st, the Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL) points out among others: 

Monday, September 19, 2022

KKE: Cyprus is being integrated deeper into US-NATO plans in the competition with Russia

KKE protest at the Akrotiri British military base in 2018.
Cyprus, which is already being used as a NATO base, is being integrated deeper into US-NATO plans in the framework of the competition with Russia, a statement by the Press Office of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) points out on the occasion of the lifting of the US arms embargo on Cyprus.

More specifically, the statement published on 902 portal stresses out: 

“The celebrations of the forces of “Euro-Atlanticism” for the decision of the USA to completely lift the arms embargo on Cyprus, which they had imposed in 1987, attempt to hide the painful reality experienced by the Cypriot people from the island's involvement in the imperialist plans and competitions.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

The struggle against the imperialist war in Ukraine and Greece's participation in it

By Giorgos Marinos,

The imperialist war in Ukraine, following the unacceptable invasion of Russia, continues. The conflict between the USA, NATO, EU with capitalist Russia carries the risk of generalization and Greece is “up to the neck” on the side of Euro-Atlanticism. The government, with the support of SYRIZA and KINAL, has transformed the country into a military base. The US bases, for which all governments bear responsibility, are used. Greek military unites and armaments are sent to the “eastern front”. 

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Cyprus: The 23rd Congress of AKEL kicked off in Nicosia

Under the slogan "Force of struggle - Force of change", the 23rd Party Congress of AKEL (Progressive Party of Working People) began its works on Friday in Nicosia, Cyprus, with the participation of more than 1,200 delegates. 

The three-day Congress will conclude on Sunday 4 July.  

The first day of the Congress included the opening address by the member of the Political Bureau of AKEL Nicos Ioannou and the introductory speech of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of AKEL Andros Kyprianou. 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

AKEL condemns Erdogan's provocative visit to occupied Cyprus

In a statement concerning the provocative visit of Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan in the occupied territories of Cyprus and especially to the abandoned city of Famagusta, the Press Office of the Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL) points out:

"AKEL unequivocally condemns the provocative visit of Tayyip Erdogan to the occupied territories, the celebrations for the 37th anniversary of the proclamation of the so-called “TRNC” and the “picnic” planned tomorrow within the fenced off city of Famagusta.