Showing posts with label Communist Party of Ireland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Communist Party of Ireland. Show all posts

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Communist Party of Ireland: On the 50th anniversary of the 1974 Dublin-Monaghan terrorist attack

Statement: 50th anniversary of British state terrorism attack upon the Irish people in 1974.

The Communist Party of Ireland/Páirtí Cumannach na hÉireann once again expresses to solidarity with families of the victims of the Dublin-Monaghan bombings in 1974 on this the 50th anniversary of those bombing that murdered 33 and injured 300 of our fellow citizens, leaving many families and individuals scarred for life both emotional and physically. 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Ireland: Communist Party condemns government's decision to provide weapons training to Ukraine

In a statement the Communist Party of Ireland denounces the Irish government's decision to provide weapons to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

"The Communist Party of Ireland condemns the government’s decision ordering Irish troops to provide weapons training to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. 

This decision dangerously increases Irish involvement in the war and is another calculated attack on Irish neutrality.  We call on the Irish government to immediately rescind this decision and instead to add its voice to the majority of the world's nations that have called for a ceasefire and a negotiated settlement. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Communist Party of Ireland: On the "Northern Ireland Protocol" between EU and Britain

In a statement issued on 23 February about the "Northern Ireland Protocol" negotiations - which ended with a deal between Britain and the European Union - the Communist Party of Ireland (Páirtí Cumannach na hÉireann) points out:

"The “Northern Ireland Protocol” negotiations are best characterised as part of the inter-imperialist struggle between the EU and Britain with regard to the latter’s future trading relationship and access to markets within that bloc. They are about securing Britain’s future relationship with the EU and are not about the Irish people north or south of the British imposed border.

Monday, January 31, 2022

50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday — Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland

Bloody Sunday, 1972: Imperialism’s response to peaceful demands for democratic reforms

Anniversaries are an opportunity to dwell upon and learn from past events and struggles, to identify past successes and failures. Fifty years ago the British state carried out an organised and sanctioned attack on the anti-internment civil rights march in Derry organised by the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association, in which the CPI played a central role, helping to establish and build that mass movement of working people.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Communist Party of Ireland on COP26: "There is no green capitalism possible"

In a statement about the COP 26 UN Climate Change Conference held in Glasgow, the Communist Party of Ireland stresses out:

"The future belongs to socialism and to those who fight for it.

The jamboree that was the COP26 closed and a statement issued to the press. Their carefully choreographed opinion pieces, the television news features of how “western democracies” are leading the fight to save the planet and the parcelling of selected nations as villains into neat packages to reassure the gullible that it is not capitalism that is the problem. Nothing has fundamentally changed.   

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Irish communists: The hypocrisy of Western governments knows no bounds

In a statement issued on May 24, 2021, the Communist Party of Ireland (Páirtí Cumannach na hÉireann) points out the following:

"The outrage being expressed by the Government and the minister for foreign affairs is all hot air and downright hypocritical, as is the blustering by the European Union, in regard to the Ryanair flight being forced to land in Belarus and the arrest of Roman Protasevich, a passenger on that Ryanair flight.

Nothing about Belarus can be separated from the aggressive political and military strategy of both the European Union and NATO towards that country and towards Russia.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Ireland's Communist Party: Mother and Baby Homes scandal reveals decades of church and state repression of women

A horrendous scandal that exposes decades of institutionalised patriarchal and misogynist values has been revealed in Ireland. Thousands of infants died in Irish homes for unmarried mothers and their offspring mostly run by the Catholic Church from the 1920s to the 1990s, an inquiry found on Tuesday, an “appalling” mortality rate that reflected brutal living conditions.

The report, which covered 18 so-called Mother and Baby Homes where over decades young pregnant women were hidden from society, is the latest in a series of government-commissioned papers that have laid bare some of the Catholic Church’s worst abuses.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Ireland Elections: A Communist Viewpoint

Today, Saturday 8 February 2020, it's election day in Ireland. Voters are going to the polls after a tumultuous general election campaign. On this occasion we republish an article from the latest issue of Socialist Voice, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of Ireland

There are no shortcuts
by Eugene McCartan

Elections come and go; but there are no shortcuts for what our class needs to secure.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Brexit: Communist Party of Ireland's political statement on the current situation and debate

At its regular meeting on 16 March 2019 the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland discussed the current situation in relation to the continuing debate about Brexit and also the decision of the Public Prosecution Service in regard to the prosecution of members of the British military in connection with the events of Bloody Sunday in Derry in 1972 and the murder by the British state military of fourteen innocent Irish citizens taking part in an anti-internment march. [...]

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Communist Party of Ireland: The 1914-1918 War and the bankruptcy of Irish nationalism

Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland on the occasion of the celebrations for the end of the 1914-1918 First Imperialist World War:
9 November 2018.
This November is the centenary of the ending of the Imperialist War, 1914–1918, fought between British imperialism and its allies on the one side and German imperialism and its allies on the other.
It is believed that more than 10 million soldiers died in the fighting, as well as an estimated 13 million civilians. More than 65 million men from the various empires took part, of whom 5 million were British.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Ireland: The Communist Party welcomes the repeal of the anti-woman 8th Amendment

26 May 2018.

The Communist Party of Ireland welcomes the vote of the Irish people to remove the anti-woman 8th Amendment of the Constitution. The result of 66 to 34, with a large turn-out, is a tribute to years of work and campaigning by many groups and individuals, and has little or nothing to do with the establishment parties. 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Communist Party of Ireland: The servile and collaborationist approach of the Irish establishment to EU and NATO must end!

The decision by the Government to expel a Russian diplomat as part of a co-ordinated response by EU and NATO member-countries is but another example of how far the Irish establishment has aligned this state with their military strategies.

The expulsion of the diplomat is justified by the unproven involvement in some type of chemical attack on a former Russian double agent and his daughter in England in early March, which the British have blamed on Moscow. The Russians have continually asked for a sample of the chemical toxins used for their own tests, which has been denied. 

Monday, December 18, 2017

Homeless in Dublin: The Communist Party of Ireland says "we need homes, not prison cells"

Dublin City Council is considering using a section of the Mountjoy prison campus to help deal with the capital's homeless problem. The Department of Justice has offered the training unit of Dublin's largest prison to the local authority, which is now considering it to house homeless people. The training unit is separated from the main section of the jail and was closed earlier this year.
At the time of its closure the unit had a capacity of 96 beds. Independent councillor Mannix Flynn said the council was considering using the facility to alleviate the city's current homelessness crisis. [...] The latest figures show there are 8,500 people without a home, 3,500 of whom are children, but there are fears the number could increase as the country heads into Christmas week, as the figures were compiled in October.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Communist Party of Ireland: Political Statement

Political statement.
National Executive Committee, Communist Party of Ireland.
6 April 2016.
At its regular meeting in early April the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland evaluated the present political situation and the tasks facing both the communist and the wider working-class movement and progressive forces.
The CPI welcomes the massive turn-out of working people around the country to celebrate the 1916 Rising. Tens of thousands attended both the official government commemoration and the hundreds of locally organised community-sponsored events.
This was a very positive development, considering the decades of sustained criticism and attempts by the political establishment, the establishment media and a large section of academia to undermine and discredit the 1916 Rising as well as the long democratic struggle of the Irish people to achieve independence. Their campaign has failed, and the centenary celebrations have awakened renewed interest in the Rising, those who led it, their motivation, the goal that inspired them, and the legacy of the 1916 Proclamation’s vision of an independent Irish republic.