More specifically, the statement which was published on "Rizospastis", points out the following:
the EU “celebrates” the 10th
anniversary of the Lisbon Treaty and the EU “Charter of Fundamental
Rights”, the people not only have no reason to celebrate but they
draw valuable conclusions for the anti-people EU one-way street that
has been built at their expense. The discussions regarding the 10th
anniversary of these reactionary treaties do not focus in the past
but mainly towards an even more reactionary future that they are
planning for the people.
experience of the people in the last 10 years totally vindicates the
predictions and the substantiated critique of the KKE, which pointed
out in time that the Lisbon Treaty would strengthen even further the
anti-people and reactionary nature of the EU against them. The Commom
Defense Policy, the enhanced military co-operation (PESCO), the new
intervention funds strengthened the militarization of the EU and the
aggression of european monopolies in their fierce confrontation with
the other imperialist centers and powers. This is evidenced by the EU
imperialist interventions, all these years, for the interests of the
EU business groups, in Syria, Libya, Ukraine, Mali, in Central
Africal Republic, in the broader region of SE Mediterranean and
Northern Africa.
policy of the EU and its economic military relations with Turkey
reinforce Turkish aggression, as it is expressed by the dangerous
situation that has been formed for the people in the Aegean and East
Mediterranean, with the repeated violations and provocations in the
Aegean, the transgression of the Cypriot EEZ and the maintenance of
occupation in Cyprus.
the same time, the Treaty of Lisbon equipped the EU and the
governments with new, more barbaric means and mechanisms of promotion
of the anti-people policy: State budget control, the EU Semester and
long-term memorandums, “reforms support programme”, enhanced
surveillance and mandatory “cutters” of social spending for the
slashing of wages and pensions. It enlarged the existing ones and
created new mechanisms of repression (Europolice, European Border and
Coastal Guard, EU prosecutor, etc), made even more stifling the
restriction of people's freedoms and rights by multiplying of bodies
and tools of electronic profiling, strengthening of anti-communism
and persecutions against Communist Parties. It transformed the
Mediterranean into a watery grave for thousands of displaced refugees
and immigrants and its member-states, especially Greece, into
contentration camps and mass entrapment of inhumane conditions.

all its member-states, the EU and the governments demolish workers'
rights, public Social Security and Welfare, every social right such
as free public Education and Health. Basic social goods and services
(Energy, Transporation, Communications) are converted into expensive
commodities and handed over to monopolies.
euro-treaties are nothing but shackles, with which the EU and the
governments chain the working people to the chariot of the capital's
interests. The growing mistrust towards the EU […] can strengthen,
deepen and target its very nature as a union of capital that cannot
be improved and become pro-people.
the people decide, they have the power to free themselves from the
tyranny of the monopolies, with disengagement from the alliances,
such as EU and NATO, taking the power and the economy in their own
hands, in order to buld another Europe of peace, friendship, for the
mutually beneficial cooperation of the people, a Europe of people's
progress and prosperity, of socialism”.