Showing posts with label Tudeh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tudeh. Show all posts

Monday, May 20, 2024

Tudeh Party on Ebrahim Raisi: The death of a criminal

Following the news of the death of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ebrahim Raisi, alongside Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and six other people in a helicopter crash on Sunday, the Tudeh Party of Iran (حزب توده‌ی ایران) issued a statement

Below you can read the basic parts of the statement:

"Ebrahim Raisi was a criminal agent of the Islamic Republic of Iran, an agent who played a key role in the killing of freedom fighters in Iran during the last four decades. 

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Iranian presidential election: Statement by the Tudeh Party

On the occasion of the presidential election in Iran, the Tudeh Party of Iran issued the following statement:

"The historical NO of the people, and the national and freedom-loving forces of Iran, to the authoritarian theocratic regime and the scandalous charade of the presidential elections of June 18th, 2021...

Moving forward towards the establishment of an inclusive social movement aimed at rejecting the theocratic regime and changing the corrupt and anti-people political system in Iran!

Monday, March 22, 2021

Iranian communist Ali Khavari dies: Statement by the Tudeh Party of Iran

Ali Khavari, a veteran Iranian communist and a long-time leading figure of the Tudeh Party of Iran, died on March 19th at the age of 98. The following is an abridged version of a statement issued by the Tudeh Party:

Mourning the passing of the Party's “voice of righteousness”, tireless militant, and “spiritual asset” of Iran’s working people!

It is with deep sorrow that the Central Committee of the Tudeh Party of Iran announces the passing of Comrade Ali Khavari, the veteran Leader of the Tudeh Party of Iran. 

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Tudeh Party of Iran: Condemns the murder of nuclear scientist Fakhrizadeh and opposes any foreign intervention

The Tudeh Party of Iran has issued a statement condemning the murder of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh and expresses its opposition to any foreign imperialist intervention in the country. The full statement is the following:

Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, head of the Research and Innovation Organisation of the Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces Logistics, was killed in a terrorist attack in the Absardvicinity of Damavand on Friday, November 27, according to Iranian and international media. Fakhrizadeh, who was involved in research and development activities in the nuclear industry of the Islamic Republic of Iran, had been [a name] cited for several years in relation to the Iranian nuclear issue. 

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Communist and Workers' Parties of the Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East and the Gulf hold regional teleconference

Twelve Communist Parties of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region participated in a Teleconference organized by the Communist Party of Greece (KKE). The Teleconference's major subject was "The Communist and Workers' Parties firmly at the side of the just struggle of the Palestinian people, in the struggle against imperialist war and capitalist exploitation".  
Apart from the host party, the KKE, the participants parties in the Teleconference were:

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

100 years of Iran's communist movement — A discussion with Tudeh Party leader Ali Khavari

The 23rd June 2020 marked the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Communist Party of Iran (CPI) and the holding of the first and founding Congress of the Party in the northern city of Bandar-e Anzali. 

On this occasion, the periodical Nameh Mardom [People’s Paper], the central publication of the Tudeh Party of Iran (TPI), talked to Comrade Ali Khavari, a distinguished leader of the TPI, about the struggle and the contribution of the communists in the popular movement in Iran over the last 100 years. Featured below are excerpts of this conversation:

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Tudeh Party of Iran condemns the killing of defenceless Palestinians by the Israeli army

Statement by the Tudeh Party of Iran on the recent massacre committed by the Israeli forces in the Gaza-Israel borders.

The deadly attack of the Israeli armed forces on the unarmed Palestinian demonstrators on March 30th, who had organised a peaceful demonstration along the Gaza-Israel border in protest at the ongoing occupation of the Palestinian territories, led to 17 dead and more than 400 wounded Palestinians. 

This demonstration has been held every year on March 30th for 42 years on the occasion of the “Land Day”.

Monday, January 15, 2018

World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY): Solidarity with the youth, students and people of Iran

The World Federation of Democratic Youth express its solidarity and support to the youth, students and people of Iran that are currently in front of repression, violence and oppression by the police and the paramilitaries of their country.
The last two weeks the youth and the people of Iran, have been demonstrating and developed a difficult struggle in the streets of more than 70 towns of the country, for their rights against the economic, social and cultural policies of the regime. 

Policies which have brought high prices on basic consumer goods, huge unemployment, widespread privatisation and extreme poverty on a mass scale. They are standing against the violations of the regime on the human and democratic rights of the people, on the same time that they oppose the anti-popular policies and conventions against the workers.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Iran Protests- Tudeh Party appealing for the release of more than 1500 arrested in Iran (تظاهرات ایران)

A broad campaign must be organised for the release of hundreds of students, working people and freedom fighters in Iran who have been detained by the repressive forces in recent days. 
As anticipated, the anti-people and dictatorial theocratic regime of Iran have proceeded to deploy large squads of the Guards Corps, Basij militia and the mercenaries of the security forces to violently repress the protest movement of the youth and working people of our nation. As has been the case in recent years, the response of the heads of the dictatorial regime to the people - who are frustrated by the poverty, deprivation, oppression, corruption and lack of freedom - is to accuse them of association with foreign powers and then fire at and detain them. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Iran Protests: Tudeh Party supports people's struggle, strongly opposes any kind of foreign intervention

The CC of the Tudeh Party of Iran (حزب تودۀ ایران‎) issued a third statement about the developments in the country. Also, read the first statement and the second statement
• The regime’s plots to violently and bloodily suppress the protest movement of the frustrated people must be prevented through an organised struggle and united action.
• We strongly oppose any kind of foreign intervention in Iran and believe that the right-wing and racist leaderships of Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu and the criminal and reactionary regime of Saudi Arabia, are no friends to the people of Iran and certainly do not strive for freedom, independence and social justice in our homeland.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Regional meeting of Communist and Workers Parties to be held in Athens on November 26th

Archive Photo.
A meeting of Communist and Workers Parties of the Mediterranean, Middle East and Persian Gulf will take place on Sunday 26th of November, at the headquarters of the Communist Party of Greece in Perissos, Athens. 

The major subject of the meeting- which is an initiative of the KKE - is: "The communist and workers parties consistently by the side of the just struggle of the Palestinian people in the fight against imperialist war and capitalist exploitation".