Showing posts with label Theresa May. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Theresa May. Show all posts

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Canada's Communist Party slams Trudeau for his stance on the Skripal case

In a statement, the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Canada condemns the decision of the Trudeau government to expel four Russian diplomats, calling it "part of a dangerous New Cold War".
The CPC has sharply condemned the Trudeau government’s decision to expel four Russian diplomats from Canada, in lock step with the Conservative government of Theresa May in UK, who demanded ‘solidarity’ actions from European and NATO countries, including the US, declaring she had led “the largest collective expulsion of Russian intelligence officers in history”. 
In fact, the expulsions exceed any equivalent action taken since the height of the Cold War. Nearly 150 Russian diplomats have been expelled from 24 countries, including 60 from the US. 

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Britain: 19 million people living below the line of poverty

Source: The New Worker.

Prime Minister Theresa May earlier this year claimed she was reaching out to families that were “just about managing” to get by. But there are millions more families now who are not managing at all, thanks to her policies.

According to a report released last week by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) there are now 3.4 million more households in Britain struggling to live on their income than there were in the year 2008—2009.

There are now just under 19 million people in Britain living below the ‘Minimum Income Standard’ (MIS), 11 million of whom are not managing but are sinking fast into a bottomless pit of debt and desperation.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

British Elections: Dear comrades, be aware of social democracy bearing gifts


On Saturday 8th June, the working people of Britain will be called to choose between two versions of bourgeois management: The Conservative Party of Prime Minister Theresa May or the Labour Party of Jeremy Corbyn? Despite their existing individual differences regarding the mix of policies, both parties serve the capitalist system. They are both thoroughly bourgeois parties, fully committed to the goal of promoting the profits of the capitalists.