Showing posts with label Euromaidan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Euromaidan. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Interview with the Workers' Front of Ukraine: Fascism, the Imperialist War and the perspective of Socialism

The Workers' Front of Ukraine-RFU (Робітничий Фронт України), is a clandestine Marxist-Leninist group founded in 2019. Below you can read the english version of an interview they gave to Karl Gunnarsson, International Secretary of the Communist Party of Sweden-SKP, which was published in SKP's official gazette "Riktpunkt"
The interview provides interesting information about what Ukrainian communists think about the ongoing imperialist war and the suffering their country has been subjected to, but also  a background to the war and explains what was behind the so-called the Euromaidan revolution. 

Friday, March 1, 2024

10 years since the Euromaidan in Ukraine: Revolution or foreign-backed Coup?

By Nikos Mottas

This February marked the tenth anniversary since the so-called “Euromaidan” events in Ukraine and the subsequent coup d' etat which, backed by the US and the EU, led to the overthrow of the then pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych

Apart from the rise of far-right, reactionary forces in Ukraine's political leadership, the 2014 coup became the starting point for the 2022 Russian military invasion and the ongoing imperialist war

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Ukraine's decommunization and the rise of fascism

By Nikos Mottas.

The process of the so-called “decommunization” in Ukraine was introduced during the first years of the restoration of capitalism in the USSR and included the slandering and erasing of anything related to the Soviet period and the construction of socialism.

This term was also used by the President of today's capitalist Russia, Vladimir Putin, in his anti-communist statement prior to the invasion, saying characteristically that “we are ready to show you what genuine decommunization means for Ukraine”. It is not a coincidence that anti-communism is a common feature of both the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev as well as the leadership of capitalist Russia, at a time when the two sides are waging a bloody war against the people on behalf of their bourgeois classes.