Showing posts with label Decommunization in Ukraine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Decommunization in Ukraine. Show all posts

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Ukraine's Zelensky regime continues the despicable policy of dismantling Soviet-era monuments

Another Soviet-era monument, which glorifies the friendship between Ukrainian and Russian people, is being dismantled on orders of the Kyiv city government in the latest stage of derussification (actually decommunization) promoted by the reactionary Zelensky government. 
Kyiv’s Department of Territorial Control announced the beginning of the removal of the Pereyaslav Rada monument on 30 April, stressing its massive size: “The sculptural composition is large, consists of about 20 elements weighing between 6,000kg and 7,000kg each. Due to the complexity of the design, dismantling may take a few days.” 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Shame on Ukraine: Bust of legendary Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin dismantled

A bust of the legendary Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the first man to travel into space, was dismantled in Kiev, Ukraine's capital, according to a report by the "Decolonization. Ukraine'' ("Dekolonizatsiya. Ukraina") Telegram channel accompanied with an attached photograph showing only the empty pedestal remaining.

The granite bust had been installed in the late 1960s in the courtyard of the Center of Technical Creativity and Career Counseling for School-Aged Youth in the Darnitsa District of the Ukrainian capital.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Ukraine court confirms ban on the Communist Party, orders its property's seizure

In what seems to be a further escalation of anti-communist terrorism in Ukraine, the Eighth Administrative Court of Appeal completed yesterday, 5th of July, the consideration of administrative case No. 826/9751/14 on the banning of the Communist Party of Ukraine.

"The court has satisfied the claims of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine: the activities of the Communist Party of Ukraine have been banned; the property, funds and other assets of the party, its regional, city, district organizations, primary centers and other structural entities have been transferred to the ownership of the state," a statement published in Ukrinform reads. 

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Ukraine's decommunization and the rise of fascism

By Nikos Mottas.

The process of the so-called “decommunization” in Ukraine was introduced during the first years of the restoration of capitalism in the USSR and included the slandering and erasing of anything related to the Soviet period and the construction of socialism.

This term was also used by the President of today's capitalist Russia, Vladimir Putin, in his anti-communist statement prior to the invasion, saying characteristically that “we are ready to show you what genuine decommunization means for Ukraine”. It is not a coincidence that anti-communism is a common feature of both the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev as well as the leadership of capitalist Russia, at a time when the two sides are waging a bloody war against the people on behalf of their bourgeois classes.