Saturday, February 24, 2018

100 years of the Soviet Red Army

"Anyone who loves freedom owes such a debt to the Red Army that it can never be repaid.” 
— Ernest Hemingway.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Turkey: Cowardly attack by fascists against members of the Communist Youth (TKG)

According to soL international, members of the Communist Youth of Turkey (TKG) were attacked by fascist mobs on February 22 during their campaign against imperialism and the NATO at the university campuses in Tekirdağ and Antalya provinces of Turkey.

In Tekirdağ province, a black car approached TKG members, asking for a leaflet menacingly. As the fascists started gathering in front of TKG members, they threatened the communists to terminate leaflet distribution. They attacked TKG members with fists and iron rods, injuring the head of two.

The students were interrogated by the police before they went to the hospital for medical examination. When the police learned that TKG members will press charges against the fascists, the police investigated for hours to find an element of crime in the leaflets against imperialism and the NATO.  

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Novartis scandal: Greek Parliament to probe 10 politicians in alleged bribery case

Greek Parliament voted early on Thursday in favour of the SYRIZA-ANEL proposal to probe 10 politicians over allegations that they were involved in the Novartis scandal.

A parliamentary committee of 21 members will be set up and the process is expected to last for at least one month. 

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras called on lawmakers late on Wednesday night to back a government proposal to form a parliamentary committee to investigate whether 10 prominent politicians were involved in an alleged bribery scandal perpetrated by Swiss drugmaker Novartis.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) offers conditional support to Nicolas Maduro

While the aggressiveness of the United States, the EU and other Latin American countries against Venezuela's social democratic PSUV government continues, political preparations for the April 22nd presidential elections have already started. 

The 14th National Conference of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV), which was held last weekend in Caracas, evaluated the current political, social and economic situation and discussed the Party's stance in the upcoming elections. The PCV's Conference Resolution talks about "a broad coalition of political and social forces” as part of a "PSUV-PCV Unified Pact" in order to tackle "Venezuela's dependent and rentier capitalism with anti-imperialist, patriotic and popular political and socio-economic actions".

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Portuguese Communist Party: Resolution of the CC for the strengthening of the Party

Resolution of the Central Committee of the PCP [En, Pt]

January 21th 2018
The PCP assumes its objectives and project with confidence in its forces, in the working class, in workers and people, in a context in which the future presents itself with dangers and potentialities. Whereas PCP is the target of systematic attack, slander, discrimination, silencing, it assumes its communist identity, its project of transforming society. The Party counts on its strength and ability to intervene, it resists attacks, it fulfills its role but, faced with its shortcomings, it needs to be stronger and more influential in current and future political battles. 

Monday, February 19, 2018

Greece: Hands Off from the Trade Unions! Stop persecution against 35 PAME cadres

The Syriza Government Continues Suppression And Persecutions Against The Trade Unions And Workers That Do Not Surrender
The SYRIZA government-along with the far-right party ANEL, and ND, after the law for the abolition of the Strike right, it continues the attacks against the trade union organization and the struggles of the workers.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Nikos Kazantzakis writes about the Soviet Union

Nikos Kazantzakis
(Heraklion, 1883 - 1957, Freiburg) 
Nikos Kazantzakis*.

1. This world, the post-war one, where we are living in, is so rotten, immoral and unworthy of even a moderate man, that every attempt to break it down seems- and is- sacred. 

That is why today all honest people, all those who set justice, freedom and light as goals of the social life, regard the demolition of the rotten, dishonored, old foolish world as their first duty.

2. The second duty, the positive one, of every honest man today is: the effort to create a better world, where what call light or God or rise will be dominate. 

This effort, the heroic one, the martyred one, has been taken and realized- this is her terrific historical mission- by Soviet Russia. This is today the creative turbine, the rotating sparkling nebula, which is constantly shaping and condensing and creating- this is now the only hope of the people- the new, better world. 

Turkish authorities arrested Communist Party's members in Çanakkale

Ten days ago, in the western city of Bursa, members of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) who were distributing handouts inviting locals to "people’s alternative is strengthening” meeting, were detained by the authorities. 

This time, according to soL international, the regime of Tayyip Erdogan arrested five TKP members in the northwestern province of Çanakkale. 

The Communist Party of Turkey is the process of organizing various political meetings across the country under the slogan "Turkey is not hopeless, people's alternative is strengthening". 

Friday, February 16, 2018

KKE MP: "The Greek government becomes NATO's flag-bearer in the region"

The effort of the SYRIZA-ANEL government to play the role of NATO's flag-bearer in the region, in order to serve the aims of the capital, thus involving the Greek people in great dangers, was underlined by the KKE Central Committee member and MP Giannis Giokas during a radio interview earlier on Friday.

Giokas said that the government's policy is to play the role of NATO's flag-bearer in the region, making agreements for new military bases and arms purschase, as well as by closing a series of issues such as the FYROM name case. Through this way, the government argues that it will contribute to the country's upgrade in the region for the benefit of the people. 

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Fascism Kills: Florida gunman had allegedly been trained with white supremacists

Nikolas Cruz, the alleged gunman who killed 17 people at a Florida high school on Wednesday, trained with a white-supremacist group, its leader told The Daily Beast.

Jordan Jereb, captain of the Republic of Florida, said Cruz “was part of our organization.” ROF hosted a “paramilitary” training session in the Tallahassee area that Cruz attended, Jereb said. “He probably used that training to do what he did yesterday. Nobody I know told him to do that, he just freaked out,” Jereb added.

Anti-imperialist rallies to be organized by the KKE in Athens and Thessaloniki

Under the slogan "No to the NATO-EU plans and Greece's intervention in them" the Party Organisations of the Communist Party of Greece in Attica and Central Macedonia have scheduled large anti-imperialist rallies in Athens and Thessaloniki, on February 27th and March 6th respectively.

The major speaker in both rallies will be the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the KKE Dimitris Koutsoumbas who will refer to the current developments in the Balkans, the Middle East and eastern Mediterranean, including the Greek-Turkish relations and the Cyprus Issue.

German Communist Party (DKP) calls for "No" to the grand coalition

Following the completion of the negotiations between the SPD and CDU/CSU in Germany, chair of German Communist Party (DKP) Patrik Köbele has shared a press release, regarding the outcome. Köbele called for democrats to reject the grand coalition appeal.

The chair of German Communist Party (DKP) Patrik Köbele commenced his analysis with clarifying that SPD is wanted to have its place in the government. Especially some of the ministerial positions were appointed as if “good bait catching fine fish”, to convince the members of SPD and influence their decision in the upcoming days to get an approval.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Koutsoumbas' statement on the aggression of Turkish government in the Aegean

Regarding the escalation of the Turkish aggression, the General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece Dimitris Koutsoumbas made the following statement:

"The latest events consist an escalation of the Turkish aggression, after the formalization of Turkey's claims during the recent visit of Erdogan in Greece.

Before the- day before yesterday- collision of the Turkish ship, we had:

- Continuous encirclement of islets by Turkish ships

- Nearly a collision of a Turkish ship with a Greek gunboat. 

- Intervention of Turkish ships during the wreath laying in Imia by the Minister of Defense.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Comment by the KKE on Imia incident and Erdogan's statements

Regarding the incident near the Imia islets in southeastern Aegean and the statements made by Turkish President Erdogan on Greece and Cyprus, the Press Office of the CC of the KKE made the following comment:

"Both the incident in Imia, as well as the statements of Erdogan consists an escalation of the Turkish provocation, thus refuting the environment of complacency that the government cultivated during the visit of the Turkish President in Greece and proving that the participation of neighboring countries in NATO, as it has been supported in the case of FYROM, under no circumstances leads to stability and security for the people". 

Source: / Translation: In Defense of Communism.

Communist Youth of Turkey: "NATO is the biggest terrorist organization"

The Communist Youth of Turkey (TKG) issued a declaration about their anti-imperialist stance. Criticizing the NATO presence in the region and the ongoing warmonger politics of the Turkish government, the TKG recalls the spectacular protestation against the US Navy 6th Fleet carried out by leftist students 50 years ago and calls for an uncompromising struggle against imperialists and their collaborators.

50 years after the casting of the soldiers of the US Navy 6th Fleet out to the sea by university students in Istanbul, the Communist Youth of Turkey (TKG) issued a declaration about their anti-imperialist stance. Stressing the ongoing warmonger politics in the region and also theoretical evaluations against imperialism, the statement has as title: "Those who don't target imperialism can't defeat imperialists: While they preach, we will be the ones to throw imperialists into the sea"