Thursday, January 5, 2017

Elisseos Vagenas (KKE): The struggle for a united Cyprus must continue

The ongoing developments regarding the Cyprus Issue were the major subject of an interview given by Elisseos Vagenas, member of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and responsible for the Party's International Relations department, on the Voice of Greece radio.

As Vagenas pointed out, the bazaars for the "solution" plan move towards the creation of a new Annan Plan, which conditions the creation of two constituent states and, in fact, consists a dichotomοus solution, with occupational forces, foreign bases and guarantor powers remaining in the island.

He underlined that the actual basis of the bazaars is the dangerous developments in south eastern Mediterranean and in the Middle East and that the promoted solution in Cyprus could become the "pattern" for the occupation of other lands in Syria or Iraq.

Referring to the Conference on Security which will be held next week in Geneva, cde Vagenas noted that it is a "foggy process", while about its composition he pointed out that the formation of the five-party conference creates many questions regarding the extent to which the Republic of Cyprus will be represented.

Commenting on the stance of the USA, Elisseos Vagenas pointed out that Washington's intervention towards the confederational solution is obvious, noting that the Trump election does not mean that the US will become a "pigeon of peace".

As for the stance of the Greek government, the member of the CC of the KKE noted that it is a question what the Tsipras' administration has in mind. On the rumored Tsipras-Erdogan meeting, Vagenas said that such meetings have been done in the past as well, without providing solution to any issue. 

Cde.Vagenas underlined that the struggle for a united Cyprus, with one sovereignty and one nationality (citizenship), without foreign bases, foreign troops and guarantors must continue. However, as he mentioned, the route of the ongoing developments is on the opposite direction.