Showing posts with label Communist Party of Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Communist Party of Israel. Show all posts

Friday, April 28, 2023

Israeli Police Forces raids Communist Party's premises in Nazareth

A large force of Israeli Police and its gendarmerie, the "Israel Border Police", raided, Wednesday afternoon, the headquarters of the Communist Party, demanding to take down the Palestinian flag.

Comrades of Nazareth confronted the police forces and refused them access to the building. The Police did not possess any warrant, and called for backup, climbed walls, removed the Palestinian flag and the red flags, and confiscated them, all while arresting the secretary of the party in Nazareth.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Israel: Communists protested against new Gaza attack

Photo: Zo Haderech.
Protests were held in several locations across Israel last Saturday 6 August against the Israel Defense Forces’ deadly operation ongoing in Gaza, launched a day earlier. 
Protests were held in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Shefa-amr, Umm el-Fahm, Sakhnin, Rahat, Kufr Yasif, Jaffa, Taibe and opposite the house of Prime Minister Yair Lapid in Tel Aviv.

At a protest in Haifa, Joint List chairman MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash) said: “A round [of fighting] brings another round, more killing and more resistance. The circle of horror needs to stop. We came out to protest together for the only way that will benefit both nations – real negotiations to end the occupation, founding a Palestinian state alongside Israel and a just peace.”

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Joint statement of Communist Parties on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

Joint statement by the Palestinian People's Party (PPP) and the Communist Party of Israel, co-signed by many Communist and Workers' Parties, on the International Day for Solidarity with the Palestinian People:

Joint Statement of Communist and Workers parties on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Israel's Communist Party re-elects Adel Amer as its leader

Adel Amer, CPI General Secretary. Photo: Al-Ittihad
During last month’s 28th Congress of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI), the delegates unanimously reelected Adel Amer as the party’s General Secretary. 
Having in 2015 initially succeeded the previous General Secretary Mohammed Nafa’h (1940-2021), the renowned Arab-Palestinian Druze writer from the Galilee, Amer is a well known educator and journalist from Kafr Kassem in the center of the country.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Israel's Communist Party to hold its 28th Congress

The Communist Party of Israel (CPI) is currently winding up its preparations for the party’s 28th Congress to be held between October 7th and 9th in the Arab city of Shefa-Amr (Shfar’am) in the Galilee.

The Congress will be taking place during a period of turbulent developments in the Middle East, with popular movements protesting for democracy and social justice in countries throughout the region, while the forces of Imperialism maneuver to take advantage of events for their own interests. Israel’s new Bennet government, which enjoys the backing of US Imperialism, repeatedly threatens to launch a new war of aggression, in particular against Iran. Such aggression would have grave consequences for the peoples of the region, with especially disastrous results for the people in Israel.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Muhammad Naffa, former General Secretary of the Israeli Communist Party, passes away

The Politburo and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel mourn the passing away of our comrade, author and communist leader Muhammad Naffa (Abu Hisham), to the Palestinian people and to all progressive forces in the country and world, and to the International Communist Movement. Comrade Naffa left us yesterday, July 15th 2021.

Comrade Naffa has spent his entire life on the path of struggle and activism, fighting against war and occupation, racial discrimination, against imperialism, colonialism and reactionism in all its shapes, and for the freedom and independence of his Palestinian people and for social justice in the country and the world.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Hadash, Communist Party of Israel condemn attacks against Palestinians in East Jerusalem

Israeli police injured 90 Palestinians on Saturday night, May 8, outside the Damascus Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem, 16 of whom were hospitalized, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent, after protesters hurled bottles and rocks at occupation forces and the police responded with stun grenades and water cannon.

Arab-Palestinians protested throughout the country on Saturday over the far-right government’s actions in Jerusalem, including its handling of violent clashes at the Al-Aqsa mosque compound on Friday and the pending eviction of dozens of Palestinians from the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. 

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Communist and Workers' Parties of the Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East and the Gulf hold regional teleconference

Twelve Communist Parties of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region participated in a Teleconference organized by the Communist Party of Greece (KKE). The Teleconference's major subject was "The Communist and Workers' Parties firmly at the side of the just struggle of the Palestinian people, in the struggle against imperialist war and capitalist exploitation".  
Apart from the host party, the KKE, the participants parties in the Teleconference were:

Monday, August 10, 2020

Netanyahu resign! Thousands of demonstrators attend anti-governmental rallies in Israel

Hadash and Communist Party of Israel activists participated in the
demonstration at Jerusalem’s Paris Square. 
The Arabic and Hebrew banner
reads, “We are the Revolution.” (Photo: Zu Haderech).
Protests against Israel's far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continued nationwide on Saturday evening, August 8, with tens of thousands of people gathering outside the Prime Minister’s Residence on Balfour Street in Jerusalem. 

In addition, approximately 1,000 demonstrators stationed themselves at a main intersection exiting Caesarea, site of Netanyahu’s private residence, to assure that he would have to pass them as he was driven back to Jerusalem on Saturday night. 

Among the protestors in Jerusalem was Joint List MK Ofer Cassif (Hadash) and numerous activists from Hadash, the Communist Party of Israel, and members of the Young Communist League.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Occupation is Terror, Annexation is Apartheid: Joint Statement by Communist Parties

The following statement, signed by numerous Communist and Workers' Parties, was issued after an initiative by the Palestinian People's Party and the Communist Party of Israel

Occupation is Terror, Annexation is Apartheid
On June 5th 2020 it is the 53rd anniversary of the 1967 aggressive war, where Israel had occupied the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza strip, the Syrian Golan and Sinai peninsula.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People: Joint Statement by Communist and Workers' Parties

On the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (29th of November), the undersigned Communist and Workers parties affirm that the key to peace and stability in the Middle East is the end of the Israeli occupation, and the implementation of the Palestinian people's right to self-determination and the establishment of the independent Palestinian state within the borders of June 4, 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital, and the resolution of the refugee issue in accordance with UN Resolution 194.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Israeli Communist Party: The settlements is a war crime endorsed by the United States

The Israeli Communist Party and the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (Al-Jabha/Hadash) condemn US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's statement on Monday, November 18, that Israel's settlements in the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967 do not contravene international law.
This statement plainly reaffirms the US administration's unequivocal support for the policy of the Netanyahu government and the right-wing settlement project to the detriment of the right of self-determination for the Palestinian people, for the recognition of a “united Jerusalem,” for the elimination of the refugee issue, and for the erasure of the Green Line, all within the framework of the “Deal of the Century” and with the complicity of the Arab regimes.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Israeli communists condemn air strikes against Gaza and Damascus - الشيوعي والجبهة يدينان العدوان الإسرائيلي الإجرامي على غزة ودمشق

The Communist Party of Israel and the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (Al-jabha/Hadash) unequivocally condemn Israel's criminal acts of aggression against both Damascus and Gaza, the latter of which were initiated by the Israeli military beginning at dawn on Tuesday, November 12, resulting in 5 deaths. 
The CPI and Al-jabha/Hadash counsel against the Israel's resumption of targeted assassinations aimed at escalating the situation, as was made so clear today in the statements released by Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Chief of Staff of the Israeli military, and the head of the Israel Security Agency ("Shin Bet").

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Communist Party of Israel: The Netanyahu Era Must End

Dear comrades, 

This year, 2019, started with dissolving the Knesset already in January, and heading to an early elections on April 2019. The four parties composing the Joint List since 2015, ran in two separate lists, Hadash and AMC received six seats (4 and 2, respectively), the NDA and the Islamic Movement – 4 seats, 2 each. The April elections witnessed the lowest turnout ever amongst the Palestinian population, citizens of Israel (49.5%).

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Israel's Communist Party (Maki) reflects on the results of April 9th elections

The results of the election for the 21st Knesset, held on April 9, with a clear victory for the bloc of the right, mark a watershed in the increased threat of a fascist option for the State of Israel
At the same time, the founding of the Blue and White political alliance and its electoral success (35 seats in the Knesset, equal to that of the Likud) are proof that the ruling class in Israel is divided. A number of heads of the defense establishment, both past and present, together with sectors among the wealthy, believe that Benjamin Netanyahu, has gone too far in his racist ways.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Israeli Elections: Hands Off Hadash candidates!

Ayman Odeh (Hadash) and Ahmad Tibi (Ta'al Party).
Less than a month before the April 9th General Elections in Israel, the far-right government of Benjamin Netanyahu tries to put obstacles to the candidacies of Hadash-Ta'al joint list. 

It is characteristic that the chairman of the far-right Yisrael Beytenu Party, Avigdor Lieberman, submitted a petition to the Central Elections Committee, in order to ban a certain candidate from running in the elections. 

Friday, July 27, 2018

Communist Party of Israel: The nation-state law is a fascist step towards Apartheid

CP of Israel: The nation-state law is a fascist step towards Apartheid.
The Communist Party of Israel considers the "Basic Law: Israel -the Nation State of the Jewish People", a serious fascist step aimed at undermining the right of self-determination for the Palestinian people, and at the elimination of the rights of the refugees. This law also expels the national and basic rights of the Palestinians citizens of Israel- as the nation-state law establishes a formal Apartheid system in Israel.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Israeli Apartheid: Communist and Left-wing forces condemn racist "nation-state" law

Joint List leader, MP Ayman Odeh, raises a black banner
during the discussion of the bill in Knesset.
Israel’s Parliament, the Knesset, approved the controversial nationality bill Thursday declaring Israel a nation-state for the Jewish people and downgrading the status of Arabic from official language to “special status.” It must be noted that Arabs make up 21% of Israel’s population. 

The basic law, approved with 62 votes in favor and 55 against, recognizes the Jewish people in Israel “have an exclusive right to national self-determination." It also includes the declaration of a “united Jerusalem” as the capital of Israel, despite the fact that East Jerusalem is internationally recognized as being under Israeli occupation.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Israeli communist lawyer and defender of palestinian prisoners Felicia Langer dies

Felicia Langer with Yasser Arafat and Arab Israeli
Communist Tawfic Toubi.
The great Israeli Communist lawyer and activist, Felicia Langer, died last week in Germany at the age of 87. Langer rejected colonialism, Israel’s endless wars, land theft, torture, apartheid, ethnocentric nationalism, chauvinism and countless violations of human rights and international law.
A communiqué released by the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) said: “Her death represents a loss to the Palestinian people’s struggle for justice, human rights, and self-determination.”

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Communist Party of Israel: The massacre in Gaza will not halt the Palestinian people’s struggle for Freedom

The Communist Party of Israel (CPI) strongly condemns the crimes of the Israeli Occupation against the unarmed Palestinian protesters in the March of Return rally in Gaza; crimes that killed more than 50 person, including children and people with disabilities. This terrible massacre will not stop the legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people for its freedom, an ongoing struggle for the last 70 years.