Workers’ struggles have nothing to do with the filth of the ITUC- ETUC, just as these organisations have nothing to do with the working class.
The recent arrest of the General Secretary of the ITUC, International Trade Union Confederation, and until hours before the arrest also the General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation – ETUC, has come to bring to the fore again the multifarious interference of the monopolies and the imperialists in order to control the trade union movement.
Showing posts with label ETUC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ETUC. Show all posts
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
PAME: Sell-out “Trade Unions” in the service of the monopolies and the Governments
By Nikolas Theodorakis.
Friday, November 11, 2022
PAME exposes the dirty role and lies of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
PAME: The dirty role and lies of the ETUC-CES revealed again
On November 9 a General Strike took place in Greece. A strike that was decided, was prepared and succeeded thanks to the action of the militant trade unions of Greece. It was one of the most massive and successful strikes of recent years. In this strike the class unions of Greece had the massive support and solidarity of militant unions from all over the world and at the central Strike Rally of PAME in Athens attended the entire Secretariat of the World Federation of Trade Unions-WFTU/FSM, expressing its solidarity in practice.
Friday, June 7, 2019
Slander, Lies and Anti-Communism by the ETUC and GSEE Trade Union mafia
Thursday, May 23rd, the Congress of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) gave the floor to the –imposed by court order and not
elected- President of the General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE),
Yiannis Panagopoulos.
is no coincidence that his speech, which began with the defense of
Juncker and the ETUC, was spent in slander, lies and anti-communism,
while he did not find a word to say about the struggles and demands
of Greek workers. Struggles, in which he never took part. Struggles
which he opposed and undermined them systematically!
Thursday, February 21, 2019
PAME exposes how employers intervene in the Greek Trade Union movement
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Left: Poster by PAME for the 37th GSEE Congress, writing "Employers OUT of the Trade Unions - Trade Unions of WORKERS, not of employers". |
On the occasion of the 37th Congress of the GSEE (General Confederation of Greek workers), the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) refers to the intervention of employers in Greece's Trade Union movement:
In March 2019, at a tourist resort in the city of Kalamata, in southern Greece, will take place the 37th Congress of GSEE (member of the ETUC in Greece). A Congress from which workers have nothing positive to expect, have no hope for their lives and their rights.
In March 2019, at a tourist resort in the city of Kalamata, in southern Greece, will take place the 37th Congress of GSEE (member of the ETUC in Greece). A Congress from which workers have nothing positive to expect, have no hope for their lives and their rights.
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
The developments in the Greek Trade Union movement and the negative role of GSEE

The consequences of this attack have resulted in wage cuts,
abolition of rights, attacks against the collective organization of
workers so that they will be easily exploitable by the bosses.
Against this attack the workers had an
important weapon of resistance PAME, the class unions of Greece.
Those trade unions, that since the first day were at the forefront of
the struggle, of information, organization and mobilization of the
working class against the anti-workers hurricane that was being
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Party of Labour of Austria- On the Austrian EU Presidency / Zur österreichischen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft
Statement by the Party of Labour of Austria (PdA), Vienna, 1 July 2018.
From 1 July 2018 Austria will take its turn in the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union for six months. This applies in particular to the meetings of the General Affairs Council (the European and/or foreign ministers) and the meetings of the other specialist ministers of the EU member states, for which Gernot Blümel or his government colleagues responsible will act as hosts.
Friday, January 12, 2018
Hands Off the Right of Strike: Militant demonstrations across Greece against Government, EU and Capitalists

In Athens, the demonstrators gathered at Omonoia square and marched through the center's major streets. The KKE General Secretary Dimitris Koutsoumbas attended the rally, while the demonstrators announced a resolution regarding the prosecution of the palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi by the Israeli authorities.
Thursday, January 4, 2018
Workers in Greece respond with new nationwide strike to the antipeople policy of SYRIZA government
The Greek Government of SYRIZA (which is in alliance with the far-right ANEL party) prepares the escalation of the attack against the workers and the popular strata of Greece.
The last memorandum with its new prerequisites leads to a new round of attack against the life of the working-people families, as over the next few months the government is to complete a massive amount of anti-peoples’ measures so as to declare the supposed “end of the memorandums”. Measures already agreed with the EU-IMF-ECB and which are demanded by the industrialists, ship-owners, the bankers etc, since they serve their competitiveness and profits.
Saturday, July 22, 2017
National Strike: Tourism workers in Greece raised their voice against modern slavery
Source: All-Workers Militant Front (PAME).
With militant demonstrations and picket lines in front of big hotels, the class unions held successfully the National Strike of Workers in Tourism, on Thursday, July 20. The Tourism workers in many cities all over Greece and especially in tourist areas like Corfu, Crete, Rhodes and more, went on strike.
The main strike rally took place in Athens, where the picket lines and the workers of many big hotels met. The strike had great success in hotels like the Metropolitan, Athens Hilton, Νovotel and Royal Olympic. The strike rally took place in front of the Ministry of Labour, protesting against the anti-workers legislation, especially for the young workers, students and apprentices. The rally also stopped in front of the National Union of Tourism, the association of tourism enterprises, where the unions wrote in red paint “Here are those who drink the workers’ blood”, and demanded National Collective Agreement, imposed to all tourism enterprises and hotels.
Saturday, February 18, 2017
PAME strongly denounces ETUC for attempting to exploit class Trade Union movement
Snapshot from the article on "" where the altered photo from PAME's rally was used (click to enlarge). |
Source: All-Workers Militant Front (PAME).
In article for Greece, published in its e-magazine, ETUC attempts to take credit for the struggles of the Greek, Class Oriented, trade union movement, by using photo from demonstration of PAME!!!
The ETUC, this notorious part of ITUC in Europe, which acts as the right hand of the employers and the European Union, has played an extremely dirty role in the imposition of the memoranda and the antiworkers’ policies of the EU in Greece, raised the level of its lies and hypocrisy.
Though the ETUC has 2 affiliate unions in Greece (GSEE and ADEDY), which have co-signed the wage cuts and attack on workers’ rights in Greece, the ETUC attempts to falsely take credit for the great struggles of the Greek workers, in which has played vanguard role the class oriented trade union movement of Greece, PAME, WFTU affiliate, and opposition to the ETUC’s aims.
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