Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Greece Wildfires: Statements of solidarity by the Communist Parties of Turkey (TKP) and Spain (PCPE)

On the tragic occasion of the deadly wildfires in the region of Attica, which resulted to at least 76 deaths, dozens of missing persons and 186 injured adults and children, the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) and the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE) issued statements of internationalist solidarity towards the Greek people. 

In our neighbour country Greece, a wildfire has taken dozens of lives, hundreds of have been affected and wounded by the worst disaster in the last decade.
Despite the tremendous efforts, the fire is still continuing and the number of people losing their lives is increasing.
Although the state authorities claim that the fire might have been started by some people with evil intentions, we have the experience from our country that in similar disasters, this such unproven claims are used to moderate peoples’ reaction.
We don’t yet have confirmed information on how the fire occurred. Yet regardless of what happened, we cannot ignore the fact that the established order remains an open door to such tragedies. It is now a very familiar scenario for the peoples of both countries that the wildfires are “employed” to turn public lands and properties unusable in favor of rents of capitalists.
Meanwhile, necessary precautions to avoid such disasters are abandoned for the sake of the capital’s greed for profit and because that the state is no longer shouldering its responsibility to protect its citizens. As we have seen very recently in the railway disaster in Turkey, lives of human beings come to their minds only in cases of emergency. It is mandatory in this wildfire to identify with full clarity all the untaken and neglected measures.
We share the great sorrow of Greek people, and declare that we are ready and eager to help and support in the recovery process by all means. We call on all our friends and comrades to stand with the people of Greece in this hard time.
Communist Party of Turkey 
Central Committee
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El PCPE quiere enviar al pueblo griego un profundo abrazo internacionalista en estos difíciles momentos a causa de los terribles incendios que asolan regiones de Grecia, principalmente el Ática y en el entorno de Atenas.
Son ya más de 70 las personas fallecidas, cientos y miles los heridos y destrozos. La clase obrera y el pueblo deben preguntarse cómo se ha llegado a esta situación; ¿por qué Syriza ha “descuidado” las infraestructuras esenciales que previenen los incendios y catástrofes climáticas? Los gobiernos que sirven a los intereses monopolistas no se preocupan por el bienestar del pueblo, por eso hemos llegado a esta situación.
Nos sumamos a las críticas y el análisis de nuestro partido hermano el KKE quien ya ha denunciado con anterioridad lo insuficiente que eran las estructuras y medidas antiincendios y se encuentran luchando junto a su clase obrera y su pueblo en tareas forestales, de distribución de alimentos, casas, ropa, etc.
Quienes priorizan los intereses económicos al bienestar de su pueblo no merecen más que nuestro desprecio y así lo denunciaremos siempre. Toda nuestra solidaridad con la clase obrera y el pueblo griego.
Departamento Internacional del PCPE.