The Communist Party of Israel and Hadash - the Democratic Front for Peace & Equality- strongly condemn the US president's, Donald Trump, statement concerning Jerusalem; a statement which denies the rights the Palestinian people have in the city.
This statement is the outcome of the alliance between the US administration, the Israeli government and the reactionary Arab regimes and their escalating conspiracies against the just rights of the Arab Palestinian people- and mainly against his right to self determination: an independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital according to the UN resolutions. This alliance's stand had never been more clear and obvious in context of, both, the Palestinian case and the overall developments in the region.
Trump's statement stresses out what we have been saying: the US is part of the problem rather than the solution. The door must open widely now for the international community to play a key role through promoting the political process, based upon the UN resolutions as adopted by most countries and the vast majority of peoples on this planet.
This statement seems to not have an affect de-facto, it rather aims to conceal the internal and external crisis of the Imperialism, Zionism and Reactionary- and the failure of its plans in the region. Add to that, Netanyahu's need to distract the public from the ongoing corruption investigations against him. The populist harmony in which the "opposition" forces in Israel engage with Trump and Netanyahu's adventures - reflects, in fact, their political bankruptcy and inability to propose a genuine alternative to the occupation and settlements policy as well as it proves their rejection to a just peace.
The need of the hour is to raise the voices of protestation all around the world, against those policies and their leaders, including the voice of the true forces of peace in Israel.
CPI and Hadash call upon all anti-occupation forces, Arabs and Jews, to cooperate in promotion of the only solution that preserves the rights and bloods of both peoples: Ending the occupation and the establishment of the Palestinian independent state on the borders of 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital, alongside Israel with West Jerusalem as its capital.
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حقوق الشعب الفلسطيني أقوى من الثالوث الدنس
يدين الحزب الشيوعي الإسرائيلي والجبهة الدمقراطية للسلام والمساواة بشدّة تصريح الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب بشأن القدس، والذي يتنكر لحق الشعب الفلسطيني في المدينة.
إنّ هذا التصريح هو ثمرة تحالف الإدارة الأمريكية وحكومة إسرائيل وأنظمة الرجعية العربية وتآمرها المتصاعد على الحقوق الشرعية للشعب العربي الفلسطيني، وعلى رأسها حقه في تقرير مصيره وإقامة دولته المستقلة وعاصمتها القدس الشرقية، بمقتضى قرارات الأمم المتحدة. لقد بات هذا التحالف مكشوفًا ومفضوحًا اكثر من أي وقت مضى، في سياق القضية الفلسطينية كما في مجمل التطوّرات الإقليمية. إنّ تصريح ترامب يؤكد ما قلناه دومًا: أنّ الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية هي جزء من المشكلة، لا من الحل. ويجب أن يفتح الباب على مصراعيه أمام دور دولي فاعل لتحريك العملية السياسية، على أساس قرارات الأمم المتحدة والتي تتبناها معظم دول العالم والأكثرية الساحقة من شعوب الأرض.
وبيد أنّ هذا التصريح لا يغيّر شيئًا على أرض الواقع، فإنه يهدف لصرف الأنظار عن أزمة هذا الثالوث – الإمبريالية والصهيونية والرجعية – وفشل مشاريعه في المنطقة، وعن أزماته الداخلية، لا سيما قضايا الفساد التي تحيق بنتنياهو. إنّ التساوق الشعبوي لقوى "المعارضة" مع مغامرات ترامب ونتنياهو يعكس إفلاسها السياسي وعجزها عن طرح بديل حقيقي لسياسة الاحتلال والاستيطان ورفض السلام العادل.
إنّ مطلب الساعة هو رفع صوت الاحتجاج في كافة أنحاء العالم ضد هذه السياسة وضد أصحابها، بما في ذلك صوت قوى السلام الحقيقية في إسرائيل. ويدعو الحزب الشيوعي والجبهة جميع القوى العربية واليهودية المناهضة للاحتلال إلى أوسع تعاون لطرح الحل الوحيد الذي يضمن حقوق الشعبين ويحقن دمائهما: إنهاء الاحتلال وإقامة دولة فلسطينية في حدود العام 1967 عاصمتها القدس الشرقية، إلى جانب دولة إسرائيل وعاصمتها القدس الغربية.
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The umbrella organization that represents Arab-Palestinians in Israel has urged its followers to join the protests against President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The High Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel announced that they reached an agreement to oppose Trump’s announcement following an emergency meeting in Nazareth. “United States policy and Trump are the problem, not the solution,” said Committee Chairman and former Hadash MK Mohammed Barakeh.
Barakeh called on the Arab states not to suffice with simple condemnations, but to withdraw their ambassadors from Washington, adding that “recent developments illustrate the depth of the strategic alliance between the Trump government, the Netanyahu government and the Arab reactionary regimes, primarily Saudi Arabia against the rights of the Palestinians and against the minimum conditions for a just and lasting peace based on decisions decided by the United Nations.”
Numerous protest groups have already been demonstrating at major junctions across Israel. On Thursday, December 7, a demonstration was held by Hadash and Communist Party activists in Nazareth. A large protest took place Saturday night, December 9, in Wadi Ara.
In addition, the High Follow-Up Committee is scheduled to meet with prominent officials from the Palestinian Authority on Sunday in Jerusalem in order to coordinate their next steps. On Monday, a protest will take place during the visit of the US Deputy Secretary of State to the Knesset and on Tuesday evening, December 12, a demonstration will take place in front of the US Embassy in Tel Aviv.