Sunday, October 27, 2019

Solidarity with “Rabochaya Gazeta” — Appeal by the Communist Party of Ukraine

In statement the CC of the Communist Party of Ukraine (KPU) appeals for broad support and solidarity towards the staff of the Party's newspaper “Rabochaya Gazeta” (“Workers’ Newspaper”) the circulation of which has been banned after a decision Kyiv District Court. 

We remind that, recently, the issue was brought to the EU Parliament FA Committee by the KKE MEP Kostas Papadakis. 
The full statement is the following:

"Dear comrades and friends!
On August 19, 2019, the District Administrative Court of Kyiv judged to stop the publication of the “Rabochaya Gazeta” (“Workers’ Newspaper”). This judgement grossly violated the constitutional rights of thousands of Ukrainian citizens to obtain reliable information and to freedom of expression.

The staff of the the “Workers' Newspaper” considers the decision of the District Administrative Court as an integral part of the prohibition of any ideology that not in words but in fact reflects the fundamental interests of employees. As an attack on freedom of speech, freedom of journalistic work, prohibition of dissent.

We have regularly published information with unbiased critics of the socio-economic policies of oligarchic clans and anti-popular reforms of social genocide: medical, educational, pension, housing, and land, etc.

We appeal to you, dear colleagues, to support the newspaper staff in the current situation. Recently, unwanted for the authorities were the journalists of the “Visti” newspaper, then the TV channel "Inter", now the TV channels "112 Ukraine", “Newsone”, "ZIK" and we. Who's next?

We would like to inform you that the hearing on the appeal of the Workers’Newspaper will be held on November 06, 2019 at 09:00 in the Sixth Appeal Administrative Court at: 01010, Kyiv, vul. Moscowska, 8, Bldg. 30, courtroom №11 composed of judge-rapporteur Kostyuk and Judges Buzhak, Pylypenko, Case No. 640/6624/19.

We would be grateful if you support our Newspaper and all working people of Ukraine with actions, letters of protests disclose this shameful trial in the mass media and do other possible actions.

With fraternal greetings",
Communist Party of Ukraine
Central Committee
Department for the International Relations.