Wednesday, October 11, 2023

War in Israel: Statements by Communist and Workers' Parties from all over the world

Following the rapid escalation of the military confrontation between the Israeli Armed Forces and Hamas, numerous Communist and Workers' Parties from all over the world issued statements, supporting the undeniable right of the Palestinian people to have their own sovereign state. 

Read here the statement of the Communist Party of Israel (MAKI):

Statements were also issued by the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP): 

Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE)

On the recent developments in Palestine, the PCTE wants to express its total solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people, who has suffered the occupation of their territory for decades.

We denounce that the current situation is a result of the terrorist policy the State of Israel is carrying out against the Palestinian people, with constant land occupations, bombardments to the Palestinian territories, and the preservation of an Apartheid system towards the Palestinian population. All of it is supported and legitimized by their allies, mainly the European Union and the United States.

We denounce the hypocritical stance of the Spanish Government. While it labels the Palestinian resistance as “terrorist”, it is looking away when the State of Israel commits day after day war crimes against the Palestinian people.

We support the right of the Palestinian people to resist the occupation by all the means at their reach, and we reject the whitewashing campaign presenting the State of Israel as a victim of this situation.

We call to the mobilization to demand:

    The end of the occupation of the Palestinian territories by Israel.
    The immediate release of all the Palestinian prisoners and the other political prisoners in Israeli prisons.
    The creation of a unified, independent Palestinian State, with East Jerusalem as its capital, the 1967 borders, and the people as the owner of their own land.
    The right of all the Palestinian refugees to return to their homes, based on the relevant UN resolutions.
    The immediate recognition of the Palestinian State

Political Bureau of the PCTE

October 9th, 2023

Communist Party of Sweden (SKP)

The events in Palestine are a result of the oppression that the Palestinian population endures on a daily basis. An outburst of this sort does not come as a bolt from the blue; there is a prehistory to what is happening.

The daily terror inflicted by Israeli soldiers and settlers on the Palestinian population, the occupation and colonization carried out by Zionist Israel against the Palestinian people, and the daily killings and constant torture aimed at suppressing the entire Palestinian population must inevitably fuel resistance. This resistance needs more solidarity, it needs more support. The brutal occupation of Palestine must be broken for peace to be a possibility.

Swedish communists express their support for the Palestinian people's right to struggle against occupation and for a dignified life.

Strengthen the solidarity with the Palestinian people!

Communist Party of Sweden


Partido Comunista de Mexico (PCM)

 El Partido Comunista de México reafirma su solidaridad con Palestina, sus trabajadores y su pueblo que enfrentan desde hace varias décadas la agresión constante de Israel.

Todo pueblo qué enfrenta una intervención militar posee el derecho a resistir, a combatir al ocupante.  

Cada día el pueblo palestino vive entre la humillación, la represión, y la muerte. Es despojado de sus territorios, y encadenado a una movilidad limitada; sometido a controles cuando va y viene del trabajo o de otras actividades; en un estado de sitio permanente, bajo vigilancia y acoso militar; y con una economía y recursos asfixiados por el control israelí.

Por supuesto que puede y debe rebelarse, levantarse, no someterse. Y eso es lo que ocurrió hace unos días. 

En respuesta el criminal Gobierno de Netanyahu anuncia una guerra total. Las acciones de bombardeo han iniciado, cobrando vidas civiles, muchos menores de edad, así como infraestructura urbana. Se concentran ya decenas de miles de efectivos militares con el objetivo declarado de ocupar los centros poblacionales palestinos, particularmente en Gaza. Se amenaza con ataques aéreos para despoblar las ciudades, se desata el terror.

Denominar a la resistencia como terrorismo es una estrategia permanente de las fuerzas imperialistas, que buscan desarmar ideológicamente a los pueblos. Al igual que aquellas posiciones que responsabilizan a ambas partes de un conflicto asimétrico por el escalamiento de la tensión y la violencia, son argumentos que carecen de validez. La responsabilidad de esta situación recae por completo en la ocupación del Estado de Israel de tierras palestinas, y las potencias imperialistas que la respaldan. Frente a la disyuntiva entre el Estado agresor y de ocupación y la resistencia del pueblo, sin duda alguna, el PCM se coloca junto al pueblo palestino. Por lo tanto, rechazamos el posicionamiento del Gobierno mexicano que usando el discurso del terrorismo respalda al Estado de Israel y condena las fuerzas de la resistencia palestina, llegando incluso a reconocer “la legitima defensa que asiste a Israel”. En ningún sentido puede llamarse legítima defensa a un Estado que protege su ocupación y opresión sobre un pueblo que se rebela.

Es necesario incrementar la solidaridad internacionalista hacia el pueblo de Palestina, y en la medida de nuestras posibilidades contribuiremos a ese objetivo.

¡Palestina vencerá!

La Sección Internacional del CC del PCM


New Communist Party of the Netherlands (NCPN)

With the increasing aggression of the Israeli occupying force against the Palestinian population, the situation has escalated terribly for the oppressed Palestinians in recent times, who have now taken up arms against their occupiers.

The decades-long occupation of Palestine by the Israeli state, supported by the US, EU, and the Dutch government, is accompanied daily by countless crimes against the Palestinian population. Thousands of Palestinian civilians, including many children, have been killed; thousands are political prisoners; the blockade of Gaza, turning it into an open-air prison; the apartheid regime in the occupied territories where the Palestinian population is forcibly evicted from their homes—these are just a few elements of the long-standing oppression by the Israeli state, which simultaneously, along with reactionary measures, also attacks the rights of the Israeli population itself. Just this year, the provocations of the Israeli state in Gaza and the West Bank have cost the lives of more than 200 Palestinians.

Our thoughts are with the Palestinian and Israeli working class in the region, who suffer due to the actions of the criminal Israeli state and other imperialist powers that meddle in the conflict in the interest of capital, perpetuating the bloodshed.

We condemn the Dutch demissionary cabinet as well as the stance of the opposition parties in parliament, particularly those who like to present themselves as ‘left’ and ‘progressive,’ for their support of the Israeli state. They label Palestinian resistance as “random acts of terrorism” –as seen in the statements of Rutte, GroenLinks/PvdA, SP, and other bourgeois parties. They do not recognize it as a response to decades of violent oppression and occupation of the Palestinian population and their land, including the use of weapons from the Netherlands.

The Palestinian population has the right to defend their claim to a dignified life free from oppression. For the Palestinian population, the potential for defending their rights and liberation lies in the secular and anti-imperialist-oriented struggle against the Israeli state’s occupation. Of great importance in this struggle is international solidarity, which they try to undermine by portraying the entire Palestinian population’s fight against the occupation as terrorism.

We continue to advocate for an end to the criminal occupation by the Israeli state, an end to the violence faced daily by the Palestinian population at the hands of the occupying force, and we call for an end to the bloodshed of innocent people in the region.


Workers Party of Ireland

The Workers Party of Ireland notes the serious escalation of violence between Hamas and the state of Israel. While the US and the EU have been quick to condemn Hamas they have failed to condemn the long-standing criminal attacks by the Zionist state against the Palestinian people. In response to the current situation Israeli warplanes have launched attacks and fired multiple missiles at residential buildings in Gaza, killing and injuring civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure and medical personnel assisting wounded Palestinians have been assaulted by the Israeli forces.

On 15 May 1948, the newly established state of Israel engaged in the mass killings and displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their land. The Nakba is not only an historic event, it remains an ongoing reality for the people of Palestine. Israel’s militarised occupation and settlement building in the Occupied Palestinian Territory are part of a 75-year history of dispossession and denial of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination.

During that time Israel has engaged in a strategy to steal more Palestinian land and to displace more Palestinians. These actions are carried out with the full support of US imperialism which unconditionally supports Israel. Palestine is being annexed piece by piece and the Palestinians confined to ever decreasing pockets of land in which Palestinians are isolated, imprisoned and contained.

More recently, the positions of the far-right government and violent settler attacks on Palestinians and their property in the Occupied Territories has escalated tensions. Although Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories are illegal, Israeli state forces stand aside while these attacks take place or actively assist them.

In the past Israel has engaged in murderously disproportionate responses against Gaza, an enclave under constant siege and attack. Israel’s systematic colonisation and usurpation of Palestinian land, the eviction of Palestinians, the destruction of their homes and properties and the attempt to erase the name, history and culture of Palestine and the daily killing of Palestinians, including children, continues to this day.  Palestinians are subjected to daily provocations and attacks.

The US support for Israeli policies, its strategic co-operation, the massive economic and military assistance, the promotion of Israel and the collusion in Israel’s expansionism, aggression and crimes against humanity, the persistent attempts to block and prevent any criticism of Israeli terrorism and grotesque violations of human rights, has been and remains a major impediment to peace and progress in the Middle East. The EU has adopted the hypocritical policy of so-called “equal distance” from the aggressors and the victims. The approach by Israel and the imperialist powers which support them is designed to remove the question of Palestinian national rights from the agenda and to attempt to legitimise illegal acts of colonisation and expansionism.

As long as these actions, and the continued disregard for UN resolutions on Palestine continue, violent confrontation is inevitable. There can be no lasting peace until the just demands of the Palestinians are met.

The Palestinian people have the right to defend their rights and to resist Israeli occupation. The Workers Party of Ireland rejects racism and xenophobia whether directed against Palestinians or Israelis and salutes the peace-loving forces inside Israel who struggle side by side with the Palestinians for their just cause.

The Workers Party of Ireland stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle for their legitimate rights, including the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland, the immediate release of Palestinian political prisoners from Israeli jails, the right to self-determination and the establishment of a free, independent, united and sovereign state of Palestine.

8th October 2023

Gerry Grainger

International Secretary

Workers Party of Ireland


Communist Party of India (CPI)

The Communist Party of India expresses its serious concern on the escalations of the Palestine-Israel conflict blowing into a bloody war resulting in the death of more than three hundred people on both sides already.

The CPI urges both the sides to exercise restraint to avoid further loss of precious lives.

CPI calls upon the international community, United Nations & Government of India to make efforts for the establishment of permanent peace by supporting the two-states solution with pre-1967 borders & East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.

India should unequivocally uphold the two-states solution as agreed in the United Nations.



Office Secretary

Partido Comunista de Chile (PCC)

El Partido Comunista de Chile y sus Juventudes Comunistas reiteran su enérgica condena a las violaciones sistemáticas de los derechos inalienables del pueblo palestino.

Ante los dramáticos hechos ocurridos este siete de octubre, que hasta el momento han costado la vida de más de 500 víctimas, llamamos a recordar que el pueblo palestino es objeto de una ocupación.

El Gobierno encabezado por Benjamin Netanyahu es responsable de la actual situación al incentivar su radical gestión, incluyendo la acción por parte de colonos armados y fuerzas de ocupación.

Reafirmamos nuestro llamado a la comunidad internacional a terminar con los dobles discursos y recordar que existe una potencia ocupante y un pueblo bajo ocupación, protagonizada por el régimen israelí desde hace 75 años, que se ha traducido en la implantación por la fuerza de un sistema racista de limpieza étnica y segregación contra el pueblo palestino mediante la represión.

El sometimiento bajo un régimen de ocupación que no respeta las resoluciones de Naciones Unidas y ha convertido a Gaza una en una cárcel a cielo abierto, militarmente bloqueada en la que cada día se violan los Derechos Humanos, es la causa de fondo que incita al pueblo palestino a rebelarse contra las fuerzas de ocupación.

La existencia de más de cinco mil presos palestinos en las cárceles israelíes – incluyendo a niños y niñas – viviendo bajo persistentes ataques aéreos sobre la franja de Gaza, como la sistemática expansión de los asentamientos israelíes en Cisjordania y Jerusalén, perpetrados bajo la insuficiente reacción de condena de la comunidad internacional, no hacen más que provocar la agudización de este dramático conflicto.

Convocamos a la comunidad internacional, invocando nuestra responsabilidad común con la paz y el derecho de los pueblos a defender su autodeterminación y soberanía, a condenar los hechos que provocan víctimas civiles y llamamos a ceñirse a los preceptos del Derecho Internacional en todo momento.

El persistente bloqueo de una solución política negociada por parte de Israel y sus aliados, incumple las resoluciones internacionales, contribuye a esta situación explosiva y, en los hechos, ha anulado el proceso de paz e impedido al pueblo palestino establecer y vivir en paz en su propio Estado, poniendo fin a la ocupación por Israel.

No existirá  ninguna solución sin el fin de la ilegal y sistemática ocupación israelí en Palestina.

Por una Palestina libre y en paz.


Santiago de Chile, 7 de octubre de 2023


Iraqi Communist Party

The brutal Israeli aggression against Gaza is escalating in a hysterical reaction to the bold operation carried out this morning by the Palestinian resistance against the Zionist occupation forces. The toll of this aggression, at the time of preparing this statement, reached 198 martyrs and hundreds of wounded.

The escalation of Palestinian popular resistance came as a legitimate response to the heinous crimes that Netanyahu’s fascist government, the occupation forces and settler gangs continued to commit against the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Jerusalem. These included repeated raids on Al-Aqsa Mosque and attacks on Christian and Islamic sanctities, in which dozens of innocent civilians were killed, including women and children.

Today's developments confirm once again the established fact that there can be no security and stability in the Middle East region except by ending the hateful Israeli occupation, and the Palestinian people obtaining their full legitimate rights to self-determination, freedom, return and independence, and establishing their independent national state with Jerusalem as its capital.

These developments also reaffirm the blatant bias of the United States and its allies towards Israel, their unlimited support for it, and their obstruction of the implementation of UN resolutions, allowing it to continue its occupation and crimes against the Palestinian people. They expose the falsity of the shameful positions of the Arab regimes involved in the humiliating process of “normalization” with Israel, and constitute a strong blow to them.

The Iraqi Communist Party raises its voice in solidarity with the Palestinian people and their valiant popular resistance to the Zionist occupation. It calls on all Iraqi patriotic forces to express their solidarity with this heroic Palestinian struggle, and to provide further support for it. The Party also calls on the Iraqi government to take urgent action at the Arab and international levels, to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, protect them, stop the massacre that the Israeli occupation forces continue to commit against Gaza, and deter it from carrying out more crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Long live the struggle of the Palestinian people and victory to their courageous popular resistance.

The Political Bureau

Iraqi Communist Party

7 October 2023,

(To be updated)