Friday, July 31, 2020

Britain's Communist Party centenary weekend: 100 years for socialism

The weekend of July 31 and August 1, 2020 marks 100 years since the historic gathering of delegates at the Canon Street Hotel in London to form a united Communist Party.

On this occasion, the Communist Party of Britain organises a series of events which have been adjusted to meet the situation of social distancing due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

According to the Communist Party, the programme of public meetings entitled “Pandemonium” is designed to “provoke and inspire the imagination” and the 13 Red Wedge live-and-direct meetings, which will be held on August 1, are a great opportunity to measure the Party's achievement so far. You can read more and join the "Pandemonium" here:

Friday July 31, the first day of the centenary weekend when the party was founded at the Cannon Street Hotel unity conference back in 1920, General Secretary Robert Griffiths will speak on “Covid-19, Capitalism, Communism.”

The next day, Saturday August 1, the entire party swings into action. With 68 speakers so far — 38 are women, ranging from a dairy farmer and an art theorist, to a school teacher and national trade union leaders, the speakers will open 13 live meetings, where the full extent of the CP programme, Britain’s Road to Socialism, will be explored and put to the test.

The first 12 meetings are designed for the party to outline its political positions, but as importantly, to listen to the changing thinking and mood of workers and activists.

You will be able to join speakers in discussion on key issues: communist women in action, fighting against imperialism and militarism, health and the community, rebuilding housing, the environmental crisis and capitalism, LGBT rights, the EU and austerity, anti-racism and antifascism — and culture matters.

Communist Party General Secretary Robert Griffiths closes the centenary day with a speech about the history of the party, its sense of values and sense of purpose, at 5pm. The Party invites all those who are interested to listen and consider how they might get more involved in the coming years of struggle for socialism.