Sunday, February 11, 2024

The European Communist Action stands by the side of the struggling farmers in Europe

In a statement the European Communist Action expresses solidarity to the struggle of farmers across Europe:

"The mass farmers’ protests that are taking place in many European countries, such as Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Greece, prove that the policies followed by the EU and the anti-popular governments, such as the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the “green” transition, have caused acute problems of economic survival for farmers and stockbreeders.

Rural incomes have been hit by the huge increase in production costs, which are high to ensure the monopoly superprofits of the business groups, such as those in the energy sector, while the burdens of the imperialist war in Ukraine are being shifted onto the popular strata.

Big traders, big agri-business and finance, making superprofits due to CAP market and trade rules, plunder toiling farmers and force them to sell their products at very low prices.Moreover, due to capital concentration and the consequent restructuring, the survival of toiling farmers is called into question.

The European Communist Action expresses its full solidarity with the just struggle of the farmers in Europe, who see the fruits of their labour being stolen by the monopolies, big traders, bankers, in other words by big capital.

The toiling farmers are right. In addition to food production, small farmers play a vital role in providing rural employment. That is why we now need to strengthen our solidarity with their struggle for the immediate satisfaction of their demands, particularly those related to the improvement of conditions for direct producers, rural workers, as well as consumers. For the retrieval of lost income, reduction of production costs, tax-free fuel for agricultural use, full compensation for natural and other disasters, guaranteed minimum prices, no involvement in imperialist wars and interventions, etc."