Showing posts with label workers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workers. Show all posts

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Dockworkers in Greece refused to load arms shipment destined for Israel, forced cargo ship to change route

The militant mobilization of dockworkers at Greece's major port, Piraeus, on Saturday 15 June led to the cancellation of the arrival of “MSC ALTAIR”, a container ship transporting weaponry and ammunition to Israel.

As “Rizospastis” daily reported, MSC ALTAIR began its itinerary from Valencia, Spain and was due to reach Israel via Piraeus. According to information the cargo ship was carrying ammunition and other war material destined to be used by the IDF against the Palestinians in the slaughterhouse of Gaza. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

European Communist Action: Long live the 1st of May — Long live socialism!

ECA Statement on the 1st of May

For the workers’ and communist parties, the 1st of May represents a day of struggle, in remembrance of those who came before us and in honor of those who will continue the struggle.

The working people, not only in the countries of Europe, but in the entire world, have in the past years stood face to face with the inhumanity and brutality of the capitalist system, which has put the entire burden of the increasing prices on the shoulders of the working people. By simultaneously keeping wages down, the situation for the workers and other exploited strata has worsened in every country.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

WFTU opposes and condemns the neo-fascist policies of Javier Milei government in Argentina

The World Federation of Trade Unions strongly opposes and condemns the neo-fascist policies of the Milei government in Argentina. The government’s antipopular measures, including currency devaluation, unconstitutional protocols, and a massive decree, threaten the working class and social justice.

he WFTU stands with the Argentine workers and the class-oriented trade union movement of the country, denouncing the privatization of state entities, erosion of labor rights, and the overall neoliberal agenda.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Kazakhstan: Mass strikes in Zhanaozen and Mangistau following the arrest of oil workers in Astana

Workers' protests in Kazakhstan in 2022.
Kazakhstan is again shaken by events related to mass rallies and strikes, which also began in the oil-producing western region of the country. 
The reason for the protests was the mass arrest on Tuesday of a delegation of dismissed oil workers who went to Astana (now Nur-Sultan) to seek the truth from officials of the Ministry of Energy.

Monday, February 6, 2023

Greece's PAME calls for material aid to earthquake-hit people of Turkey and Syria: "You are not alone"

In a statement following the devastating earthquake that hit regions of South Eastern Turkey and Syria, the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) expresses its full proletarian solidarity and calls for the collection of material aid for the earthquake-hit people:

"PAME stands by our brothers and sisters, the workers and the peoples of Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and all the neighboring countries affected by the massive earthquake in the morning of Monday, 6 February. We are shocked to see the images, especially from the region at the epicentre of the earthquake, where once again natural phenomena have victimised the poor people.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Greek workers on the streets: Massive participation in nationwide strike rallies

With a massive strike rally in the center of Athens and numerous demonstrations over 60 cities across the country, Greece's organized labor movement sent today, November 9, a militant and powerful message of struggle against the anti-people’s policy that generates poverty, hunger, exploitation and wars, that leaves the people freezing so as to warm the profits of the business groups. 

The Unions have declared Wednesday 9 November a 24-hour nationwide strike demanding, among others, substantial increases in wages and pensions, for collective agreements that guarantee stable work with rights, for electricity and basic goods cheap for the people (read PAME statement).

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Greece: The KKE at the side of workers and students

On 8/9, a delegation of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) was once again at the side of the striking workers of “Malamatina”, a large wine production company in Thessaloniki, who continue their multi-day struggle. The delegation of the KKE conveyed the message that the KKE will continue to support their just struggle with all its might.

The strikers demand the revocation of 15 dismissals and the signing of a Collective Labour Agreement.

Monday, June 20, 2022

PAME: Strong, militant successful Congress with more than 2,000 delegates

On June 18-19, 2022, the heart of Greece's working class movement was beating in Piraeus, where the National Meeting of the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) took place, with the participation of more than 2,000 delegates from 506 trade unions of private and public sector from all over the country in addition to 60 Pensioners Unions. 

Under the major slogan “Our Power is in Organization, Hope lies in our Struggles, Our weapon is Solidarity”, trade unionists-workers discussed the current situation in the labour movement, as well as the next steps for the intensification of the class struggle. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

PAME National Congress on June 18-19: Hope lies in our Struggles, Our weapon is Solidarity

Greece's trade union powerhouse PAME, the All-Workers Militant Front, which unifies and have among its members the most active, fighting forces of the trade union movement, organizes its National Congress on June 18-19 in Piraeus. 

On Friday 17th June, an international seminar under the title "The Action of The Unions in All Condition" will take place in Athens.

Below you can read the official statement of PAME: 

Friday, December 17, 2021

USA: No more workers’ blood for the profits of the bosses!

More than 90 people were killed in several states across the U.S. after tornadoes and heavy rains hit the region. Among them are six employees at AMAZON warehouse in St. Louis, Illinois, were roof collapsed and eight workers at a candle factory in Kentucky. 

In a statement, the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) and its militant trade unions across the world pledge "to continue the struggle for all necessary measures to protect workers from natural disasters and extreme weather events, measures that the US do not take because they consider them as a “cost”. 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

PAME: Solidarity with the workers' strikes in the USA

John Deree employees protest in Davenport, Iowa.
In a statement of solidarity towards the recent mobilizations and strikes by workers throughout the United States, the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME), Greece's class-based union movement, stresses out:

"PAME, which represents the class union movement of Greece, a member of the WFTU, expresses solidarity with the workers in the USA who are in various mobilizations, strikes and protests, claiming Collective Agreements with salary increases in many sectors.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Greece: Thousands delivery workers rallied against "e-food" blackmails

Thousands food-delivery workers held massive moto-protests in Athens, Thessaloniki and other cities all over Greece demanding Jobs with rights and permanent contracts against the threats and blackmails of the company "e-food" (subsidiary of the German multinational "Delivery Hero") which threatened the workers with a text to their phones either to accept becoming a “freelancer” or to be fired by not renewing the three-month contracts.