Friday, March 4, 2022

European Communist Initiative on Ukraine war

In a statement on the recent Russian invasion in Ukraine, the Secretariat of the Initiative of Communist and Workers Parties stresses out the following:

"Three decades after the dissolution of the USSR and the imperialist war in Yugoslavia, a new war broke out on European territory. The unacceptable Russian military intervention and invasion of Ukraine has been prepared all the previous years through the USA, NATO, and EU intervention, their support for the reactionary government of Kyiv, the paramilitary mechanisms andfascist groups in Ukraine as well as the plan for the economic, political, and military encirclement of Russia.

Both the imperialist pretexts about “defence”, “safety”, and “guarantees” as well as the hypocritical calls for peace made by the USA, NATO, and the EU—which have massacred Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Mali, etc.— constitute a provocation. Putin’s anti-communist slander against the Bolsheviks, Lenin, and the Soviet Union is also unacceptable. He attempts to conceal the fact that the same people and ethnicities that had been living in peace under socialism for 7 decades are now experiencing the sufferings caused by capitalist restoration.

Behind the pretexts used and the unhistorical sermons lies the fact that this imperialist conflict concerns the fierce competition between USA-NATO-EU and capitalist Russia for market shares, the energy transport routes, and the spheres of influence. The peoples pay a heavy toll for the consequences of this competition both with their blood and with a new round of risingprices of energy, fuel,and other consumer products.

It is in the peoples’ interest to deny choosing an imperialist camp and to organize their own independent struggle against imperialist war.

The peoples need to condemn the bourgeois classes and governments of their countries, which are involved in this war in a multifaceted way by missions abroad, Euro-Atlantic bases on their territory, and an arms race for EU-NATO needs. They must struggle for the disentanglement from imperialist plans and strengthen the struggle for disengagement from the imperialist unions of NATO and the EU so that the people are masters in their own land."