“Der junge Karl Marx” (The Young Karl Marx) is a historical drama that covers the revolutionary, theoretical and political activity of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the period from 1843 to 1847. This is the period when Marx and Engels began the joint work which became the foundation of the scientific worldview of the proletariat.
Within the limited framework of a film, Raoul Peck tries his best in order to present both the rich theoretical work of the two revolutionary thinkers as well as their militant activity. Despite the difficulty of the task the director uses effectively the powerful tools provided by cinema as a means of disseminating ideas.
Sunday, July 31, 2022
Thoughts prompted by the film "The Young Karl Marx"
Saturday, July 30, 2022
Iraq Crisis: Communist Party calls for early elections organised by an independent interim government
The Political Bureau of the party said in a statement that it issued yesterday, 27th July 2022: "At a time when the repercussions of the political impasse and their negative repercussions on the stability of the country and people's lives and livelihoods are intensifying, we hold the forces that still adhere to ethno-sectarian power-sharing as a system for managing the state fully responsible.
Thursday, July 28, 2022
Brazil presidential election: Meet the Communist Party candidates Sofia Manzano and Antônio Alves
Russia: Communist local deputy fined for appealing to Putin for peace
We demand the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine. We demand an end to military action”, legislative assembly member Leonid Vasyukevich had said during a session. Vasyukevich, member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) back then, said continuing Russia’s three-month campaign in Ukraine “would lead to an imminent increase in military deaths and injuries.” "During a military operation, people become disabled. These are young people who could be of great use to our country," he added.
Monday, July 25, 2022
Italy: Massive rally in Piacenza against the persecution of trade unionists
The trade unionists were placed under house arrest and searched on July 19th, based on a 350-page indictment of the Piacenza Public Prosecutor’s Office against USB and Si Cobas unions.
Venezuela: New anti-communist attack against the PCV and the workers' movement
The full statement reads:
On July 21, the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) was the object of a new aggression that demonstrates the Nicolas Maduro government's repressive escalation against the struggles of the workers' and popular movement that confronts the neo-liberal adjustment and government policies that destroy workers' wages.
Sunday, July 24, 2022
Tudeh Party of Iran: Message of the 7th Congress to the communist and workers parties of the world
There needs to be a widening of international solidarity with the Iranian people's struggle for freedom, independence, social justice, peace, and national sovereignty!
Dear Comrades,
Delegates participating in the 7th Congress of the Tudeh Party of Iran extend their warm fraternal greetings to the communist and workers parties (CWPs) of the world who have supported the struggles of the working-class and working people of our country in defence of peace, progress, and democratic rights and freedoms overt he recent difficult and turbulent decades.
Saturday, July 23, 2022
Ukrainian death-list "myrotvorets" must close down!
For almost eight years now, the Ukrainian state fosters and promotes the unacceptable and dangerous targeting of persons who are regarded as “enemies of Ukraine” by the government which emerged after the 2014 coup.
The targeting takes place through the infamous, Kyiv-based website "myrotvorets.center" (“Peacemaker”) which publishes personal information, including photos, home addresses, social media accounts, etc, of people who are labelled as “persona non grata” by the far-right Ukrainian establishment.
Friday, July 22, 2022
KKE: Hands off the communists of Venezuela! Solidarity with the Communist Party of Venezuela
Hands off the communists of Venezuela!
Solidarity with the Communist Party of Venezuela and the labour–popular movement of Venezuela
Ukraine and Russia governments unleash attack against workers' rights
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Presidents Zelensky and Putin, both enemies of the working class. |
Ukraine's Parliament Verkhovna Rada has passed two bills that obliterate workers' rights to collective bargaining and other fundamental labor protections, and allow employers to put up to 10% of their workforce on “zero hour” contracts leaving them without any control over their working lives.
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Communist Party of India (Marxist): Growing assaults on people’s livelihood by Modi government
Growing assaults on people’s livelihood
World Bank data shows that the annual growth of the Indian economy over 2020-22 was a mere 0.8 per cent.
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
PAME denounces the attempts to criminalise trade union action in Italy
In Italy the USB and Si Cobas unions are facing a 350-page indictment by the Piagenza Public Prosecutor’s Office in which the unions and trade unionists are accused of “crimes” such as picketing strikes, protests and mobilisations in the logistics sector.
On the basis of this indictment, a police operation has been carried out since this morning with searches of trade unionists’ homes and the arrest of 4 USB trade unionists.
Monday, July 18, 2022
George Orwell, an anti-communist traitor
A few days ago, the name of George Orwell came to the spotlight during a discussion in the Greek Parliament. In one of their usual dogfights, Prime Minister Mitsotakis and major opposition-Syriza leader Tsipras referred to Orwell's concept of “totalitarianism” in order to attack each other. Mitsotakis quoted the novelist's aversion towards “left totalitarianism”, while Tsipras replied that his party has always been critical towards the actually existing socialism. Their reference to Orwell is no accidental: Despite their particular differences, bourgeois politicians find themselves on the same camp when it comes to anti-communism.
Sunday, July 17, 2022
Cuban revolutionary Jose Ramon Balaguer dies at 90
On behalf of his comrades of the @PCC, which he gave prestige with his exemplarity, and the people of #Cuba, to which he devoted his life tirelessly, our heartfelt embrace to the family and friends of Commander Jose Ramon Balaguer Cabrera, the president wrote on his Twitter account.
Saturday, July 16, 2022
South African Communist Party elects Solly Mapaila as new General Secretary
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Solly Mapaila (left) with former General Secretary Blade Nzimande. |
Mapaila has expressed vocal opposition against corruption and was among the leaders who called former South African President Jacob Zuma to resign before the end of his term.
Nzimande, the Party's long-time General Secretary since 1998 was elected Chairperson.
Ástor García: "To deny the imperialist nature of Russia today is to deny reality"
We are holding this important meeting in an especially difficult moment for class struggle. The imperialist war being waged in Ukraine is the key element that determines all the other issues and, from our viewpoint, it is a turning point in the international scene with important outcomes in the domestic spheres of our countries.
Friday, July 15, 2022
Cuba's Communist Party and KKE reaffirm fraternal relations during meeting in Havana
Morales Ojeda expressed his gratitude for the firm position of the KKE in defense of the Revolution, as well as for the persistent struggle against the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the U.S on the island.
Communist Party of Mexico: No more confidence in the government of López Obrador!
The statement reads:
At the beginning of the year, there was a sharp increase in the cost of living, which reached about 7%. In this situation, the 2022 wage increase did not have a significant effect, and there are still workers who have not yet received the wage change. This implied a higher cost for the workers, who were also affected by the loss of benefits and working conditions during the pandemic.
This has forced workers to cut back on consumption of some goods and services, or to work even longer hours to maintain their real incomes. Halfway through the year, inflation is considered by specialists to be uncontrollable, as it is currently around 7.5 per cent, but is expected to reach 10 per cent by the end of the year. In concrete terms, the basic food basket has shot up to 27% and this is taking its toll on the pockets of working families.
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Joint Statement of the General Secretaries of the CP of Greece, Mexico, Workers of Spain, Turkey
After the meeting, the General Secretaries of the 4 CPs issued the following statement:
“During our meeting on 8/7/22 in Athens, we had the opportunity to exchange opinions on the developments at international and national level, the situation formed due to the imperialist war in Ukraine, and the multifaceted anti-popular and anti-labour attack under the conditions of the so-called Green transition, of the energy crisis and a possible food crisis, essentially of the impending economic recession and crisis.
Union of Communists of Ukraine: On the War and the tasks of the working class
The full statement is as follows:
The general assessment of the nature of the war launched under the guise of a special military operation (SMO) by the Union of Communists of Ukraine (UCU) generally coincides with the Statement of the Communist and Workers' Parties of February 24, 2022, supported by the UCU.
KKE expresses full solidarity with the workers-people's struggle in Sri Lanka
“The KKE expresses its full solidarity to the great struggle of the working class of Sri Lanka. It condemns the brutal crackdown against the mass popular mobilizations which consist a decisive response to the rise in prices, the shortages in basic goods, the generalization of the people's impoverishment. It supports the struggle of the People's Liberation Front (JVP), the country's communists, for the overthrow of the anti-people policy and the defense of the workers and people's rights”.
Monday, July 11, 2022
Greek soldier punished because he publicly expressed anti-NATO views
In a statement, the Solidarity Committee for the Rights of the Conscripts strongly denounces the decision to punish the soldier, underlines the responsibility of the Government and especially the Ministry of Defence and calls for the immediate revocation of the sentence.
Sunday, July 10, 2022
Massive internationalist rally of the KKE in Volos sends powerful anti-imperialist message
The event marked the culmination of the festivities of the 31st Anti-imperialist Camp of the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) which takes place in the seaside village of Nies, Central Greece.
Friday, July 8, 2022
Solidarity with Roofers Local 36 of Los Angeles, USA and Cliff Smith
To Cliff Smith
Roofers Local 36 Business Manager
To Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers
Speech by Dimitris Koutsoumbas, General Secretary of the KKE, at the quadripartite meeting of the 8th of July
“Dear comrades,
We are always happy to welcome the delegates of fraternal Communist Parties at the headquarters of the CC of the KKE. All the more so today, after the pandemic, which had limited our in-person multilateral contact.
KKE MEP: The Euro-Atlantic camp and capitalist Russia are complicit in war massacres
Thursday, July 7, 2022
British communists on Johnson government's collapse: "Downing Street change not enough"
As the news of ministerial resignations broke, Britain’s Communists called for a united response from trade unions and campaigning movements to the cost of living, housing, climate change and food crises.
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Ukraine court confirms ban on the Communist Party, orders its property's seizure
"The court has satisfied the claims of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine: the activities of the Communist Party of Ukraine have been banned; the property, funds and other assets of the party, its regional, city, district organizations, primary centers and other structural entities have been transferred to the ownership of the state," a statement published in Ukrinform reads.
Quadripartite meeting of Communist Parties of Greece, Spain, Mexico and Turkey to be held in Athens
The theme of the meeting, which will take place at the KKE Party headquarters in Perissos, is "We strengthen the workers-people's struggle against the imperialist war and capital's attack, for socialism". According to Rizospastis, all the four parties will be represented by their heads. More specifically, the participant comrades are:
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
KKE condemns the bomb attack at CPI(M) headquarters
In a statement the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) strongly condemned the bomb attack and expressed confidence that “the state government will investigate thoroughly and punish the culprits.
Sunday, July 3, 2022
Kononovich brothers courtroom appeal: “Our case is completely fabricated from start to finish"
Under the pretext of false and groundless accusations, the two brothers, members of the Leninist Communist Youth Union of Ukraine were arrested on March 7th, 2022 and tortured in a Kiev detention center.
Since then, numerous Communist Parties and Youth organizations from all over the world, including the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) have demanded their immediate release. The EU Parliament Group of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) has already submitted two written questions (first and second) to the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs concerning the case of Kononovich brothers.
Saturday, July 2, 2022
Cuba bids farewell to Major General Lopez-Calleja
On his Twitter account, the head of State expressed his condolences on behalf of the Cuban people: "I feel deep pain in expressing my condolences and those of the people of Cuba to the family and friends of Luis Alberto Rodríguez Lopez-Calleja. A revolutionary has left us, a man who served the Homeland and the Revolution in all its trenches"
The 48th KNE Festival to be held on 22-24 September in Athens
The festival, which is traveling in many Greek cities and towns throughout July and August, includes numerous political as well as cultural events.
Friday, July 1, 2022
Slavoj Žižek, an apologist of Capitalism disguised as "Marxist philosopher"
"The least we owe Ukraine is full support, and to do this we need a stronger Nato [...] Today, one cannot be a leftist if one does not unequivocally stand behind Ukraine” (The Guardian, June 21, 2022).
Who is the author of the above words? Is it NATO Secretary Jens Stoltenberg? Or German Chancellor Olaf Scholz? Maybe Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez? None of them. The phrase belongs to a celebrity of contemporary left-wing intelligentsia. The much publicized “Hegelian Marxist” philosopher Slavoj Žižek.