Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan is on a visit to Greece, as the head of a multi-member delegation consisting by the president of the Women's Union, the deputy ministers of Foreign Affairs, Labour and Social Affairs, Planning and Investments, Industry and Trade, as well as other governmental officials. From the side of the KKE the meeting was also attended by Giorgos Marinos, Politburo member, MEP Lefteris Nikolaou-Alavanos and Christina Skaloumpaka, president of the Greek Women's Federation. The Ambassador of Vietnam in Greece Le Hong Truong also participated in the meeting.
Dimitris Koutsoumbas referred to the traditional relations of friendship, solidarity and collaboration between the Communist Parties of Greece and Vietnam, underlining that the KKE fought for the liberation of the Vietnamese people from the French and U.S. imperialists. He also noted the special contribution of the late Greek communist Kostas Sarantidis, known as Nguyen Van Lap, who fought on the side of the people of Vietnam and became a hero in the Asian country.
The General Secretary of the KKE stressed out the joint struggles of the two parties in the International Meetings of Communist and Workers' Parties, the SolidNet network and other international forums including the World Peace Council (WPC), the World Democratic Federation of Women and the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU). Furthermore, he noted that the KKE promotes the solidarity between the two people and wants the development of equal and beneficial economic, political and cultural relations between Greece and Vietnam.
Speaking about the international political developments, Secretary Koutsoumbas said that the escalation of imperialist rivalries and competitions pose a threat for peace worldwide. He pointed out that the KKE is concerned about the new AUKUS agreement, as well as about the U.S-China conflict which creates dangers for the people both in Eastern Mediterranean and the Indo-Pacific region.
Concerning the developments in Eastern Mediterranean, the KKE leader referred to the intensification of the competitions in the Aegean, in Cyprus, in Northern Africa, adding that, under the responsibility of the previous and current government, Greece has been transformed into a vast base for the U.S and NATO. Koutsoumbas concluded by underlining that the recent deals with the U.S. and France for the purschase of military equipment do not serve the country's defense but the aggressive aims of NATO.