Wednesday, February 17, 2021

American neo-Nazi thug Robert Rundo expelled from Serbia

On Thursday 11 February, the anti-fascist movement of Serbia and particularly the League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia (SKOJ) achieved an important victory, as the country's authorities finally expelled American neo-Nazi Robert Rundo.

SKOJ had launched a campaign for the expulsion of Rundo, a U.S. citizen well known for his neo-Nazi, racist and xenophobic attitudes. Among others, Rundo is a convicted member of a New York gang, the founder of white supremacist-racist organization "Rise Above Movement" (RAM) and financier of fascist groups in Serbia. 
Rundo had been jailed for a gang stabbing in New York in 2009. His racist group "RAM" is a white supremacist movement variously described as “a loose collective of violent neo-Nazis and fascists”. The Southern Poverty Law Center civil rights organisation says RAM “is inspired by identitarian movements in Europe, and is trying to bring their philosophies and violent tactics to the United States”.

Rundo believes that “Western civilisation is threatened by Muslims, migrants and Jews”. He is currently awaiting the outcome of court pro-ceedings for provoking riots during street protests in the USA.

In 2018 he was arrested at Los Angeles International Airport while a search at his home found a large portrait of Adolf Hitler.

Rundo has been living in Belgrade since March 2020. He is the main financier of several Serbian racist and xenophobic fascist groups. He organizes them into an informal coalition called Belgrade Nationalists, a network of ultra-right extremists.

Two of its members were recently arrested and will be tried for desecrating and extinguishing the Eternal Fire at the Cemetery of the Liberators of Belgrade, which honours the Soviet soldiers and Yugoslav partisans who liberated Belgrade in WW2. No one, however, has been prosecuted for the attack on the cemetery.

This group was also responsible for writing offensive graffiti on the Tomb of the People’s Heroes in Belgrade, in which prominent communists are buried, most of them fighters against the Nazi-fascist occupation in the Second World War. SKOJ has come into possession of photographs showing Rundo personally participating in the desecration of the monument. These have been forwarded to the Serbian Ministry of the Interior.

Rundo founded Will2Rise in Serbia thus acquiring the status of "foreign investor" with the right to residence. But his company actually served as a screen for organizing and financing the activities of ultra-right groups in Serbia.

In this way, the neo-Nazi criminal was trying to create an opportunity for himself to avoid the call of the US judicial authorities.

The League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia (SKOJ), which had a major contribution in exposing the actual role of Rundo, calls his expulsion from Serbia as a "small but very significant victory of anti-fascism in Serbia". SKOJ also pledges that will continue to uncompromisingly oppose and fight the rise of fascism and calls all anti-fascists to join this struggle.