Showing posts with label SUMA (Mexico). Show all posts
Showing posts with label SUMA (Mexico). Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Mexico's social democracy exposed: MORENA fanatics attacked Communist Party members

SUMA aggressors in action
Once again, social democracy showed its true, disgustingly anti-communist face. In Mexico, cadres and members of the Communist Party (Partido Comunista - PCM) became targets of a violent attack by supporters of the social democratic MORENA party. 

According to a statement published in El Machete, PCM's official gazette, the incident took place on May 19, during the last presidential debate (Mexico's presidential elections are due to take place on 2 June 2024). With the purpose of denouncing its political exclusion from the electoral process, a delegation of the Communist Party headed by Marco Vinicio Dávila, communist candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, and Ángel Chávez, candidate for Head of Government, staged a protest.