Showing posts with label Rizospastis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rizospastis. Show all posts

Sunday, April 3, 2016

RIZOSPASTIS Headlines (3/4/2016)

Sunday edition of "Rizospastis".
Organ of the CC of KKE.

- Escalation of people's activity in front of unpopular developments.
- Coalition government-Quartet: Anti-people escalation in the background of memorandums' update.
- D.Koutsoumbas: The working-peoples' movement to demand immediate measures for the refugees, against the EU decisions.
- Patras Municipality- March against unemployment: Today at 9 am the beginning from Patras.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

RIZOSPASTIS headlines (26/3/2016)

Sunday edition of "Rizospastis".
Organ of the CC of KKE (Communist Party of Greece)

- Antipeople and dangerous developments: Popular mobilization and action (is) the only solution.
- Everybody at PAME's rallies: Tuesday 29/3 in Thessaloniki, 31/3 in Athens and Piraeus.
- The KKE Central Committee honours Yannis Markopoulos (composer): A great concert on Monday 28th of March.
- Municipality of Patras: The large mobilization against unemployment begins on Saturday 2nd of April.