Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Farewell to veteran Danish communist Anton Nielsen

Numerous friends, comrades and workers paid farewell to veteran Danish communist Anton Nielsen who died at the age of 84. The civil funeral took place on January 6 at the Construction Workers' Union (BJMF) in Copenhagen.  

The memorial event was attended, among others, by members of the KKE and KNE branches in Denmark.

Anton Nielsen, a bricklayer by profession, was a lifelong committed communist and anti-imperialist, President of the anti-fascist group Horserød-Stutthof Foreningen, member of the FIR.

Following the counterrevolutionary overthrows in the beginning of 1990s, Nielsen and his comrades played a leading role in the formation of a marxist-leninist Communist Party in his country.  

In 2011, he received a six-month prison sentence due to his active support to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).