
Thursday, July 12, 2018

KKE: Tsipras' speech at NATO Summit insults and provokes the Greek people

"The SYRIZA-ANEL government emerges as the most consistent pro-NATO power. The speech of Tsipras at the Summit was an "hymn" to NATO, which insults and provokes the Greek people" writes a statement of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece regarding the recent NATO summit in Brussels. 

The KKE statement points out that "the NATO Summit, with the agreement of the SYRIZA-ANEL government, concluded in very dangerous decisions and plans of war preparation, part of which is the acceleration of new countries' integration in the murderous alliance". 

"Within the frame of the aspiration for the euroatlantic control of West Balkans and Black Sea, the accession of FYROM, as well as of Ukraine and Georgia, in NATO has been launched" says the statement.

Regarding the recent agreement between Athens and Skopje on the naming dispute, the KKE points out that "it has been proved that behind the hurry for the conclusion of the negotiations witrh FYROM was the aim of the country's accession in NATO which put its seal on the recent agreement between the governments of Greece and FYROM in Prespes".

The KKE slams the government for the high military expenditures (Greece is 2nd among NATO member-states in military expenditures) and warns for the dangers of new imperialist wars. "Under the known pretext of 'battling terrorism and instability' new interventions in the Middle East and Northern Africa are being promoted", stresses the Communist Party's statement.

The KKE underlines that the SYRIZA government "is trying to play an upgraded role within the framework of the imperialist plans, on behalf of the Greek bourgeois class thus involving the Greek people in adventures and dangers". All these are taking place while, as the statement writes, "NATO consistently washes its hands both for the Turkish agression as well as for the two Greek soldiers who remain imprisoned by- the NATO "ally"- Turkey".