
Thursday, December 5, 2019

General Strike in France - Grève Générale en France: Solidarity from WFTU and PAME

Today, December 5th, thousands of workers across France participate in a nationwide general strike against the anti-people, anti-worker reforms announced by Emmanuel Macron's government. The government's reforms include several blows to the pension system, including rise in retirement age limits and reduce of financial recompensation. 

In a statement, the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) expresses solidarity with the general strike of December 5th. The statement reads:

The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), the only international expression of the class-oriented trade union movement and representing 97 million workers in 130 countries around the world, expresses its warmest support and internationalist solidarity with the general strike of December 5 in France.
The working class of France, after the call of the CGT France, will take the streets and stop production, claiming its contemporary needs, against the recipes of capital, the bourgeois government of Macron and the European Union.
The main sectors of the country will participate in the class-oriented mobilizations, especially transport, commerce and services, education, energy, public services, refineries, agri-food industry, the waste collection and treatment sector, the automobile industry, hospitals, firefighters, ports and  media among others.
While the mobilizations of the last period showed that bourgeois power can bleed, now the workers of France can further strengthen the resistance of the peoples of Europe against the anti-labor measures promoted in every corner of the continent, paralyzing and blocking production.
The WFTU commits itself to continue steadily on the side of the working class of France, supporting its just struggles, for the end of capitalist exploitation.
We call on all workers in France, regardless of their union affiliation, to participate in the December 5 strike and ignore the calls of the ETUC bureaucratic nomenclature which is aligned with the European bourgeois class.
Dear colleagues, hold fast !
All united in the struggle !

Solidarité FSM avec la grève générale du 5 décembre

La Fédération Syndicale Mondiale (FSM), seule expression du mouvement syndical international de classe et représentant 97 millions de travailleurs.ses  dans 130 pays, exprime son soutien le plus chaleureux et sa solidarité internationaliste avec la grève générale du 5 décembre en France 
La classe ouvrière de France, suite à l’appel de la CGT France, sortira dans les rues et bloquera la production pour défendre leurs besoins contemporains, contre les recettes du capital, du gouvernement bourgeois de Macron et de l’Union européenne. 
Les principaux secteurs du pays participeront aux mobilisations de classe, notamment les transports, le commerce et les services, l’éducation, l’énergie, les services publics, les raffineries et carburants, l’industrie alimentaire, le caoutchouc, la collecte et le traitement des déchets, l’industrie automobile, les hôpitaux, les pompiers et les ports ainsi que les médias parmi d’autres. 
Alors que les mobilisations de la dernière période ont montré que le pouvoir bourgeois peut saigner, les travailleurs.ses français.es peuvent désormais renforcer la résistance des peuples d’Europe, paralysant et bloquant la production, contre les mesures anti-ouvrières promues aux quatre coins du continent. 
La FSM s’engage à continuer de façon constante aux côtés de la classe ouvrière de France, en soutenant ses justes luttes, pour mettre fin à l’exploitation capitaliste. 
Nous appelons tous et toutes les travailleurs.ses en France, quelle que soit leur affiliation syndicale, à participer à la grève du 5 décembre et à ignorer les appels de la nomenclature bureaucratique de la CES qui est alignée avec la bourgeoisie européenne. 
Tenez bon les camarades ! 
Tous et toutes uni.e.s dans la lutte !
Solidarity from PAME
Solidarity towards the French working class and the December 5th general strike has been expressed by the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME). 
In a statement PAME points out: "The attack of the governments in salaries, pensions, in Social Security rights, that takes place both in Greece and France, shows that, in every country, the common enemy of the workers are the business groups, the EU and the governments which want to increase the profits of the monopolies in every possible way thus abolishing whatever has been left from labour rights".
PAME stresses out that "In Greece as well, the government of ND, continuing the work of SYRIZA, preparers a new attack to the Social Security rights. The privatization that is in progress by the government serves the increase of the profits of insurance companies and monopoly groups. For us, Social Security is not a private matter of every worker, but a social right".
"PAME stands by your side. Within the framework of Internationalist, Class Solidarity with the General Strike of the Workers of France, a delegation of PAME will be in Paris on December 5th and will participate in the mobilizations".