
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Communist and Workers' Parties denounce Maduro Government's plans to attack and ban the Communist Party of Venezuela!

In a joint statement, Communist and Workers' Parties from across the world strongly denounce the plans (read here & here) of the leadership of Venezuela's governing party (PSUV) to assault the Communist Party of Venezuela

Earlier this year (February 2023), in similar joint statement, 30 Communist Parties condemned the anti-communist machinations of the social democratic Venezuelan government.

The full statement reads:

For many months now, communists all over the world have been following a slanderous and anti-communist campaign against the CP of Venezuela launched by the leadership of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). All signs indicate that this process will escalate in the coming months.

While the CP of Venezuela is participating in and promoting the struggles for the improvement of wages, the people’s income and the rights of working people in general, the Venezuelan government chooses the slippery slope of criminalizing struggles and persecuting communists. It cannot subjugate the CP of Venezuela and turn it into an instrument in the service of the anti-popular policy that has condemned the Venezuelan people to the escalating deterioration of their living conditions; thus it aims to create a mockery of the Communist Party, comprised of mercenaries, PSUV members and government officials, so that it can then justify the attack and judicial intervention against the CP of Venezuela.

The Communist and Workers’ Parties unequivocally condemn and reject any attempt to prosecute and criminalize the CP of Venezuela as well as any judicial machination that may not recognize its elected leadership in the recent 16th Congress. We are well aware that the CP of Venezuela has many years of militant experience and unbreakable ties with the working class and the people and that it will not bow before blackmail and persecution.

We express our solidarity with the Venezuelan people who are the victims of both the imperialist sanctions and attacks and the anti-popular policies that are being implemented. We particularly express our solidarity with the Communist Party and the Communist Youth of Venezuela, with the workers’–people’s movement in Venezuela as a whole and its legitimate right to struggle to defend its demands and interests.

No to the intervention in and ban on the Communist Party of Venezuela! 

No to the criminalization of the workers’ struggles and the Communist Party of Venezuela!

SolidNet Parties

  1. Communist Party of Albania
  2. Communist Party of Belgium
  3. Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia
  4. German Communist Party
  5. Communist Party of Greece
  6. Tudeh Party of Iran
  7. Iraqi Communist Party
  8. Communist Party Kurdistan-Iraq
  9. Workers Party of Ireland
  10. Communist Party of Israel
  11. Communist Party of Luxembourg
  12. Communist Party of Malta
  13. Communist Party of Mexico
  14. New Communist Party of the Netherlands
  15. Communist Party of Norway
  16. Communist Party of Pakistan
  17. Palestinian Communist Party
  18. Palestinian Peoples Party
  19. Paraguayan Communist Party
  20. Communist of Serbia
  21. Communist Party of Sweden
  22. Syrian Communist Party
  23. Communist Party of Turkey
  24. Communist Party of Venezuela



Manos fuera del Partido Comunista de Venezuela

¡No al plan de asalto e ilegalización contra el  PCV!

Los comunistas de todo el mundo llevamos muchos meses viendo cómo se desarrolla una campaña difamatoria y anticomunista contra el Partido Comunista de Venezuela (PCV) por parte de la dirigencia del PSUV y fuerzas gubernamentales, un proceso que todo apunta a que se intensificará en los próximos meses. 

Mientras el PCV impulsa y participa en las luchas por la mejora de los salarios, de los ingresos del pueblo y de los derechos de los trabajadores en general, el gobierno venezolano opta por el resbaladizo camino de la criminalización de las luchas y la persecución anticomunista. Como no puede subordinaral PCV y convertirlo en un instrumento al servicio de la política antipopular que ha condenado al pueblo venezolano al deterioro creciente de sus condiciones de vida, su objetivo es crear una parodia de "PC", compuesto por mercenarios, militantes del PSUV y funcionarios del gobierno, para posteriormente justificar un ilegal proceso de asalto e intervención judicial contra el PCV.

Los Partidos Comunistas y Obreros condenamos y rechazamos categóricamente cualquier intento de persecución y criminalización contra el Partido Comunista de Venezuela, y cualquier maniobra judicial que pretenda desconocer a laDirección elegida en el reciente XVI Congreso del PCV. Sabemos muy bien que el PCV tiene muchos años de experiencia militante, vínculos inquebrantables con la clase obrera y el pueblo, y no se doblegará ante el chantaje y la persecución.

Expresamos nuestra solidaridad con el pueblo venezolano que es víctima tanto de las sanciones y ataques imperialistas como de las políticas antipopulares que se están aplicando. Expresamos en particular nuestra solidaridad con el Partido Comunista de Venezuela y la Juventud Comunista de Venezuela, y con el movimiento obrero y popular venezolano en general, y su legítimo derecho aluchar por defender sus reivindicaciones e intereses.

¡No a la intervención e ilegalización del PCV!

¡No a la criminalización de las luchas obreras y del PCV!
