
Sunday, December 19, 2021

Venezuela: Attacks against the Communist Party must stop!

In a joint statement more than 20 Communist and Workers' Parties from all over the world express solidarity to the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) and demand an end to the various attacks against the political and electoral rights of the PCV, ahead of the January 2022 elections. 

The statement titled "Solidarity with the PCV in the face of the attacks against its political and electoral rights" is the following:

"We, the undersigned Communist and Workers’ Parties, express our energetic condemnation of the recent measure of political disqualification against the PCV that seeks to prevent it from participating in the elections of January 9, 2022.

During the regional electoral process of November 21, we were able to evidence how 13 PCV candidates were disqualified in an arbitrary and illegal manner and institutional moves applied so that the PCV could not participate with its own candidacies in the elections.

We observe with great concern the advance of dangerous practices that undermine the democratic freedoms of the workers and their revolutionary organizations in Venezuela.

We demand that the attacks against the PCV cease immediately and that its right to participate in the elections of January 9, 2022 be immediately restored.

The statement is open for further signatures.

SolidNet Parties

    Communist Party of Albania
    Party of Labour of Austria
    Communist Party of Belgium
    Brazilian Communist Party
    Communist Party of Canada
    Colombian Communist Party
    Socialist Workers' Party of Croatia
    German Communist Party
    Communist Party of Greece
    Workers Party of Ireland
    Communist Partyof Israel
    Communist Party of Mexico
    Paraguayan Communist Party
    New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
    Communists of Serbia
    Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
    Communist Party of the Workers of Spain
    Communists of Catalonia
    Syrian Communist Party
    Communist Party of Sweden
    Communist Party of Turkey
    Communist Party of Venezuela

 Other Parties

    Communist Front, Italy

Solidaridad con el PCV frente a los ataques contra sus derechos políticos y electorales

Los Partidos Comunistas y obreros abajo firmantes, queremos expresar nuestra enérgica condena a la reciente medida de inhabilitación política contra el PCV que busca impedirle participar de las elecciones del próximo 9 de enero del 2022.

Ya durante el proceso electoral regional del pasado 21 de noviembre, pudimos evidenciar como de forma arbitraria e ilegal se inhabilitaron 13 candidatos del PCV y se desarrollaron maniobras institucionales para que el PCV no pudiera participar con candidaturas propias en las elecciones.

Observamos con gran preocupación cómo avanzan en Venezuela prácticas peligrosas que socavan las libertades democráticas de los trabajadores y sus organizaciones revolucionarias.

Demandamos que cesen de inmediato los ataques contra el PCV y le sea restituido de inmediato su derecho a participar en las elecciones del 9 de Enero del 2022. 
