
Friday, December 4, 2020

Letter of the KKE to the National Electoral Council of Venezuela: On the anti-democratic censorship against PCV and APR

In a letter addressed to the President of the National Electoral Council of Venezuela Indira Alfonso, the member of the Political Bureau of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and MP Giorgos Marinos denounces the exclusion of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) and the Popular Revolutionary Alternative (APR) electoral coalition from public and private media coverage ahead of the December 6th parliamentary elections. 

Read more about the censorship imposed on PCV and APR here. The letter is the following:

To: The National Electoral Council of Venezuela

Notification: Embassy of Venezuela in Athens

Dear Mrs. Indira Alfonso,

President of the National Electoral Council of Venezuela

The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) has always expressed its firm solidarity with the people of Venezuela, it has denounced the imperialist attacks of the USA and their allies against Venezuela by organizing dozens of initiatives, and it has strongly denounced the attempted coup d' état by the imperialists' puppet, Juan Guaidó, to overthrow the elected president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro. Our Party has held public rallies with thousands of people in solidarity with the people of Venezuela to condemn the acts of aggression by the imperialists and, in this context, it is in contact with the Venezuelan diplomatic mission in our country.

We are writing this letter to protest and denounce the exclusion of our fraternal Party, the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) and the Popular Revolutionary Alternative (APR) electoral coalition from the public and private media of  Venezuela during the pre-election period. At the same time, it is provocative that only the candidacies and the pre-election program of the ruling PSUV party and also of the right-wing opposition parties are broadcasted by the public media. All the evidence shows that this situation is a product of political choice aiming at excluding the "annoying" voice of PCV and APR that criticize the policies of the ruling party.

This is an anti-democratic exclusion that violates the democratic rights of the Venezuelan people, attempts to conceal the PCV candidate list from the Venezuelan people and undermines the possibility of electing representatives to the new National Assembly. In addition, it is an illegal exclusion, since it violates Article 81 of the Electoral Law of Venezuela.

We call on the National Electoral Council to take all necessary measures to put an end to the exclusion and censorship against PCV and APR, and to provide equal media coverage of all political combinations by public and private media in the days leading up to the elections.

Yours sincerely,

Giorgos Marinos,

Member of the PB of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece, Member of the Greek Parliament.

Section of International Relations of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece.

Carta del Partido Comunista de Grecia (KKE) al Consejo Nacional Electoral de Venezuela

Al: Consejo Nacional Electoral de Venezuela

Atención: Embajada de Venezuela en Atenas

Distinguida señora Indira Alfonzo,

Presidenta del Consejo Nacional Electoral de Venezuela

El Partido Comunista de Grecia (KKE) a lo largo de los años ha expresado su solidaridad con el pueblo de Venezuela; con decenas de iniciativas ha denunciado los ataques imperialistas de Estados Unidos y de sus aliados contra Venezuela, ha denunciado enérgicamente el intento de golpe de Estado por la marioneta de los imperialistas, Juan Guidó, para derrocar al presidente electo de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro. Nuestro Partido ha realizado eventos públicos con miles de personas en solidaridad con el pueblo de Venezuela, y para condenar las acciones agresivas de los imperialistas y en esa dirección tiene contacto con la misión diplomática venezolana en nuestro país.

Por medio de la presente protestamos y denunciamos la exclusión de nuestro Partido hermano, el Partido Comunista de Venezuela (PCV), y la coalición Alternativa Popular Revolucionaria (APR) de los medios públicos y privados durante la campaña electoral. Al mismo tiempo, resulta provocativo que a través de las frecuencias públicas que utilizan los medios de comunicación se muestren solo las candidaturas y el programa preelectoral del partido gobernante PSUV, pero también de los partidos de la oposición de derecha. Todo apunta a que esta situación es producto de una opción política, y se pretende excluir las voces "molestas" del PCV y la APR, que critican la política del partido gobernante.

Es una exclusión antidemocrática que viola los derechos democráticos del pueblo venezolano, intenta ocultar la candidatura del PCV al pueblo venezolano y socavar la posibilidad de elegir representantes a la nueva Asamblea Nacional. Además, es una exclusión ilegal por violar los artículos 72 y 81 de la Ley Electoral venezolana.

Llamamos al Consejo Nacional Electoral para que tome todas las medidas necesarias para levantar la exclusión y censura contra el PCV y la APR, para que los días que faltan hasta las elecciones exista una cobertura equitativa de todos los partidos candidatos por los medios públicos y privados.


Giorgos Marinos, miembro del BP del CC del KKE, diputado del Parlamento griego

Sección de Relaciones Internacionales del CC del KKE.
